It's nothing, the most important thing is - why is Huo An here? ?

"Mr. Lang?? Protector?? Why are you here??" Yin Po felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but his face did not leak, and he even showed a look of surprise in his mouth.

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?" Zhou Ye looked at Yin Po's pretended appearance and laughed loudly, "Yin Po, don't tell me that you came here to declare war on the Roman Legion... ..."

"This..." After pondering for a while, Yin Po put on a loyal and courageous look, and said loudly, "That's right, I, Yin Po, came to find Tibes to surrender..."

"But——I, Yin Po, did not surrender for my own glory and wealth, but for the people of the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions..." Speaking of this, Yin Po made an appearance of loyalty and unparalleled, looked at Huo An and said: "Everyone Hu, after you were captured by the prefect, I investigated day and night, and finally found out—it turned out that the prefect colluded with Tibes to frame you...for the purpose of robbing the ownership of the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions..."

"However, how can I, a majestic man, give up the right to belong to the thirty-six countries of the Western Regions just like that... Where does this put our Protectorate of the Western Regions??"

"So, I killed the prefect, seized the military power, sent envoys to report to the imperial court, and came here to make a false appointment with Tibes. I didn't ask for anything, I just hoped that Tibes would stop killing. To return the people of the Western Regions to a peaceful and prosperous age... As soon as the imperial army arrives, I will join forces with the imperial army to destroy this lifeless Roman army in the Western Regions..."

"That's why I brought the handsome seal here to win the trust of Tibes!"

Yin Po's eloquent words... are really touching.

A good man who endured humiliation and stole his life, not for a false name, but only for the common people, was vividly shown...

To be honest, Huo An was moved... "Yin Po... I have wronged you..."

"Guardian... for the sake of protecting the people of the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions from the flames of war, what does it matter if I, Yin Po, are insulted?"

"Yin Po..."


Zhou Ye looked at Huo An and Yin Po embracing each other in the hall, and rolled his eyes...

Fuck, you guys are so good, why don't you just start a business... "Boss Huo... Can I ask you to grow some snacks?? This guy is obviously a traitor, and you actually believed his nonsense??"

"Lang can you say that about Yin Po? He is only thinking of the common people!!" Huo An retorted loudly.

To be honest, Yin Po's words really touched his heart...

You know, he is a pacifist, a resolute anti-war element...

For Huo An, he hated war the most... Because, when he was a child, his sister died at his hands because of the war... Such an experience made him hate war very much...

Hearing Huo An's words, Zhou Ye was really speechless to the extreme...

He stood up from his seat, and then walked slowly in front of Yin Po and his party...Looking at Yin Po's eyes still full of tears, he asked softly: "Yin Po, come—tell me the truth , you - why are you here??"

"I...I..." Yin Po felt Zhou Ye's gentle voice, like the whisper of a god, invaded his heart. In Zhou Ye's words, Yin Po felt that his mind became blurred... ...Which came out of his mouth as if he was talking in his sleep. "I...I came here to get the position of the Silk Road Prefect...Tibes promised me that as long as I dedicate the Border Command Seal to him, he will make me the Silk Road Prefect of the Western Regions."

"Why did you kill the prefect?" Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"Tibes said...there is only one prefect of Silk Road, and the prefect has colluded with him for a long, for the sake of the prefect's position, I killed the prefect..."

"Is the spoils not evenly distributed??" Zhou Ye shook his head with a smile, and continued to ask: "Then... who framed Boss Huo??"

"It's me..." Yin Po answered Zhou Ye's questions like a fool. "Because Boss Huo's reputation in the thirty-six countries of the Western Regions is too high, it is a big obstacle for General Tibes to enter the Western Regions, so... I deliberately issued the customs clearance document to those smugglers, and then worked with the prefect ...Putting Boss Huo into a death row camp!"

At this moment, Huo An, who was still moved just now, stood aside like a fool... "Yin Po——you——"

Yin Po was also awakened by Boss Huo's shout...

He looked at Zhou Ye with a look of horror... "You, what did you just do to me??"

"I didn't do anything...just told you to tell the truth!!" Zhou Ye said here, turning his head to look at Huo Laodao: "You can take care of yourself, Huo Boss... Yin Po will be handed over to you. Those frontier soldiers are also handled by you... Another thing to mention, I don't care if you think of brotherhood, but-the national law is intolerant...Traitors, the Yi tribe"

"No... Please, Boss Huo... Please... let my wife and children go!!"

Chapter 1879

Chapter 1879

In the end, this time, Boss Huo finally gained some confidence...

He did not let Yin Po go, but in front of the two armies, in front of the frontier army and the Roman legion, he counted Yin Po's three major crimes - framing Zhongliang - murdering the superior - betraying the country and seeking glory, and then In front of the battle, he hacked to death with random knives.

In the frontier army, there were originally many soldiers from the Duhufu. Of course, they also knew Boss Huo, and they knew what happened... So word of mouth...

... Boss Huo was able to successfully take over the military power of the frontier army. After the court documents came down, Boss Huo would return the general power to the new prefect...

So far———

The invasion of the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions by the Roman Legion is completely over...

Three days later————

Lucius has prepared the entire Roman Legion... ready to embark on the road back home...

And Mr. Huo naturally brought a group of brothers to see him off again... After all, if there is no Zhou Ye this time, what might happen to him...

Of course Zhou Ye wouldn't be polite to Boss Huo... Seeing him off with a full drink...

Huo Dalian took him with him, and brought twenty-three brothers to see him off, but when Zhou Ye followed the Roman army on his way back, twenty-four guys fell on the ground... one of them was extra, It's Boss Huo's favorite horse...

Alas - it hurts the horse...


Ten days later————————

The 70,000-strong army is now marching in the direction of the Anxi Empire, and behind them is a black wave of wolves...

In the tide of wolves, there is a huge carriage with a width of more than 20 meters and a length of more than 30 meters. This carriage is pulled by more than a hundred giant wolves that look like bulls, and it is slowly moving in the tide of wolves...

"It feels so boring..." Zhou Ye was half lying in the carriage at the moment, shouting out of boredom... "Why didn't anything interesting happen??"

"How could something interesting happen..." Sitting beside Zhou Ye, Zhaojun carefully peeled a grape and removed the seeds, then put the pulp into Zhou Ye's mouth, and said with a smile: "Those who are waiting in the Western Regions The local border residents saw Xiaomeng's wolf army from a distance, and they were so frightened that they ran so far...Who would dare to come here to die by themselves?"

"But it's so boring..." Zhou Ye said, throwing the game console in his hand... Stretching, "I have played the saved games so many times... Every day is a march, a march, a march... ...I'm almost bored..."

At this time, the maid outside the car suddenly came in and reported: "My lord—General Lucuis said that the front has reached the border... Now there are two roads to choose from, one is to take Lan's City, through Bactria, through the Parthia Empire... and the other way is to go high and pass through Fulusha, pass through Punjashan, and enter Arakesia..."

"Pangzhashan??" Hearing the name of the place, Zhou Ye suddenly sat up...and asked, "Did Lu Kuis say the advantages and disadvantages of taking these two paths?"

"Yes, my lord..." The maid replied respectfully: "General Lukuis said that if you go to Lan's City, you will be on a mountain road all the way, extremely difficult and dangerous, but it is the fastest shortcut...and go to Fulousha If so, although the detour is a bit farther, but——the road is smooth..."

"Then do you still need to ask?? Of course I'm leaving Fulusha..." Zhou Ye said without hesitation: "Go and tell him that we are not afraid of going too far, but... I don't like bumps!"

"Yes, my lord!!" Hearing Zhou Ye's order, the maid got up and went out of the car without hesitation, and informed the orderly sent by Lucius about her master's order...

After the messenger received the answer, he immediately rushed to the front army...reporting to his general...

At this time, Zhaojun asked Zhou Ye curiously: "Why did you choose a detour? Isn't he in a hurry to go to Rome? Did you say that someone is waiting for you to rescue him?"

"'s okay, it's can wait a little over there...but, I have a hunch that this long detour will bring me some little fun!!" Zhou Ye said here, mysteriously Smile... "I'm starting to look forward to it..."

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