When he was traveling on the Silk Road, he liked to ask for news everywhere...

In the eyes of others, the news that they laughed off after hearing it was a good way to get rich for him...

Therefore, when he first heard the news about the Roman Legion, he immediately realized the importance of the news, so he began to deliberately collect all the news about the Roman Legion among the merchants walking on the Silk Road, even Paid a lot of money for this.

You know, many times, a message may be worth tens of thousands of dollars, but it may also be worthless, depending on whether you have found a buyer who really needs this message.

Obviously, Kusrau is better at finding buyers for news...

So, he came here... and successfully entered Salaman's field of vision.

"Demonic wolf?? Protected by the gods?" After listening to Kusrau's description, Salaman looked at Kusrau with a half-smile and asked, "Have you seen all the scenes you described with your own eyes?? "

Originally, according to the hidden rule of the news merchant that the more frightening the unwritten news, the higher the price, Kusrau should deliberately exaggerate the facts. However, looking at Salaman’s half-smile and the sharp look ...he flinched.

"Your Majesty, I have never seen such a scene..." Kusrau finally decided to tell the truth: "But... most of my colleagues claim to have seen the wave of demon wolves..."

"Obviously, your colleagues have been bought by the Roman Legion!!" Speaking of this, Salaman waved his hand and said, "Okay... you can go down!! Guard, give him the reward he deserves... "

"Yes, Your Majesty!!" Kusrau bowed his head depressed, and walked out of the gate of the palace under the leadership of the guards.

With Kusrau's departure, the entire hall has become as lively as a vegetable market...

Devil Wolf Tide——

A Roman legion blessed by gods? ?

All of this seems so terrifying...

How can we not let the ministers of the empire who heard these news for the first time talk a lot? ?

And Salaman did not stop his courtiers from discussing there, but gave them enough time to digest the horrific news.

After a while———

Salaman patted his hands, "Everyone, be quiet!!"

Following his actions, all the ministers stopped discussing and quietly looked at their king...waiting for his order.

"You all heard what the merchant said just now, so...can you tell me what kind of army this Roman army is?" Salaman asked in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty!!" A minister came out and said loudly, "This is an army protected by the gods...we should..."

"No, you are wrong!!" Another minister stood up and said loudly: "They are just a lone army under the banner of the gods... With the banner of the gods, they will occupy more and more lands with little effort. cities—because, no one wants to be the enemy of the gods..."

"However, how do you explain those merchants who witnessed the wave of demonic wolves??"

"Hasn't Your Majesty already said that? That's just a trick of the Roman Legion... Merchants? A group of guys who dare to sell their souls to the devil, as long as they pay a price that is enough to make their hearts beat, they dare not say anything Is it??"


"No but—" Speaking of this, the minister interrupted the theist minister's words, "I have to admit that the general of the Roman legion is a smart guy. He knows that he is a lone army deep into other countries. In order to avoid unnecessary losses as much as possible, and to disintegrate the will of our soldiers as much as possible, he played the banner of the gods, but this cannot be concealed-he is a liar!! A liar who tried to use lies to defeat an empire..."

Hearing the minister's words, a smile appeared on Salaman's face...

What the minister said was exactly what he wanted to say...

Gods? ?

He is so devout, why didn't the gods bless his three sons? ?

If the Roman army is blessed by the gods, does that mean that they are the poor creatures abandoned by the gods? ?

Then should he be captured without a fight, lying at the feet of that Roman general, offering his crown with both hands, and begging for his tolerance? ?

Are you kidding me...

The Roman Legion absolutely did not have the blessing of the gods, nor could it have the blessing of the gods...

Because that means that he will become the evil side, the side abandoned by the gods...

When all the gods abandon him, it will not be far from his subjects abandoning him...

And at this time, the ministers are also arguing more and more fiercely...

One side thinks that the other side has the protection of the gods. Instead of leading an army to resist, it is better to go directly to the temple and pray for the mercy of the gods.

The other party believed that the other party was lying and deliberately spreading rumors in order to disintegrate the fighting spirit of the Persians like the ministers of the God-seeking sect...

Chapter 1895

Chapter 1895

"Enough!" Salaman loudly interrupted the quarrel among the courtiers...

He looked around at his ministers, and said slowly: "These Romans have no gods, they are just a bunch of liars full of lies... Do you have any opinions on this?"

Seeing the coldness in Salaman's eyes, the originally steadfast God's Blessing fell silent...

"These days... I have been thinking about a question!!" Salaman said slowly and deeply, "What have I done?? The gods are going to punish me like this, and let me lose my life in a war." All my sons, and my closest brother!!"

"I am so devout, so reverent..."

"As a king, I dare not say that I am not at fault, but——I also believe that I have done everything I can for the people of Persia!!"

"So—what the hell is it that makes the gods so angry??"

Looking at Salaman's gloomy face... All the ministers couldn't help but say something in their hearts, 【Because your son actually attacked the holy city... This is the reason why the gods are angry】

Of course, they dare not say this, nor can they...

At this time, Salaman was no longer the Persian king who ruled the country with benevolence, but a wounded beast who lost all his sons and relatives...

Whoever dares to uncover his scars, he will bite to death...

Therefore, silence is king...

"In the end, I came to a conclusion..." Salaman said slowly: "In this world, there are no gods...everything is just our imagination...if there are gods, why don't they protect us in Persia, instead To shelter those Romans?"

"If there are gods, why do I, a devout believer, suffer the pain of losing my son??"

"There are no gods..." Salaman glanced over the faces of his ministers one by one, and said slowly and firmly, "No!!"

Hearing Salaman's words, a kind of ministers' hearts can be said to be full of flavors...

A pious believer, under the unbearable pain of losing a child in life, turned into a firm unbelievers... This has to make everyone feel emotional...

"Assembly all our soldiers, I want to compete with those so-called Roman legions protected by the gods and always accompanied by gods on the Lamar plain!" Salaman said loudly: "I want to lead the army personally, Defeat these lying Roman legions..."

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