A moment later—a voice from among the Roman legions...

"God Attendant..."

"God Servant, God Servant adults!!"

"His Majesty sent his servant to help us..."

"Long live the almighty crown!!"

As the Roman Legion recognized the identities of the girls of the Wind Patrollers, their aura grew even higher...

If there is God's help, if there is God's help... Now, their god is helping them, how can they be unhappy? ?

And at this time, the Patroller, who possesses the power of Magneto, also acted...

I saw that the corners of her cloak slightly evoked a mocking arc, and she gently pushed her palm...

Those arrows that were stagnant in mid-air flew back to the heads of their original owners at the speed of lightning...

Arrows hit the eyebrows...

All of a sudden, the Persian soldiers were stunned...

They have never seen such a weird thing... Who are they fighting against? ?

And... the arrows shot will fly back, what should I do? ?

Those who defend the city, do they still have to open the city gates and fight them head-on? ?

Then the guard of this city is too tragic, right? ?

Someone said that they can throw stones at the girls and pour oil on fire...

The problem is - these guys don't know that Magneto's ability can only control metal objects... They are still afraid that what if the fire oil and stones fly back by themselves? ?

Just when the Persian defenders hesitated...

The girls of the Wind Patrol Envoys have already reached the gate of the city...they raised the scythe in their hands without hesitation...

With a loud sonic boom...

If you look at the iron gate made of pig iron, it has been shattered into pieces...

Look at the giant scythe in the hands of the girls, the original black and shiny scythe of the god of death has become fiery red due to high-speed cutting...

This is also the material for making the scythe in their hands. It is made of Adamantium alloy and replaced with other ordinary metals, which has been completely abolished long ago...

As the city gate shattered, the Roman legion burst into cheers, and Lucius sounded the charge horn without hesitation...

Tens of thousands of Roman hoplites marched towards the city gate with neat steps...

However, the Persian defenders were obviously not reconciled to such a failure. Their reserve team quickly brought blocks of wood and stones, trying to seal the city gate again...

However, as soon as those Persian soldiers rushed in front of the women, they turned into corpses all over the place...

The giant scythes in the hands of the group of patrollers turned into real death scythes, and with loud noises that broke through the sound barrier, they turned into a row of meat grinders... walked towards the city...even the heavy iron gate in the urn city Still can't stop their footsteps...

It's still a one-hit break...

At this time, the soldiers of the Roman Legion had also rushed in... They cheered and rushed to the top of the city...

Zhou Ye, who was in the wolf carriage, naturally witnessed all of this...

He smiled and said: "The Kanzi department did a good job!!"

"It's my sisters' pity that I didn't hear the Lord's praise with my own ears..." Qing Jiaoer, who had been accompanying Zhou Ye all the time, asked for merit for her sisters: " Why don't you treat the sisters well tonight, as a reward for them..."

"You..." Hearing Qing Jiaoer's words, Zhou Ye couldn't help but laugh... "Qing Jiao—Qingjiao, you are really a hot girl..."

"Thank you, Lord, for the word..." Qing Jiaoer really knows how to climb the pole... "Then Jiaoer is already a hot girl!"

"Pfft—hahahaha!" Hearing Qingjiao's words, Zhou Ye couldn't help laughing.

Speaking of it, it's no wonder that Qingjiao didn't know what Zhou Ye meant. You know, green peppers were not introduced to China along the Silk Road until the Ming Dynasty... At this time, who knows what green peppers are?

However, laughing is laughing, rewards still have to be rewarded...

How to reward? ? Of course it is——rewarding in a way that Zhou Ye likes to hear...

That night----

In the city that has been captured by Roman soldiers, there are celebrating soldiers everywhere... Holding up their wine glasses, clinking glasses with everyone they see...

The words of greeting in each mouth were either [Praise God Servant] or [Praise Almighty Your Majesty! 】

And the Alamuts who are responsible for the logistics work have also arrived. They have taken over the task of city defense, and by the way, they will help the Roman Legion to replenish various supplies...

In the most luxurious mansion in the city, Zhou Ye is rewarding his patrolmen... Those Valkyries who are majestic in front of the two armies during the day are currently under someone, trying their best to please him My lord... At the same time, I am also pleasing myself...

Chapter 1894

Chapter 1894

And just when the Roman Legion was celebrating another victory.

The King of Persia, Salaman, is sitting in his palace, holding an emergency imperial meeting.

He looked at all the ministers who had arrived, and after a moment of silence, he said slowly: "This war that shouldn't have happened has caused me to lose all my sons and my dearest brother..."

"However, the Romans are still unwilling to give up. They captured our city and enslaved our people... Now, it's time to fight back!!"


Now, please listen to the news coming back from the front! ! "After speaking, Salaman nodded to the waiter beside him...

Soon, a businessman wearing a silk robe was brought up by the guards...

"May the gods protect you forever, Your Majesty the King!" The merchant saluted Salaman as soon as he entered.

"Tell me your name..." Salaman asked.

"Your Majesty, my name is Kusrau, and I am a businessman walking on the Silk Road..."

"Well, Kusrau, tell my ministers everything you know about the Roman army..."

"As you wish, Your Majesty!!" Kusrau said, turning to face the Persian ministers who were looking at him, and said, "In the beginning, the news about the Roman army came from the Parthian Empire... ..."

Following his description, the Persian ministers gradually gained a considerable understanding of the Roman legion led by Lucques...

I have to say that Kusrau is indeed a capable person here...

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