"Oriental, you have completely angered me..." Tibes couldn't help shouting loudly: "Soldiers...ready to fight!!"

Following his cry, the drums of war in the Roman army were beaten...

In an instant, in the entire battlefield, the drums of the Roman legions collided with the metal sounds of weapons and armor, and it sounded like a magnificent symphony.

Chapter 1870

Chapter 1870

The movement on the other side of the Roman army made Bai Bai who was standing next to Zhou Ye very unhappy...

It seemed that it didn't like the sound of war drums... It raised its head to the sky and let out a long howl.

With its howling, all the wild wolves in the wolf wave immediately raised their heads to the sky and howled...

The long and loud howling of wolves suppressed the sound of the drums of the Roman Legion...

Moreover, I also received an unexpected surprise...

What surprise? ?

There were quite a few cavalrymen in the Roman Legion... Their general task was to penetrate the two wings of the enemy's formation in the army formation and disrupt the frequency of the enemy's attack...

However, after hearing the loud wolf howl, almost all the war horses were startled...

Regardless of the control of the knights on their bodies, they began to run around one by one with their heads covered...

For a moment, the entire cavalry formation became a mess...

Seeing this situation, Lu Kuis couldn't help but gloated and said, "Zhou, I never thought that your wolf army could bring me such a surprise..."

"Hehe... attack!" Zhou Ye was too lazy to stand here and talk to them blindly... Directly ordered Dabai: "Let your brothers and sisters eat freely!!"

"Wow!!" Dabai let out another wolf howl excitedly when he heard this.

With its wolf howling... the wolf wave began to move...

The giant wolves of the entire wolf army began to accelerate slowly, and when they reached the midpoint of the battlefield, their speed had reached the highest...

Looking around, the yellow land on the battlefield seemed to be submerged by a black-gray tide, and this wave of wolves, composed of hundreds of thousands of giant wolves, rushed towards Tibes's army with overwhelming momentum. past...

"Hold on... hold on..."

The centurions of the hoplites of the Roman Legion were also shouting loudly: "They are just a group of animals being manipulated by people. You don't have to be afraid of anything... Hold on tight, block their fangs with your solid shields, Pierce their throats with your spears, they are much easier to deal with than humans..."

As for Tibes, who was surrounded by layers of military formations, although he was depressed by the disappointing performance of his cavalry regiment just now, when he saw the giant wolf rushing towards his formation, his face was full of excitement. There is a smile on...

"I think, we can give the soldiers extra meals tonight, how about using these wolf ribs as the raw materials for the extra meals?"

"..." His teacher standing beside Tibes was far less optimistic than Tibes...

In his opinion, since people dare to use giant wolves to form a battle formation, then——they definitely have unexpected abilities...

At this moment, his hands were already filled with sweat... There was a sense of uneasiness in his heart... He didn't know where the uneasiness came from, but—he believed in his intuition...


When the wave of wolves was about to reach the Roman army, there was a sudden change in the Roman army...

The heavy infantrymen holding shields in front squatted down suddenly, tilting the shields in their hands... Following their actions, behind them, Roman soldiers holding crossbow arrows were exposed in front of the wolf tide...


With an order, the crossbow arrows in the hands of the Roman soldiers shot out a curtain of arrows...

In mid-air, a mass of black crossbow arrows shot at the wolf tide mercilessly...

And those wild wolves under the arrow curtain didn't seem to know how to dodge the crossbow arrows at all, they continued to rush towards the army formation without stopping...

In just an instant, thousands of wild wolves were shot by the crossbow arrows... Some wild wolves were shot like hedgehogs by the crossbow arrows... It seemed quite joyful.

"Hahaha..." Seeing this situation, Tibes couldn't help laughing and said, "Those businessmen always say that the mysterious country in the east is rich and powerful, and now it seems that it is nothing more than that... unexpectedly Still using wild beasts to fight, this is a backward barbaric country, maybe, with my 100,000 troops, I can build an empire not inferior to Rome in this backward country..."

Tibes is proud... while others are desperate...

Lucuis, who was watching the battle from far behind the wolf tide, was full of regret and despair at this moment...

"No, how could I forget the crossbow bolt??"

In Lukuis' view, although the giant wolves shot by arrows in front of the wave of wolves in front of him are very brave, they are still charging towards the enemy without fear... However, after all, it is just the end of their strength, and it won't take long for these giant wolves to die. Died from excessive blood loss...

"I'm sorry, Zhou...it's my fault..." Lu Kuisi looked at Zhou Ye with a guilty face and said, "I should let my soldiers charge first, they can at least help the wolves reduce unnecessary Sacrifice, approaching the Legion of Tibes..."

"Hehe...don't worry, keep reading!" Zhou Ye smiled and patted Lu Kuisi on the shoulder, signaling him to continue reading...

luquez with

Feeling guilty, he set his sights on the battlefield again...

It's just that he was dumbfounded when he saw it...

Fuck, is that guy who was shot like a hedgehog really a giant wolf? ? Why does it still look so cheerful? ? There is no posture of bleeding to death at all? ?

In particular, there were some giant wolves who were clearly pierced by the spears in the hands of the Roman soldiers...but they still rushed over and bit the Roman soldiers...

There's another guy... he's just so showy to the extreme.

Its body was pierced by at least one of the two spears. However, it was still active in the battlefield, with that posture, that momentum...it seemed as if the spear pierced its body... …

To be honest, facing such an enemy, the Roman soldiers were terrified...

In the Mediterranean, they have no fear in the face of enemies that are several times their size...

In Rome, they had no fear in the face of angry slaves...

However, when they faced these demonic wolves who couldn't be killed no matter how hard they killed, they finally understood the meaning of the word fear...

"This... this is not a wolf, this is a devil... a devil..."

The two fought for less than ten minutes... Facing these unkillable enemies, some soldiers finally collapsed...

He dropped the weapon in his hand, shouted the word devil, and ran towards the back of the battle...

Then, the situation on the entire battlefield took a turn for the worse... Despair is an emotion that can be contagious. With the first defeated soldier who escapes, there will be the second, third, and n-hundredth...

no way--

These brave Roman soldiers were never afraid to fight with their own kind, because they knew...they were of the same kind, but—when they encountered wounds all over their bodies and their hair was stained red with blood, they still charged towards them vigorously enemies, they crumbled...

Unkillable...how do you defeat an unkillable enemy? ?

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