In people's minds, the color of the desert should be yellow...

However, in the Farafra Desert, this cognition will be broken...

The sand here is white...

Looking around, there is a vast expanse of white desert, giving people the illusion of coming to the snow-covered northern country...

If it weren't for the dazzling sun in the sky and the temperature as high as 40 degrees to remind people that this place is still a hot Mediterranean climate, maybe people who come here will really think that they have come to the northern country where the four seasons are cold...

This white desert is called the White Devil by the locals...

Why? ?

Modern people know that even in places like the Arctic where the sun is not strong, they still have to wear sunglasses during the day, because the sunlight reflected by the white snow will temporarily blind people's eyes and suffer from snow blindness... …

In the same way, in this white desert, the white sand will also temporarily blind people's eyes.

In this age without sunglasses...

Walking into this desert is equivalent to stepping on the road of death...

In the vast desert, what would happen if you lost your eyesight? ?

The result is very simple, you will get lost, and then you will not get timely rescue... In the end, you will die of exhaustion in this white desert.

All the people who entered this desert rarely got out of this desert...

Therefore, the Farafra Desert also got the name of a white devil.

Today, however, a group of uninvited guests are ushered in in the center of the desert, which the locals avoid.

In the center of the Farafra Desert, there are strangely shaped white stone pillars... They are chalk stones, and all the white gravel is formed by the weathering of these chalk stones.

In this forbidden area of ​​life that no one has set foot in, dozens of pretty figures in long skirts of various colors suddenly appeared...

They are either dignified and beautiful, or delicate and cute, or sexy and charming—in short, there is not a single ugly girl...

It was none other than Juno and his party...

Now that Juno and the others got the right to build the labyrinth, then—selecting a location is a big deal.

After a while of discussion, they finally decided to build the labyrinth in the center of the desert, which mortals call the White Demon.

One reason is that - the game of the gods is not allowed to be watched by mortals.

The second is because—the conditions here are good enough, it is simply the best place to build a maze.

"This place is very good!!" Juno looked at the strange white stone forest in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction, "Then, let's start!!"

I saw her, while speaking, spread her hands lightly, and made a downward pressing movement.

Following her movements, those stone forests made of chalk turned into piles of white sand grains at a speed that could be discerned by the naked eye, just like snow meeting the warm sun.

In the blink of an eye, this chalk stone forest, which may be regarded as a treasure by geographers in later generations, just disappeared...

Instead, it was an extremely flat sandy land composed of white gravel...

Then, like building a sandcastle on the beach, Juno began to attack the entire white desert...

Following her movements, white gravel walls half a meter wide and more than ten meters high rose from the ground... and other goddesses among the twelve main gods of Rome also came to help...

They endowed these towering maze walls with solidity... while also correcting some minor flaws in Juno's construction of the maze.

While the goddesses are busy, the other girls feel a little hot and unbearable...

They simply took out their treasured chairs, parasols and other items from the space bracelets given by their men, and placed them there...

Then, they took out various drinks and snacks from the bracelets. He began to chatter while looking at the miracle in front of him, and at the same time discussing who would participate in this competition.

After all, according to the agreement, gods and all superpowers are excluded...

Juno, who was busy, looked at the leisurely appearance of the girls behind him, and smiled...and didn't care.

Don't look at their relaxed appearance now, let them cry in a while and can't find the tune...

Time passed minute by minute with the hard work of the goddesses and the leisure of the western girls.

When the sun goes down...

A giant labyrinth covering an area of ​​100,000 square meters was born in the hands of the goddesses...

What is the concept of 100,000 square meters?

It's almost 150 mu, which is equivalent to the size of two Tokyo Domes...

Looking at the majestic giant maze in front of her, Tamina couldn't help but sigh: "This is really a city of miracles..."

"Wrong, it's the labyrinth of miracles..." Cleopatra corrected...

"In any case, this is beyond the reach of ordinary people..." Haitai Felice murmured.

"Okay..." At this time, Juno and the Greek gods came back after being busy, looked at the girls in front of them and said, "We have set up the stage for the competition... the rest is for you!" Training..."

"Us?" Little Yulia asked in astonishment: "Didn't you say that only three people need to be selected to participate?"

"That's right, it is true that three people were selected to participate...but—" Juno smiled slightly when he said this

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