"This... I can't explain it clearly, you should go and see for yourself!!"

Chapter 1866

Chapter 1866

When Lucius walked up the wall...

The city walls were already crowded with people.

They looked out of the city with strange and terrified eyes...

"This... These wolves are so big... What did they eat to grow so big??"

"A lot of wolves..."

"Allah is above... Is this a divine punishment sent down by the gods who are angry??"

"Longevity God..."

Because most of the laborers gathered here are foreigners, so their beliefs are quite different... However, at this time they are all doing one thing, that is, praying to the gods they believe in...

There is no way, the scene in front of me is too terrifying...

Lucius looked at the city, and was dumbfounded... "Sun God... are you testing your people?"

I saw that outside the Yanmen Pass at this time... the land that was originally covered with yellow sand has turned into a gray-black ocean... As far as the eye can see, there are all tall, ferocious wolves...

These wild wolves didn't howl or fight together, they just crawled or squatted there quietly... They looked extremely quiet.

If it weren't for their tongue sticking out from time to time, it would be easy to be misunderstood as statues...

However, the appearance of the wolves made Lucuis suddenly think... [Why do these wolves look like trained soldiers? ? 】

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Lucius shook his head and threw out this ridiculous idea...


A trained wolf pack...?

Stop it……

If only a single wolf, or hundreds of wolves have been trained, Luckis still believes that, after all-the profession of animal trainer is not without...

However, the darkness in front of my eyes shows that there are at least hundreds of thousands of giant wolves. It would be ridiculous to say that they have all been trained by humans... Taming a wild wolf is definitely not an easy task. Do not even think about domesticating hundreds of thousands of wild wolves at the same time...

That requires at least the same number of animal trainers...

However, with so many beast tamers, why don't you do something else? ? Why do you want to train wolves? ?

Wouldn't it be better to train elephants for combat? That kind of Big Mac-like thing, as long as it is covered with iron armor, it is simply a meat grinder on the battlefield.

Just when Lukuis was complaining in his heart, suddenly—the wolf tide under the city in front of him suddenly moved...

"Look, look... Those wolves, they moved..."

"Fuck...it looks so spectacular..."

Looking at the movements of the wolves in front of him, Lucuis had to admit that what the alien said just now was indeed true, it looked really spectacular...

I saw that the pack of wolves, like the gray ocean, suddenly rushed towards both sides like Moses divided the sea...

In the middle of them, a ten-meter-wide avenue was opened...

Then, a figure walked towards Yanmen Pass from the avenue amidst the tide of wolves... Where he walked, all the giant wolves on both sides prostrated themselves on the ground, as if they were worshiping their gods generally……

"Zhou Ye!!!"

Seeing this figure, Lucius shouted his name in surprise...

"Hey, Lucius... what do you think of my giant wolf army?" Zhou Ye had already arrived at the gate of Yanmen Pass... shouted at Lucuis on the city wall.

"This..." Looking at the confident Zhou Ye, Lu Kuis didn't know what to say...

After thinking for a while, he said loudly: "You wait for me there, I'll go down and talk to you right away..."

After finishing speaking, he said to his soldiers: "Everyone, follow me..."

"Yes, General!"

The Roman soldiers shouted one by one and replied.

"General, do we need to bring weapons??" A soldier hesitated and asked.

After all, there are so many wild wolves out there, even those who have been through the battlefield for a long time, feel a little trembling in their hearts...

"You don't need to bring it..." At this point, Lu Kuis suddenly paused, and after thinking for a while, he said, "You guys should put on all my armor and weapons..."

"Yes, General!" xn

After the soldiers agreed in unison, they turned back to their camps and equipped all their armor and weapons...

Why did Lucquise suddenly change his mind? ?

Because... After experiencing the shock just now, he suddenly realized one thing...

Even trained wolves, their teeth can't bite through the armor of soldiers...

Well, this is embarrassing...

A tide of hundreds of thousands of wolves, facing a hundred thousand Roman legions armed to the teeth, ended up being slaughtered...

If Lucuis was a person who would do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, he should praise Zhou Ye's wolf tide army loudly at this time, and then trick them into going up to die.

Other wolves might not be able to do it, but - delaying the time and causing some losses to Tibes's army is still easy.

It's a pity that Luckis followed Crassus

An insidious and cunning master, but—he didn't learn anything about Crassus' insidiousness... On the contrary, he is a more practical guy.

Therefore, Lucuis intends to use the strength of his soldiers to persuade Zhou Ye to give up this deal...

He didn't want to watch Zhou Ye die...

In fact, in essence, Lucius and Huo An are the same type of people, except that one is kind and the other is loyal.

But, generally speaking, they are good people...

Lucuis stood behind the city gate, waiting for his soldiers to arrive, while thinking in his heart how to persuade Zhou Ye to give up this deal...

However—before he could figure out why, his soldiers were already fully armed and appeared in front of him in a neat formation...

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