The hatred of killing one's father, the hatred of taking one's wife...these two can be said to be side by side...

It is absolutely unacceptable that the young man in front of him actually wants to snatch away his bride who has not attended the church.

"Young master, this thief will not eat or drink as a toast, so we will meet him at our house!!"

Before Wei Zhongdao could speak, the guard behind him jumped out first...

"Go ahead, show mercy..." After all, Wei Zhongdao still didn't want to hurt Zhou Ye... After all, the family that can produce such a character is not an unknown family. Troubled times are approaching, one less enemy, more A friend is always good...

"Hehe..." Hearing Wei Zhongdao's words, Zhou Ye smiled... "I just said this to you, today your lives are saved!!"

As the words fell, Zhou Ye shrugged the Dream Monster under his crotch and walked towards the convoy...

The guard who just threatened to show Zhou Ye a serious look has now turned into a living statue... He sat on the horse with his whole body stiff, and he couldn't even blink his eyelids... And the other people in the convoy, I also encountered the same treatment as him...

Chapter 1967

Chapter 1967

On the official road at this time, a strange picture appeared.

I saw a young man in a hu suit carrying a woman in a red wedding dress out of the car, but everyone in the welcoming team didn't seem to have seen them, and they didn't stop them. There was the boy who kidnapped the bride.

Wei Zhongdao, who was sitting upright on the horse, just watched Zhou Ye slowly walk to the carriage, and took his bride who hadn't come to worship in front of everyone, without avoiding suspicion, out of the carriage, and then Put it on his horse, and just walk away like that...

Angry and anxious, he suddenly became furious and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The body swayed on the horse's back three times, swayed three times, and finally fell under the horse.

At this time, a group of servants realized that they could move freely, and they didn't care too much, rushed to Wei Zhongdao's horse, shouting loudly...

"My son, how are you doing, my son?"

"Hurry up, go to the town ahead, ask the doctor..."

"Oh, I'm going right now..."

Not to mention the servant of the Wei family who was flustered because Wei Zhongdao fell to the ground, but Cai Yan who was taken away by Zhou Ye.

When she was in the carriage, she didn't know what happened outside at all, but she heard a voice in front of the convoy. Then, a handsome young man broke into the carriage, picked her up unceremoniously, and put her in her lap. Get on the horse and walk away.

At this moment, Cai Yan, who was lying on Zhou Ye's horse, felt her body was extremely uncomfortable being bumped by the horse's back... She couldn't help but screamed: "It hurts..."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm a bit abrupt!!" As the words fell, Cai Yan only felt a big hand pass through her waist, and then with a little force, she was lying on the horse's back from the original position. The posture of the person has changed into a posture of riding upside down on a horse facing someone.

It wasn't until this time that Cai Yan really began to look at the young man who kidnapped him.

I saw the young man in front of him, wearing a white Hu suit, and his long black hair tied casually behind his head, giving him an incomparably free and easy feeling.

There was a faint glimmer of light on that handsome face, and his eyes, like black glaze, looked at her like that, and there seemed to be an indescribable smile in his eyes.

"Who are you?? Why do you want to rob my concubine?"

Looking at the boy in front of him, the fifteen-year-old Cai Yan unknowingly relaxed... unexpectedly had the courage to question Zhou Ye.

Hearing Cai Yan's words, Zhou Ye looked at her cheerfully...

How should I say it?

Cai Yan can leave a heavy mark in the history books, needless to say her appearance and literary talent.

However, at this time, she is still not the Cai Wenji who has suffered so much in the world in later generations, with longing for the future in her clear eyes.

"I... I'm here to save you!!" Zhou Ye said with a smile on his face.

"Stop talking nonsense, today is the day when I get married... You took this concubine away, spoiled my reputation, and trapped my family in injustice. Where can I save my concubine?"

Perhaps it was because of Zhou Ye's gentle attitude that Cai Yan dared to scold Zhou Ye loudly.

"Well—how should I say it?? Do you want to know your future fate??" Faced with Cai Yan's scolding, Zhou Ye was not angry, but blinked at Cai Yan's little loli, with a strange look on his face. Shushu said in the tone of abducting little Lolita: "Your future is very interesting!"

"..." Cai Yan was at a loss when he heard Zhou Ye's words...

future? destiny……

Can such mysterious and mysterious things be seen? ?

However, just as Cai Yan was hesitating, Zhou Ye had gently raised his right hand, and tapped his index finger between Cai Yan's eyebrows.

Following Zhou Ye's actions, Cai Yan felt a burst of unmatched force coming, and instantly...she felt her soul leave her body...

In a daze, she saw another future that belonged to her in the long river of time...

In that future, she was not taken away by the handsome young man in front of her, but married Wei Zhongdao of the Wei family without any trouble...

After marriage, although the two cannot be said to be in harmony with each other, they can be regarded as husband and wife singing along...

However, the good times don't last long...

Soon, the sick

Wei Zhongdao died...

Under such circumstances, the Wei family unceremoniously kicked her out of the house in the name of Kefu...

Cai Yan, who was lonely and helpless, had no choice but to return to her own home, but... people often say that blessings never come singly.

And what happened to her proves this.

She has just returned home, and has not been safe for two days... Power Minister Dong Zhuo, the young emperor was abolished and the emperor was established, and the capital was moved to Chang'an.

Then, King Zuo Xian of the Huns took advantage of Dong Zhuo's relocation of his capital to the empty Central Plains, and sent his troops plunder the Central Plains...

And she was not spared either...

In the end, he was taken to the northwest frontier by the Xiongnu...

When she saw this, Cai Yan couldn't stand it anymore...

Under the turmoil of her mood, she only felt that her soul was floating leisurely, being drawn by a beam of light, and returned to her body...

Cai Yan, who had just woken up and still couldn't tell the difference between dream and reality, couldn't help but let out a mournful cry: "Tie've ruined my life!!"

However, when he finished shouting these words, Cai Yan realized that the sky had already darkened at some point.

And she was no longer on horseback, but sitting beside a bonfire... Behind her was a warm embrace.

That embrace made her feel extremely safe.

"Are you awake?" A gentle voice came from her soothe her agitated heart that had just peeped into the future.

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