"Your Majesty??" Seeing Zhou Ye laughing, Lu Kuis got up a little confused...

What's wrong with my family? ? Why did I suddenly become so happy when I heard the name of the holy city of Alamut? ?

And Zhou Ye just laughed and didn't explain...

After a long time, Zhou Ye finally stopped laughing, waved his hand, and signaled Lu Kuis not to worry about himself. "So——Luquese...what's your plan??"

"I think this is an opportunity!!" Lucius said loudly: "When the Guishuang Empire is at war with the Persian Empire, and the internal forces are empty and unable to stop us, we quickly pass through the Guishuang Empire..."

"No..." Zhou Ye stopped Lu Kuisi's words with one word...

"Why? My lord... Isn't this our best chance??" Lucius asked a little confused.

You know, at this time, because all the troops have been transferred to the front line, it is the time when the Guishuang Empire's troops are empty... It is easy to pass through here...

"We are not in a hurry to go back..." Zhou Ye waved his hand and said, "Going home empty-handed will make you ridiculed in Rome... We need some achievements, we need some reputation... We also need a chance ...a chance to establish you as a god of war...and make you more famous in the Roman Empire than your former master..."

"But... what are we going to do?? Your Majesty..." Lucuis asked in confusion...

"Of course - I went to the holy city of Alamut..."

"There, you can get everything you want, and I can also get a beautiful princess... Isn't this a win-win ending??" Zhou Ye smiled happily...

"Yes, Your Majesty, I understand!!" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Lu Kuis nodded vigorously...

What? ? You said that a lone army rushed to meddle in the war between the two empires, and even planned the princess of the Guishuang Empire? Isn't this courting death? ?

But—don't forget, Luckis is a fanatic...

What is a fanatic? ?

As long as it is said by the gods he believes in, he will do it, no matter whether it is right or wrong, and whether it will be a complete failure... After doing it-this is a fanatic...

Seeing Lukuis's loyal appearance, Zhou Ye nodded in satisfaction... After watching Lukuis leave, Zhou Ye smiled and said to himself: "I didn't expect that there would be [Persian] in this world." The Prince Sands of Time] This movie...is really interesting, Princess Tamina...wait for me, we will meet soon!"

Chapter 1881

Chapter 1881

Lucquise's Roman Legion left Furusa after only half a day of training in Furusa...

With a wave of their hands, they only took Fulusha's gold, silver and jewels, as well as all the food.

No move, the entire Roman Legion has almost no logistical supplies... It is completely relying on collecting food and grass on the spot along the way to complete the supplies.

Cough cough, the so-called on-the-spot collection of food and grass, to put it bluntly...is robbery...

There is no way, if this is not the case, the Roman legion will starve to death... In the east far away from their homeland, where can they get supplies? ?

Besides, proper greed can stimulate the combat fishing nets of legionnaires, and Zhou Ye has no intention of stopping this...

This is not his country, so what will he do here?

70,000 Roman soldiers and hundreds of thousands of wolf legions left Fulusha like this, marching all the way to the holy city of Alamut in the south...

Along the way, under Zhou Ye's urging, the entire legion speeded up...

They ignored Xiaobo's harassing troops composed of locals. In various places, as long as the supplies were completed, they would not stay any longer, and steadfastly attacked the holy city of Alamut all the way...

Finally, after eight days——

The Roman legion arrived at the holy city of Alamut before the Persian army...

The holy city - Alamut - a city built in a basin surrounded by mountains...

Standing on the edge of the plateau, Zhou Ye looked at the exotic city in front of him... smiled and asked, "Does it look beautiful?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!!" Lu Kuis, who was standing beside Zhou Ye, nodded, and said respectfully: "It is said that this holy city of Alamut has never been captured for thousands of years...so, we Do you have to be more careful!!"

"Be careful?? Be careful of what??" Zhou Ye waved his hand and said, "No need to be careful, we are not here to invade them...we are here to help them resist the invasion of the Persians...they should welcome us..."

"..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Lu Kuis couldn't help being speechless for a while...

You need someone to believe what you say...

"Send an envoy to the city and tell that Princess Tamina...we are here to help them defend against the Persians...let them open the door to welcome us!!"

Although Lu Kuis felt that his words were unreliable, but... his fanatical belief made him carry out Zhou Ye's order without hesitation...

However, when the Roman army surrounded the holy city of Alamut, it was in the palace of Alamut.

"Where did these Romans come from??" Princess Tamina was sitting on her throne, and the maid beside her was helping her paint golden patterns on the backs of her hands and feet.

"Your Highness, the caravan from afar, tell us... this Roman legion is led by noble

They came from the territory of the Frost Empire..." An old man in robes with a full white beard and hair replied respectfully: "Because the Guishuang Empire is at war with the Persian Empire, so...they didn't take this Roman legion that crossed their country at all. Method……"

Upon hearing the old man's words, Princess Tamina nodded...

"But why did they come to Alamut?" Of course Princess Tamina would not naively think that the Roman Empire was about to launch an Eastern Expedition... Moreover, even if the Roman Empire wanted an Eastern Expedition, it shouldn't be the first one. Persian Empire? ?

"This...we don't know what their purpose is at the moment, but...Your Highness, we'd better be more careful!!" Speaking of this, the old man in robes hesitated and said: "According to those merchants from the east They say that wherever the Roman army went, they looted all the local money and food... They are a group of bandits..."

Just when the old man in the robe wanted to say something more...

A guard ran up and reported, "Your Highness, the Roman Legion outside the city has sent an envoy..."



Hearing what the guard said, the old man in robes stopped talking... He left the decision to Princess Tamina...

"Let them come in, I also want to know... what kind of news these messengers brought me!!" Princess Tamina waved her hand, and let the maid who was painting her crest retreat back... …


Led by several guards, a soldier wearing Roman legionary armor came to her.

"Hello, Your Royal Highness!!" The Roman soldier came to Princess Tamina, bowed slightly, and saluted: "I bring you the omniscient and omnipotent Mr. Zhou Ye, and the invincible Lu General Ques' orders!"

"Omniscient?? My Majesty? Zhou Ye??" Princess Tamina was taken aback when she heard what the Roman soldiers said...

[Omniscient and omnipotent] and [Your Majesty] are not affixes that can be randomly placed on a person - these affixes are generally used to describe gods.

Seeing Princess Tamina's surprised expression, the Roman soldiers were not surprised...

Like a devout missionary, he said with reverence on his face: "Under Zhou Ye's crown is a god walking in the world, he is the incarnation of [Mars], the embodiment of the will of the gods, his mighty power... "

"Enough!" Tamina interrupted the soldier's words. She was not very interested in such missionary words... In Tamina's view, this was nothing more than a victim of a magic stick...

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