"Hmmm!!" Cai Yan nodded his head slightly, and asked softly: "What I see, is this my fate?"

"Hehe..." Hearing Cai Yan's words, Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "The future is never static. Make different choices and lead to different futures... It's like a road. At a fork in the road, you choose No matter which way you go, the places you arrive at are also different!"

Hearing what Zhou Ye said, Cai Yan bit Zhu Chun lightly, and after a long silence, asked softly, "So... the concubine has escaped that tragic fate, right???"

"Then maybe..." Zhou Ye could see that Cai Yan was about to give in, but he didn't intend to just let her go...

He chuckled and said, "Maybe, I, a villain with a reputation as a villain, repented in my heart for a moment, and sent you back to Wei's house again!?"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Cai Yan immediately became anxious... She hurriedly stood up, turned to face Zhou Ye, and said eagerly: "Since the master has rescued the concubine from that nightmare, why do you want to push the concubine again?" Into the pit of fire, besides, with the background of the Wei family, they would never marry a virgin who lost their virginity!"

Cai Yan may be smart, or quite literary.

However, due to the times, her knowledge is a little less...

She believed in everything she had just seen in a haze. So, for her - to send her back to Wei's house is to push her into the fire pit.

Chapter 1968

Chapter 1968

"Please be merciful, sir...don't push this concubine into that fiery pit of mortals again!"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Cai Yan suddenly turned pale with shock... In her opinion, a person with such supernatural powers is no longer ordinary.

Seeing Cai Yan's panicked appearance, Zhou Ye also felt that his joke seemed a little too much...

With a chuckle, he helped Cai Yan who was kneeling in front of him, and said, "It's just a joke...how can you take it seriously! I'm not stupid, how could I return the beautiful woman like a flower to that sick man?" Where's Wei Zhongdao??"

Hearing this, Cai Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

No wonder she was so nervous...

You know, Cai Yan was influenced by his father, Cai Yong, a great writer since he was a child. He is proficient in rhythm and has a wide range of knowledge.

Of course, Bo Wen Guang Ji here only refers to the situation of that era in general.

Compared with the Internet of the later generations, any junior high school student who comes here can beat the well-informed people of this era... There is no way, the channels for getting information are different.

And in some miscellaneous books, the description of this kind of extraterrestrial expert, to put it bluntly, is that one is born to follow fate and do whatever one wants... To put it bluntly, it is moody.

That's why Cai Yan took Zhou Ye's casual joke seriously.

Feeling that the crisis has been resolved, Cai Yan has time to carefully look at the place where she is.

This is behind a mound...

A tent has been pitched by the campfire.

On the blazing bonfire, hung an iron pot, and the pot was tumbling, and with the sound of tumbling, a tangy aroma came out of the pot.

Smelling the aroma of the food, Cai Yan's stomach made a rumbling sound.

There is no way, since she was taken away by Zhou Ye at noon, it is already time to make an appointment with Liu Shao.

She is not a pervert like Zhou Ye who doesn't care about eating or not, she is already hungry.

Just now it was because she was concerned about her unknown destiny, so she didn't feel anything. After she relaxed, she naturally felt the protest in her stomach.

Hearing the cries in Cai Yan's belly, Zhou Ye couldn't help laughing... "Just in time, the food is ready, why don't we have dinner together!"

With that said, Zhou Ye was about to get up to serve the meal.

However, he was held down by Cai Yan.

"Don't move, sir, I'm here to serve you dinner!!" Cai Yan said, stood up, and carefully took out a stick from the firewood piled up next to him, intending to give the iron pot hanging on the campfire to him. Pick it up...

It's a pity that the weight of the iron pot is a bit too heavy for her.

Moreover, the way she picked the iron pot was not right. Using the end of a wooden stick to pick up the iron pot, the weight it bears almost doubled geometrically.

Just when she picked up the iron pot and hadn't left the bonfire, she couldn't hold on any longer...

With a flick of the wrist, the iron pot fell towards the bonfire. "ah--!"

Seeing this situation, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while... He calmly used his telekinetic power to freeze the dinner that was about to fall into the bonfire... Sighing, he said, "Okay, don't scream... It's still me Let's serve dinner..."

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Cai Yan felt ashamed...

For the first time she felt so useless.

To be honest, it's not her fault...

Since she was born in a scholarly family, it is naturally impossible for her to do such rough work.

To say that she has no strength to restrain a chicken is to praise her...

It wasn't until Zhou Ye put the seafood porridge in front of her that Cai Yan said with some embarrassment: "Sir, I'm sorry, it's my concubine who was rude..."

"Hehe..." Zhou Ye smiled, noncommittal.

Faced with this situation, Cai Yan didn't know what to say.

Talk about rhythm with Zhou Ye? ? On ancient and modern? ?

Forget it, if this gentleman doesn't like temperament, wouldn't it be self-defeating? ?

But don't talk about the tone

Cai Yan didn't know what to say for a while.

After all, she is a talented woman, but not a woman who is good at talking.

After all, she is only fifteen years old this year.

In such an awkward atmosphere, Cai Yan picked up the ceramic bowl that Zhou Ye placed in front of her, gently scooped a spoonful of fragrant seafood porridge with a spoon, and put it into her mouth after blowing it cool.

In an instant, she was conquered by the delicious seafood porridge in her mouth.

"The meals made by Mr. are truly exquisite..." Cai Yan couldn't help admiring.

"If you like to eat, I will make it for you often in the future!!" Zhou Ye laughed.

"..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Cai Yan was secretly happy.

The implication of Zhou Ye's words just now is that he has already planned to bring her by his side.

How could this not make Cai Yan happy?

Don't say such stupid things as just taking off your new wedding dress and moving on.

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