Soon, Sun Ce met Zhou Ye...

He and Zhou Ye had a detailed discussion in the room for more than an hour. Apart from him and Zhou Ye, Zhuge Xiangxue also participated in it.

When he walked out of Zhou Ye's room, he immediately ordered people to write a statement to make it known to the world... From then on, the Jiangdong Sun family will always belong to Zhou Boyang in Jingzhou.

Seeing this proclamation, everyone in the world was frightened...

In their view, although the Jiangdong Sun family belonged to Zhou Ye in name in the past, it was only in name...the two sides did not belong to each other.

However, following Sun Ce's announcement, that is to say—from now on, Sun Ce has really surrendered to Zhou Ye. Is this Zhou Ye's first shot to fight for the world? ?

And the person who was most worried about this matter was Cao Cao... He hurriedly ordered Guo Jia to write a decree in the name of the emperor, making Jiangdong Sun Ce the Marquis of Wu and leading Jingzhou Shepherd...

This is tantamount to saying to Sun Ce that Jingzhou is yours... hurry up and get it.

And Sun Ce will naturally not accept this will... How could he not see such an obvious countermeasure? ?

Not only did he fail to accept the decree, but Sun Ce chopped off the decree official, and then ordered his head to be sent back to Xuchang... In addition, he took the whole family, old and young, and moved to live in Jingzhou Prefecture... That means, I sent it all to my door Come to be a hostage... You should stop trying to drive a wedge between me and my lord.

In this way, Cao Cao had no choice but to give up...

Since the relationship between the two cannot be separated, Cao Cao can only speed up training and preparing for war... He is now coercing the emperor to command the princes... With such a great momentum, he does not want to lose...

However, what Zhou Ye did next made the princes unable to understand...

After the Naxian Order was issued, Zhou Ye didn't recruit troops, and he didn't even step up the training of the existing soldiers... How to live life...

While making all the princes fearful, they are also lucky... Is Zhou Boyang just teasing us... In fact, he has no intention of fighting for world hegemony at all? ?

A year has passed……

Zhou Ye didn't move...

Two years have passed...

Zhou Ye still didn't move...

This immediately relieved all the princes... After all, if you want to fight for world hegemony, you must train soldiers, right? ?

Although the Blood Dragon Riders are powerful, they only number 20,000... with such a number, it is enough to defend the nine counties of Jingxiang, but to fight for world supremacy... it is almost impossible.

Chapter 2168

Chapter 2168

However, just when all the princes were rejoicing...

Cao Cao is even more like an enemy... At this time, he has wiped out Yuan Shu and annexed Jizhou and Qingzhou... and Xuzhou is guarded by Liu Bei and Lu Bu, and he still has to attack Yuan Shu for the time being. hand, so I haven't done it yet...

Even though Cao Cao has monopolized a quarter of the twelve prefectures in the world, he is still worried about Zhou Ye... wishing he could keep his eyes open in the direction of Jingzhou when he was sleeping...

In order to guard against Zhou Ye's attack, he even ordered Cao Ren to garrison troops in Huaiyang City to train day and night without slack.

In addition, he also recruited civilian husbands to strengthen the walls of cities such as Xingyang...

He even ordered people to cast huge and thick iron city gates at any expense... All the pass fortresses for him were replaced.

Why is this so? ?

Because Cao Cao has seen how Zhou Bu broke the city...

The half-meter-thick wooden city gate was as fragile as paper stuck in mud under the siege cones of Zhou Bu.

How could he continue to use the wooden city gate in such a tense moment? It was like sending Zhou Ye off to the city.

After two years of intense preparation... Zhou Ye still hasn't moved...

Regarding this, the courtiers on Cao Cao's side couldn't help but start to have some gossip...

What to say, my own prime minister is completely unfounded...

What are you talking about, Zhou Boyang, why should the prime minister be so afraid of him... It only takes 200,000 troops, and the nine counties of Jingzhou can be captured in less than a month, so that Zhou Ye can die without a place to die...

Xuchang—Prime Minister's Cao Cao's study.

"My lord..." x3

Xun Yu, Guo Jia and Jia Xu came to the prime minister's mansion together to pay a visit to Cao Cao...

"Oh? Why did the three of you come here so neatly today?" At this time, Cao Cao was holding a military scroll and studying the art of war. He was quite surprised to see his three advisers coming one after another. "Is there anything important to report??"

"My lord..." Xun Yu bowed and said, "It's been three years... You have been preparing for the battle with all your strength, and let the soldiers practice day and night, and the soldiers below have already complained... You said that since you are so afraid of Zhou Boyang Why don't you simply raise your troops to attack? If this continues...I'm afraid something will happen!"

"Oh?" Hearing Xun Yu's words, Cao Cao raised his eyebrows. Instead of answering, he looked at Guo Jia and Jia Xu: "Are you here to talk about this?"

"Exactly, my lord!" Guo Jia nodded in response...

"As Mr. Xun Yu said, my lord...if this continues, the people below will's not a long-term solution!" Jia Xu said here, and suggested: "My lord, why don't you order someone to bring a letter from home and send it to Jingzhou, Let's find out what the young ladies are saying, and see what Zhou Boyang of Jingzhou is planning? We'll be able to find out what's going on!"

Hearing Jia Xu's words, Cao Cao couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said

: "Wenhe thought I never sent someone to Jingzhou??"

Seeing Cao Cao's appearance, the three counselors glanced at each other...

It seems that my lord has ordered someone to send a letter from home a long time ago...

It's just that the news may not be as optimistic as I and others thought...

Thinking of this, Xun Yu asked, "Then... I don't know how the ladies replied to the lord?"

"..." Hearing Xun Yu's question, Cao Cao was silent for a moment... and said: "No reply... not even a single word..."

"This..." The three counselors were taken aback when they heard the words...

"No reply is already the best reply!" Cao Cao said with a wry smile, "I can understand the situation of Qing'er and the others... Sandwiched between me and Zhou Boyang, it is also embarrassing for them... and there is no reply, I think , they are telling me... this matter is beyond good..."

While Cao Cao was speaking...

Suddenly a servant ran in in a panic... "My lord...Jingzhou urgent news..."

Hearing that it was the news from Jingzhou... Cao Cao didn't care that he didn't have any shoes on, so he jumped up from behind the desk, rushed to the servant in two steps, and forced the secret letter written on silk in his hand. in hand...

After getting the secret letter... Cao Cao didn't dare to open the secret letter for a while...

He hesitated for a moment, then handed the secret letter in his hand to Xun Yu... "Wen Ruo, read it..."


Xun Yu took the secret letter from Jingzhou from Cao Cao... He saw a secret word embroidered on the silk at a glance...

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