At this time, they also saw little Angelina sitting beside their mother...

Zhen Mi couldn't help asking: "Mother, who is this?"

"This is Mr. Zhou's younger sister...he came here with Mr. Zhou to propose marriage!!" Mrs. Zhang said with a smile.

"My name is Wan'er, sister, you are so beautiful!!" Little Angelina stared at Zhen Mi with her cute big eyes...

From your appearance, little Angelina looks about eight or nine years old, but in fact, she is only six years old...

No way, with good nutrition, you will grow taller.

"You are beautiful too..." Hearing her mother's words, Zhen Mi liked little Angelina more and more... After all, this is her future sister-in-law.

However... Zhou Ye couldn't help being speechless when he heard what little Angelina said...

Fuck, this is messing with seniority...

The telepathic sound transmission starts——

【Baby, you can't do this... You have to call her auntie! 】

【Don't... I won't call a sister who is only three or four years older than me...】

【But... she is...】

[If you don't want it, you don't want it...the bad daddy of an old cow who eats tender grass...]

Hearing his daughter's complaints, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while... Well, it seems that when he goes back, he will have a good talk with Hela about his daughter's education.

Where did she learn so many strange words? ?

Zhen Mi and the other daughters obviously don't know the spiritual dialogue between the father and daughter...

For them, marrying Zhou Ye is a foregone conclusion...

Although it is said that the five sisters serve one husband together, in another sense, it is also a good ending, after all, the sisters don't have to be separated.

Now that it's a foregone conclusion, it is necessary to please my sister-in-law appropriately...

So—little Angelina became the treasure of all the girls...

Especially the little guy is weird and cute, he is really likable, and all the girls gradually let go, laughing with her.

Seeing this situation, Mrs. Zhang nodded with a smile. After all, she also thinks that her daughter must have a good relationship with her future husband and family, and the relationship between aunt and daughter-in-law is the most important thing... There is no way, in her opinion Come on, Zhou Ye loves his younger sister a little too much, taking her into such a big matter as a marriage proposal... One can imagine her status in Zhou Ye's heart.

Chapter 1989

Chapter 1989

Now that marriage is a foregone conclusion...

Then, it is natural to prepare for the wedding process...

Everything follows the ancient etiquette... Nacai, asking names, najib, nazheng, asking for dates, welcoming relatives, etc...

According to the normal procedure, it will take nearly half a year for the six rites to be completed. However, the matter is urgent and the Zhang family is in charge, which simplifies the process of the six rites.

Why do you ask? ?

Because the 20,000 troops outside the city are still stationed there...

A 20,000-strong army, people eat horse chews... In half a year, how much money and food will it cost? ?

Now that it has become a fixed number, Mrs. Zhang naturally has to think about her own daughter... In the end, it is her daughter's future in-law's family who will lose. what to do? ?

This is what she, a mother, has to consider.

No matter how simplified the process is, it will take more than a month for the Six Rites to go down.

In this way, Zhou Ye simply sent An Doudou and the hundred knights back to the military camp outside the city, and took his daughter to live in the Zhen Mansion.

That night----

Everyone in Zhen's Mansion, who had been busy and exhausted all day, had a rest early... No way, the servants in Zhen's Mansion are the busiest when they marry five daughters at a time.

Even the maids serving the young ladies leaned against the wall exhaustedly and fell asleep.

At this moment, a black shadow quietly came down from Zhen Mi's show building, and she bypassed the night watch maids with ease, and came to a single courtyard in the mansion...

Like a thief, after looking left and right... the black shadow flashed and got into the room.

As soon as she entered the room, she felt that she was hugged by someone...

Smelling that extremely familiar breath, her whole body couldn't help but relax. "My lord..."

The visitor was none other than Cai Yan who borrowed from Zhen Mi in the name of a member...

"I was going to find you just now...I didn't expect Yan'er to come to your door by herself!!" Zhou Ye said cheerfully.

Hearing her husband's words, Cai Yan's face was happy at first, and then Xiao Xi murmured, "Huh... I'm afraid my husband has long forgotten my concubine status, and I am in love with the sisters of the Zhen family every day... how can I remember my concubine?" This poor man..."

"How could I have forgotten Yan'er??" Zhou Ye said with a smile: "I think about Yan'er all the time!! If Wan'er hadn't been living with you all the time, I would have gone to find you... ..."

Because the sisters of the Zhen family deliberately flattered little Angelina, Zhou Ye's nominal younger sister, they are now as good as real sisters, and Wan'er rarely has the opportunity to play with her peers, so she especially likes to play with Zhen Mi Xiaoluoli played together, after all, the difference between the two of them was only three or four years old.

The two can say that they eat and live together...

But this will be a pain for Zhou Ye...

Originally, he wanted to sneak into Zhen Mi's showroom and play with Cai Yan... In the end, because of his daughter's willingness, he also fell through...

For Zhou Ye who loves women, these days are a bit difficult.

Keke, pull away...

Just saying that the lovesickness here is hard, but Cai Yan who sneaked into her husband's room———

Hearing her husband's words, no matter it's true or not, with these words, she feels that it's worth dying for this friend...

Thinking of this, Cai Yan said in a low voice: "My's late at's time to rest!!"

This is a silent invitation...

After saying this, Cai Yan put her little head into Zhou Ye's arms, shyly refusing to let it out...

Hearing Cai Yan's words, Zhou Ye chuckled, "Don't worry, I'll introduce you to a new sister today!!"

As Zhou Ye said, he pulled up Cai Yan's figure and disappeared into the room...

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