To put it bluntly, in fact, it wasn't the Persian soldiers on the top of the city who saw a woman in Xiaomeng going to the battlefield, and said a few dirty words in their mouths... and it just so happened that Xiaomeng understood those few Persian words ...

So, in a rage, she ordered the wolf tide to eat...

The whole city was devastated by the wolves...the few poor fellows left were almost insane from fright...

Moreover, Luckis did not dare to stop the actions of the wolf tide...

In the end, he always believed that the wolf wave was summoned by Zhou Ye, and that it was his divine favor...

How dare he question his orders? ?

However——Zhou Ye is not calling for injustice for the Persians in that city...

To him, eat and eat... no big deal.

Besides, who told that Persian soldier to be mean? This is completely a blessing and a curse, but people call on themselves.

It can only be said that the people in that city were implicated by that unlucky ghost.


This kind of thing is inseparable. In the final analysis, these cities will belong to Tamina in the future, and it would be meaningless if they want to make thousands of miles of land...isn't it? ?

Moreover, such things are easy to be caught and made a big fuss...It is not conducive to the future, Tamina's rule...So, let's forget about Xiaomeng going to the battlefield...

Just when Zhou Ye and Xiaomeng were talking about the facts...

On the display screen in front of him, the images of the women have already appeared...

At this time, the patrolmen were wearing black cloaks, holding their standard weapon - Death Scythe...

Already on the battlefield...

The long cloak enveloped them all, making it impossible for people to tell whether they were men or women... and the long sickle gave people a chilling feeling.

Seeing the arrival of the girls, Lucuis certainly didn't dare to neglect... He had also seen the outfits of the wind patrollers before...

He hurriedly ordered the soldiers to make way for these people in black cloaks, and urged the horse under his crotch to come in front of the women. "I don't know what's the matter with you?"

"Under the Lord's order, we will open the gate of this city for you..." the leading patrolman of the Kanzi Department said: "Now, let your soldiers retreat for the time being, so as not to accidentally injure you!!"

"Okay, I'll order them to retreat now!" Lucius said, hastily ordering the soldiers behind him to blow their horns and temporarily retreat...

With the sound of one long and two short horns to withdraw troops...

The Roman soldiers who were struggling to attack the city all retreated...

And this, the patrolling envoys have also come to the front...

They looked at the gate of the city in front of them with disdain...

I have to say that this city, which made Lucuis helpless, was built quite well, with high walls and narrow urns... everything was done according to the needs of the war. Obviously... this city was built as a fortress ...

However, in the eyes of the wind patrollers, such a city is like a child's toy, it will collapse with a slight push...

The Xunfeng envoys have eight groups: Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen, and Dui... Why do the mistresses of the underworld alone send their Kanzi department to serve the Lord? ?

Because—they are the strongest part.

Gossip less...

After all the Roman soldiers withdrew, the girls of the Wind Patrollers had already reached the city gate...

At this time, on the top of the city, the Persian soldiers who were finally relieved because of the temporary retreat of the Roman legion, saw a dozen strange men in black robes suddenly coming from the bottom of the city, and immediately passed by the city on the top of the city curiously. Arrow hole, look out...

From their point of view, these dozen or so people might be dressed a little weirdly, but——they would never think that these dozen or so guys could capture their own city gate...

Just kidding, tens of thousands of Roman troops could not capture a city, so how could these dozen or so thin figures be able to capture it?

Unless they went back to the ancient times when gods walked everywhere and demigods were inferior to dogs? ?

Just when these guys looked at the patrollers cheerfully and almost said please start your performance, something happened.

Chapter 1893

Chapter 1893

The Persian soldiers on the top of the city took advantage of the retreat of the Roman soldiers to take a breather.

The daughters of Kanzibu's Patrol Envoys have arrived at the city...

As soon as they approached the gate of the city...the bow and arrow on the top of the city were unceremoniously shot down...

Facing the arrows that were coming towards them, the patrolmen ignored if they didn't see the arrows that were aimed at them at all, they walked towards the city gate without stopping.

"Get out of here..."

The Roman soldiers behind them couldn't help reminding the girls loudly...

Although they didn't know who the women in the black cloaks were, but—since they came from the rear of their own army, they must have escaped...

However, these people are too stupid, right? ? Facing the arrows, they don't even hide? ? Did they come to die on the battlefield?

Compared with the anxious Roman soldiers, the Persian soldiers on the top of the city looked much happier...

"Go to hell, bloody Roman..."

"Hahahaha... finally someone came to die..."

No wonder these Persian soldiers are so happy

...The fight they just had with the Roman Legion was really depressing...

Those skilled Roman heavy infantry who were on top of their shields made them feel like a mouse pulling a tortoise, unable to start...

Especially these Roman soldiers are not afraid of death... Moreover, the most exasperating thing is that they hurt a few of them so easily, they immediately took out a leather jug ​​from their belts, and after drinking a few sips, it seemed that the injuries were healed immediately It's gone... unexpectedly rushed over again with vigor and vitality...

It's like ordinary players being bullied by rmb fighters krypton medicine... It makes these Persian soldiers exhausted...

Now it's so easy to see a group of fools wearing black cloaks cos death come up to die... how can they not be happy? ?

However, these Persian soldiers were happy too early...

I saw - when those arrows were about to hit the girls of the wind patrollers... one of the wind patrollers stretched out his little hand from the cloak, stretched forward, and made a gesture of resistance.

Following her actions, all the arrows just stopped in midair... as if the entire space had been frozen.

this moment----

On the battlefield, regardless of whether it was a Roman soldier or a Persian soldier, they all grew up their scorpions, and looked at the wind patrollers with dull faces...

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