When he appeared again, he was already in the boudoir of Xiao Diaochan in Kongtong Mountain...

At this time, Xiao Diaochan was sitting by the couch, playing with the handheld game console left by her husband before he left...

It was left by Zhou Ye for her to pass the time...

At this moment, she felt the light dim in front of her eyes, and she couldn't help raising her head...to look forward.

When she saw a familiar figure, joy suddenly appeared on her face, "My lord..."

As she said that, Xiao Diaochan dropped the game console in her hand, stood up, didn't even bother to put on her shoes, and rushed towards someone.

"Be careful..." Zhou Ye hugged Xiao Diaochan who rushed towards him.

"Diaochan misses you..." Little Diaochan lay in Zhou Ye's arms and said infatuatedly.

To her, the few days of parting are like a few years... If it wasn't for the game console to distract her, she would have been exhausted by Yi Xiao.

"I miss you too..." Zhou Ye really wanted to...

You know, for Xiao Diaochan, only a few days have passed, but for him, it has been more than a month.

After all, it is time to prepare the army...

By the way, I also want to appease the girls in the Marvel world...

Therefore, a little delay is justifiable.

"This is Sister Diaochan, right?"

Hearing this voice, Diao Chan came to a sudden realization - there are other women in her husband's arms...

She hurriedly raised her head and looked in the direction of the sound...

I saw a beautiful young woman who was looking forward to a woman's bun, looking at her with a smile in her corner, with a hint of misgiving in her eyes. "This sister is...?"

"My concubine's surname is Cai, my name is Yan, and my name is Wenji..." Cai Yan looked at the little girl in front of her who was still young, but she had already shown her beauty, and said with a smile: "No wonder my husband left me alone in Zhen's house." It doesn't matter, even if I am a girl, I can't help being happy when I see Sister Diaochan..."

Diao Chan's little loli was shy for a while being praised by Cai Yan...

"Sister Wenji is the allure... The slave family is just an ordinary peasant girl..."

Hearing Diao Chan's little girl's words, Cai Yan wanted to speak again... but Zhou Ye who was behind him slapped her on the pout... making her coquettishly angry: "Husband..."

And Diao Chan's little lolita was obviously touched by someone, and she also lowered her head shyly.

"Okay, I don't feel ashamed to praise my family..." Zhou Ye said with a smile: "If you continue to praise, the sky will be bright..."

When Zhou Ye said this, the two women immediately understood what their man was going to do...then they shyly kept silent.

Fighting against their own husbands alone, although they are shy, there is nothing...

However, it is the first time for both women to fight side by side...

Unavoidably, one by one is shy, and no one is willing to go first.

For this, Zhou Ye had expected it... he smiled, and he opened his bow left and right, and disarmed the two of them at the same time... And then - a battle of one against two began.

Chapter 1990

Chapter 1990

Three days later————

In the garden of Zhen Mansion...

No matter how busy the marriage is, the life of the Zhen family sisters is no different from the past.

After all, many chores are done by servants... and they only need to be responsible for their beautiful appearance.

Of course, they also have their own courses...

For example, Mrs. Zhang selected a few old nuns from among the servants to teach her daughter the way of human relations one-on-one.

If you are a small family, before entering the bridal chamber, you will throw a book of spring sex pictures to your daughter, and it will be a book of enlightenment for your daughter.

However, the Zhen family is a powerful family after all, so of course they wouldn't be so hasty.

At this time, the four young ladies of the Zhen family, who had just been taught by the nuns, were sitting in the garden, whispering and exchanging their learning experiences with each other.

In fact... Although women are ashamed to talk about this kind of topic in front of men, they are still very open in front of the same sex.

Especially for the sisters who have grown up since childhood, it doesn't matter...

At this time, the sisters of Zhen's family, each with an attitude of learning and research, were talking endlessly in the garden.

However, at this moment, a voice came over...

"What are the sisters talking about? It's so lively!!"

As the voice fell, two small figures appeared outside the garden gate...

It's none other than Zhen Mi's little Lolita and little Angelina...

Seeing their youngest sister approaching, the Zhen sisters stopped their topic tacitly... After all, their sister is a bit too young... It's not yet time to understand this knowledge.

"It's nothing, we're just discussing what the Zhou family is like..." the eldest sister Zhen Jiang said hastily.

"Yes, yes!" The second sister Zhen Tuo hurriedly followed the words of her elder sister and continued. "After all, we are about to become Zhou's wives... so I am very curious about the Zhou family. What are the rules of the Zhou family? What are we going to do?"

The other two sisters also echoed...

Hearing her sister's words, Zhen Mi's little loli smiled and said, "Instead of making wild guesses here, sisters, why not ask Wan'er... When it comes to the Zhou family, who knows about Wan'er??


When the four sisters of the Zhen family heard what their little sister said, their eyes immediately lit up...

Although they didn't discuss the Zhou family's affairs just now, they still have such worries...

After all, each powerful family has its own rules. Although the general direction is not the same, there are also some differences in the small details.

Sometimes it's the little things that tell the truth...

It would be nonsense to say that they are not worried about their lives after entering Zhou's house... After all, in many cases, a single marriage represents a lifetime of happiness, how can they be sloppy? ?

Thinking of this, the sisters of the Zhen family looked at Zhou Wan'er with even more eagerness...

"Wan'er, do the Zhou family have many rules?"

"Good Wan'er, tell my sister, what do you need to pay attention to when you enter Zhou's house?"

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