After all, they escaped, not left their hometown voluntarily...

If possible, who would want to spend their entire lives in a foreign country?

Now that the strength of the giant wolf army has been recognized, Lucuis began to plan a counterattack plan...

The first step, of course, is to find the location of Tibes Legion...

If you don't even know the location of the enemy, then you still have to fight a hammer battle...

So, a dozen clever Roman soldiers rode fast horses and headed towards the location the adjutant had told them...

Their only role is to find out where the Tibes Legion has gone and where it will be stationed...

And what about Zhou Ye? Naturally, he will not go back to Yanmen Pass... He stayed with his wolf army...

After all, he didn't like crowded places very much, and the conditions in Yanmen Pass were really not that good, not as comfortable as his own magic tent.

At this time, the legend of the so-called wolf god has already begun to spread among the various ethnic groups in the Yanmen Pass...

In their view, the only person who can command so many wolves is the wolf god... In this way, Zhou Ye's infinite power also has a perfect explanation. Yes...he is a wolf god.

Of course Zhou Ye heard some rumors, but he just laughed it off. To a certain extent, he can indeed call himself a god, although he doesn't like that...

Chapter 1869

Chapter 1869

"My subordinates have already found out the location of Tibes Army..."

At this time, Lu Kuis was discussing matters with Zhou Ye, Huo An and others in the room in Yanmen Pass...

The cavalry he sent out has returned...

"They're right here..." Lucius said, pointing to a location on the map of the Western Regions on the desktop...

"This is the ancient city of Loulan..." Huo An, who was standing aside, immediately recognized the location pointed out by Lucquis... "Tibes will indeed find a good place... Although it has been destroyed, many of the city walls remain They are all in good is a good place to stay!!"

Hearing Huo An's words, Lucius nodded...

And Zhou Ye couldn't help but want to complain... This movie is full of bugs everywhere...

The ancient kingdom of Loulan was established in 176 BC, and it disappeared in 630 BC. Now, it is 48 BC... In other words, Boss Long made the ancient kingdom of Loulan advance by more than 700 years. The year disappeared... this shit... hey.

Loulan Ancient State said - I have a saying mmp I don't know if I should say it or not...

"Zhou? What's the matter with you??" Seeing the look on Zhou Ye's face that wanted to speak but refused to speak, Lu Kuis couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing... Now that the goal is determined, let's go!!" Zhou Ye said, turned his head and walked out... No, he can't stay here anymore, he can't help but want to complain about this It's the world of bugs...

"Zhou looks very unhappy?" Looking at Zhou Ye's back, Lu Kuis looked at Huo An and asked, "Did I say something wrong?"

"Uh——shouldn't there be?" Huo An actually didn't know why there was such an expression on Zhou Ye's face...

Gossip less...

With the goal determined——Zhou Ye's army of wolves began to set off...

Lucuis also took his own soldiers, followed behind the wolf army, and marched towards the ancient city of Loulan...

I have to say that the scene of thousands of wolves galloping is really spectacular...Where the wolf army goes, all beasts change...Especially those nomadic herdsmen who saw the wolf tide from afar, The one who ran called "Hurry Up... It was like his butt was on fire."

Five days later—————

Outside the ancient city of Loulan...

Tibes's army has already formed a formation outside the ancient city of Loulan... ready to fight.

This is also something that can't be helped... A wave of wolves consisting of hundreds of thousands of wild wolves, when they act, it is really difficult to hide from people...

Moreover, since there are countries in the Western Regions who love the Han Empire, there are of course people from the Western Regions who hate the Han Empire, and most of the supplies of the Tibes Legion are supplied by such people... These people are selling to While feeding them, they also passed the news of the wolf tide to Tibes...

Therefore, this is why Tibes is so prepared.

The wolf wave stopped in front of the Tibes army...

At this time, Tibes was riding his horse, standing behind the heavy infantry line of defense, looking at the wave of wolves in front of him...

"Interesting...I didn't expect that the mysterious eastern country is still so wild...It is still using wild beasts to fight..." Tibes looked at the wave of wolves in front of him, without the slightest look of fear on his face... "This is really amazing Interesting..."

"Tibes, I think you should pay attention..." An old Roman man standing beside Tibes said with a serious expression: "Yin Poke never said that the Han Dynasty had the habit of using wild beasts... I think we should be more careful!"

"My teacher, you really like to worry too much..." Tibes didn't care about his teacher's persuasion. "Do you think these beasts can pierce the armor of our soldiers with their claws?"

Seeing Tibbs' indifferent look, his teacher just thought

A few more words of persuasion...

I saw—the wave of wolves in the distance suddenly separated towards the two sides...

A group of people came out from the wave of wolves... none other than Zhou Ye, Lu Kuis and Huo An.

Tibes didn't know Zhou Ye and Huo An, and he didn't care about it... However, he was not so familiar with Lu Kuis...

"Hahahaha... Lucuis..." Tibes laughed and shouted, "I never thought that after you assassinated my father and kidnapped my younger brother to escape, you would have fallen into the company of wild beasts... are truly fallen, Lucius..."

" murdered your own father, and poisoned your younger brother's bastard..." Hearing Tibes' framing, Lucius trembled with anger...

"Haha... Lucuis, if you have no ghosts in your heart, why did you take my brother and run away?" Facing Lucuis' accusation, Tibes said calmly...

Things like righteousness are usually used to deceive the soldiers below...

In front of the two armies, in front of so many Roman soldiers, of course Tibes would not admit what he had done...

Ordinary Roman soldiers can only be skeptical about this kind of thing... How do you tell them to tell the truth when the public says the public is right and the woman is right? ?

However, Tibes is their commander now... They are born to be closer to Tibes from the bottom of their hearts...

Hearing Tibes' shameless spitting of blood... Lucius was so angry that he couldn't speak...

"Okay, Lu Kuis..." Zhou Ye patted Lu Kuis on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "The winner is the king and the loser... When you catch him, all the truth will be revealed... Da Zi With this kind of thing, you, a good person, can't fight against that guy who can kill his father and his younger brother..."

"Hmm..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Lukuis nodded... He had to admit that he was far inferior to Tibes in matters such as shamelessness.

"Leave Tibes to me... Zhou, I will add extra rewards!"

"No problem..." Hearing what Lukuis said, Zhou Ye smiled... He shouted at Tibes who was standing there complacently: "Hey, curly hair... stop talking nonsense... we Let's fight!!"

Tibes was stunned by Zhou Ye's curly hair... He couldn't help but asked his teacher, "Curly hair?? Is he talking about me??"

"...Mmm!" His teacher nodded speechlessly...

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