"Isn't it just a maze?? For my dear, I will also show you the road to the underworld..."

"That's right, it's this kind of momentum...Keep it going..." Juno said with a smile on his face: "Then, sisters, the next three days will be three days you will never forget... Believe me, I will never I will show mercy to your subordinates..."

Chapter 1959

Chapter 1959

Two days later————

When Chacha brought a group of celestial girls together with Azshara to the center of the white desert in Egypt... what he saw was a scene of a group of girls working too hard.

I saw that the girls in the Western group were lying under the parasols outside the maze one by one regardless of their image, sleeping soundly.

Whether it's the queen of Egypt, or the queen of Persia... one or two with dirty faces...

There is no trace of the majesty of being a queen.

Juno and the others piled ice cubes beside the girls to make them sleep more comfortably...

"What's wrong with these sisters?" Chacha asked curiously seeing the girls' distressed appearance.

"They are exhausted to build this labyrinth..." Juno said casually without changing expression.

"Hehe... It's really hard work for you!"

Although Chacha said so in her mouth, what she was thinking in her heart was - I believed in your ghost...

Do these mortal girls still need to build a maze? ? They were obviously exhausted to get used to the road in the labyrinth...

However, since Chacha let the women from the west build the maze by default, it means that she had expected this situation a long time ago.

So, Chacha doesn't care...

"Then, according to the agreement, we will transform the maze..."

"Wait a minute!" Juno stopped Chacha and the others who wanted to enter the maze, and asked, "Let me make sure...you won't modify the roads in the maze, right?"

"That's right... According to the agreement, we will not modify the labyrinth facility..."

"Then, I don't have a problem!!" Hearing Chacha's reconfirmation of this matter, Juno felt relieved... "Then——please proceed with your work!!"

"Hehe..." Chacha chuckled lightly, leading a group of celestial maidens towards the maze...

According to the agreement, they are not allowed to write down the passages in the maze and tell their sisters... However, they can design various traps in the maze... However, the design of traps follows a principle, that is ——Do not cause psychological or physical harm to the contestants.

And Azshara, on behalf of Zhou Ye, came to supervise both sides...

After all, as an outsider, Azshara doesn't show any favoritism to the east and the west... So, it's best for her to be the referee and supervisor.

It didn't take long for Chacha and the others to set up traps for the entire maze, and it was over in about three or four hours...

When Chacha led a group of celestial girls out of the maze...

The tired Western girls have all woken up...

Each of them has already tidied up their bodies... After all, losing is not losing, and they don't want their embarrassing side to be seen by their opponents...

Although they were seen while they were sleeping soundly... But, they can't be in such a mess all the time...

"Okay...we have finished our work!!" Having said this, Chacha smiled slightly at Azshara: "Then please, temporarily close this maze..."

"Hehe...Of course there is no problem!!" Azshara said, chanting spells in her mouth.

With the sound of her incantation, this majestic labyrinth, like a mirage, instantly became unreal...

"I used the plane exile technique to temporarily seal it in another space... before the start of the game, no one can go in..." Azshara smiled slightly when he said this, "then, just wait for the next two days. The game has begun..."

"Hmm!!" Juno had no objection to this point...

"Okay, it's time for us to go back and prepare..." Chacha said, nodding to Juno, "Your maze is very well built..."

"Thank you for the compliment……"

"Then, see you in two days..."

"See you in two days..."

As the voice fell, the figures of Chacha and the other celestial maidens just disappeared...

After watching Chacha and Azshara disappear, Juno tried to enter the maze...

But not surprisingly, she failed.

"That woman is really too powerful..." Juno sighed, and said, "It seems that I can only pray that their traps are not too difficult..."

"how so?"

"Juno, as a god, can't you untie it??"

The girls asked unwillingly...

"I can't..." Juno shook his head with a sinking face... "Azshara's power is beyond my imagination..."

"Okay... so what do we do now??"

The maze can no longer be entered...then how do they contact each other to walk through the maze?

"It doesn't matter... They won't change the route of the maze... If this is the case, then let's build another maze that is exactly the same..." Juno gritted his teeth and said

It's tough.

In order to seize the right of residence of his own man, Juno also planned to do his best...

Build another maze to train the girls' sense of direction...

So, with the help of a group of goddesses, Juno rebuilt an identical maze around this closed maze...to facilitate the training of the girls to walk the maze!

What are the skills of walking the maze? ?

Without him, I am familiar with you...

After walking a lot, you will naturally become familiar with... skills? nonexistent……

Thus, the women of the West once again plunged into the nightmare of the labyrinth...

And in the eastern underworld...

Chacha and the others didn't relax at all...

In order to prepare for the upcoming competition, Chacha and the others brought all the daughters of Pei Rong who were in Jiangdu City back to the underworld.

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