And on the other side...

Lu Kuis, who was taking a break by the road, also received Zhou Ye's order...

Hearing Zhou Ye's order to leave Fulusha... the lieutenant beside him said hesitantly: "General, does your Majesty not understand the advantages and disadvantages of these two paths? Otherwise, let's report back?? "

"No need..." Lu Kuis waved his hand and said, "Your Majesty is omniscient, how could he not know? It is under the guidance of His Majesty that we can win again and again, so... Command the army, let's go around Fulusha!!"

"Yes, General..." Hearing what Lucius said, the messenger rode his horse and whipped his whip again, conveying Lucquis' order to the army...

"Okay, don't talk about it, the guidance of the crown is not wrong!!" At this time, Lu Kuisi had already become Zhou Ye's fanatic... For him, even if Zhou Ye said that the sun was It rises from the west, and he would only echo [Yes, the sun rises from the west. 】

Following the order, the Roman army, which took a short rest, set off again and marched in the direction of Fulusha... As for, will such a move across the Guishuang Empire attract attacks? Lucius didn't think about it at all...

In Zhou Ye's words, that is - what happened to the war? The war happened, I promise you can win it, okay? ?

With the protection of the gods, Lucius believes that his army is invincible in all battles...

No way, sometimes belief is so easy to make people fanatic.

In fact, it's not just Luckis...

Now, almost every soldier in the entire Roman Legion is a disciple of Zhou Ye...

Far away from home, away from relatives... There is no entertainment, there are only boring marches and wars...

Moreover, every time a war starts, it is a life-and-death contest for them... No veteran who has fought many battles dares to say that he will survive the next war...

At this time, they need faith to fill their confused hearts...and what is more worthy of faith than a visible god? ?

This trend of belief came from among the Guards of Lucquis...

Close to Mo Zhehei, Lukuis' guards can be said to be the group of soldiers who can often come into contact with Zhou Ye... and since Zhou Ye deliberately made Lukuis misunderstand that he is a god, he no longer hides his those abilities...

As a result, stories tinged with mythology came out from the mouths of those guards who had witnessed Zhou Ye's miraculous events... The fire of faith has been burning more and more vigorously among the Roman legions.

Chapter 1880

Chapter 1880

Of course, Lucius knew about this situation that was circulating in the Roman legion.

However, not only did he not stop it, but he also had the tendency to help the tyrant...

He directly reported such a thing to Zhou Ye, begging him to show a miracle in front of the soldiers...

Of course Zhou Ye readily agreed to this...

Just kidding, he intends to turn these 70,000 Roman soldiers into his congregation, and after occupying Rome, he will worship himself as a god...

And the only god...

Why? ?

Because it's fun...

So—with a playful mind, Zhou Ye performed several miracles directly in front of all the Roman legionnaires...

Tired from the march, low morale—it’s okay, believe me, I will give you jade liquid and fine nectar... let you enjoy yourself to the fullest.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is to use the spirit of words to turn the water in a stream into white wine...

I'm not acclimatized, and I'm about to die—it's okay, believe me, I will stay healthy forever.

In short - after showing a few miracles, the entire Roman legion has become Zhou Ye's believers... The last time, they are all pan believers...

And more are devout believers... Such people accounted for the majority of the Roman legion...

There are only nearly 3,000 people, and they are extremely fanatical believers...

Moreover, they have broken away from the Roman Legion and become a member of Zhou Ye's Wolf Clan Legion... Their mounts have also been replaced by giant wolves...

For such fanatics, Zhou Ye certainly did not hesitate to reward them... He bestowed them with stronger bodies and stronger physiques...

This makes these fanatics even more fanatical...

He prayed three times a day in the morning, noon and evening, and when he saw Zhou Ye, he burst into tears... It made Zhou Ye a little annoyed...

Cough cough... It's a bit far away...

Under Zhou Ye's order, the Roman Legion set foot on the land of the Guishuang Empire...

After the army marched for three days, Lucuis was surprised to find that the Guishuang Empire hadn't sent troops to encircle him, and there were no officials even to question why he invaded the Guishuang Empire...

This unreasonable thing has completely puzzled Lucius...

However, I will be able to reach Fulusha this evening... I think, I should be able to get the answer I want there...

Thinking of this, Lucius ordered the legion to speed up...

Fulousha, also translated as "Fulousha", "Fuliusha Fuluo", "Bulushabuluo", etc... It is now Peshawar in Pakistan.

Fulousha is located on several major trade routes in Central Asia, and is a city with a strong trade civilization...

But now, this pearl of trade has ushered in an unexpected guest...

see from afar

With the arrival of the Roman Legion, Furusa's defenders hurriedly closed the city gate... as if they were going to guard against death...

However, after Lukuis sent troops to attack tentatively a few times...the ancient city was taken down unexpectedly and easily...

After the war, when Lucuis led his soldiers to arrest the local nobles, he only found out the reason after asking...

Regarding this, he didn't dare to delay, and rode directly towards the place where Zhou Ye was stationed... He wanted to report this first-hand information to his god.

And at this time——

In the ancient city of Fulousha, in a courtyard with the most beautiful buildings and the largest area...Zhou Ye is having dinner under the service of a maid...

"Your Majesty!!" Led by the maid, Lu Kuis walked in front of Zhou Ye, and said respectfully, "We have found out why the Guishuang Empire didn't send an army to intercept us..."

"Don't worry, eat first, and talk while eating!!" Zhou Ye waved his hand, interrupting Lu Kuis' words...

"Yes, Your Majesty!" After Lu Kuis thanked Zhou Ye, he sat down on the stool brought by the maid.

For Lucius, it is a great honor to be able to eat with his gods... This can already be called a holy feast, and he has to admit that the food eaten by his family is delicious ah……

After drinking and eating, Lu Kuis put down the spoon in his hand【No way, he is not used to chopsticks yet】...and said to Zhou Ye: "Your Majesty, we have received news that at this time the Guishuang Empire is Going to war with the Persian Empire, and the Persian Empire's army has almost reached their holy city of Alamut..."

"Holy City? Alamut??" Hearing this name, a movie flashed through Zhou Ye's mind... Then, he burst out laughing: "Hahahahaha... Sure enough, going to Fulusha is a Good choice...hahahaha..."

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