As Cao Cao's most trusted adviser, Xun Yu knew that this was a secret letter from his lord's secret agency called the Dark Guard...

The number of this hidden guard is unknown, and they spread all over the territories of various princes in China... They use trained carrier pigeons to deliver messages, and it only takes one day to send them thousands of miles away...

It seems that Jingzhou's own master has hidden guards...

However, it should be thought about... the person my lord fears the most in his life is none other than Zhou Boyang... It would be a ghost if he didn't set up secret guards in Jingzhou.

Thinking of this, Xun Yu opened the secret letter...

"Today, Zhou Boyang ordered his troops in the Tibetan Army Valley, and the banners in the valley were unfurled, and the sword was shining brightly... The subordinates saw that there were - millions of blood dragon riders hidden in it... Please make a decision early!"

Xun Yu had just finished reading the letter when he heard a click...

The three of them hurriedly looked... and saw that Cao Cao was stunned on the spot, and at his feet, there was another pottery cup rolling on the ground... Obviously, his lord was frightened.

"Million Blood Dragon Knights?? How is it possible... how is this possible!!"

Cao Cao didn't care about his gaffe being seen by his subordinates, but rushed to Xun Yu's face, snatched the secret letter from Xun Yu's hand, and looked carefully...

After half an hour......

The secret letter in Cao Cao's hand fell to the ground... He looked up to the sky and sighed: "Zhou Ye... Zhou Boyang... Sure enough, a god-man..."

Why do you say that? ?

Because since Zhou Ye issued the order to recruit talents, Cao Cao sent a large number of spies to Jingzhou to investigate...

I want to see where Zhou Ye trains and how many soldiers there are...

However, his spies searched for a long time, but they did not find any traces of Zhou Ye's military training...

But today, Zhou Ye's army finally leaked out... Millions... Millions...

This is not 10,000 to 20,000... This is an army of one million...

With so many troops, how did Zhou Ye hide them? ?

The most frightening thing is—this million-strong army is actually full of blood dragonriders...

God, let's not talk about anything else, just a million war horses, where can we get together...

Cao Cao, who occupies at least a quarter of the world, believes that he can't get together a million horses.

That's why he lost his composure when he saw this secret letter...

Cao Cao couldn't help but said with emotion: "Three years without making a show, a blockbuster...Zhou Boyang, Zhou really know how to pretend!"

Chapter 2169

Chapter 2169

Xun Yu and the others looked at their lord expressing emotion there, and couldn't help asking worriedly: "My lord, what should we do now?"

"According to your ideas, what should we do?" Cao Cao, as expected of Cao Cao, calmed down quickly after a brief gaffe.

Anyway, the worst thing has happened... Now the soldiers can only cover it up.

"According to what my subordinates see...My lord, it's better to strike first..." Guo Jia said, "Now we should take advantage of Zhou Ye's unpreparedness and order General Cao Ren to lead an army of 100,000 to Huaiyang. Attack Huaiyang and Runan..."

"At the same time, General Xiahoudun was ordered to lead 50,000 elite cavalry out of Xingyang to attack Nanyang..."

"In addition, my lord can also send two eloquent men, one to Yizhou to meet Liu Zhang, and the other to Hanzhong to meet Zhang Lu..."

"As long as the two can be persuaded to send troops together with the lord to wipe out Zhou Ye... then the lord can feel at ease in this battle!"

"Five armies sent troops to attack Zhou Ye at the same time... Hehe... Fengxiao's plan is very clever!" Jia Xu said with a smile, stroking his goatee after hearing this.

"My lord, my subordinates feel that Feng Xiao's words are very is better to strike first than to wait for death!" Xun Yu also persuaded.

"Hehe..." Cao Cao couldn't help but smile wryly when he heard the words of the three counselors he relied on, "It would be great if the Blood Dragon Knight was so easy to deal with!"

In fact, he didn't blame his three counselors...

Xun Yu is the one who has followed him for the longest time... However, Xun Yu has only seen the speed of the blood dragon cavalry, and has never seen the majesty of the blood dragon cavalry when it is on the battlefield... let alone Jia who followed him later. What about Xu and Guo Jia?

The two of them had only heard of the majesty of the Blood Dragon Knight at all, and had never really seen the incomparable prestige of the Blood Dragon Knight, so it is not surprising that they would say that...

"What worries does my lord have?"

Seeing his lord's wry smile, Guo Jia asked a little strangely: "My lord, do you think this plan is quite inappropriate?"

"That's all..." Hearing Guo Jia's words, Cao Cao sighed... Then, he stood up and said, "Wen Ruo, what you said is very true... It is better to act first than to wait for death... The matter has come to this point, and this is the only way to go ...Just according to Fengxiao's words...however, a little modification is needed!"

"Oh? How does the lord plan to modify it?" Guo Jia asked.

"In addition to the previous five groups of troops, I will add one more..." Speaking of this, Cao Cao looked at his three advisers and said in a deep voice: "I will lead the sixth army personally, and I will lead ten troops. Wan, start from Xuchang and go straight to Jiujiang... I want to fight Zhou Boyang on the battlefield for a while!"

"This... my lord, the 100,000 army in Xuchang is already our last property. If we take this 100,000 army away... then the defenses in Yanzhou and other places will be..."

" you think, if this is won, who else do we need to guard against? Who in the world would dare to steal my Xuchang?

? "

"Goodbye, my lord..."

Hearing Cao Cao's words, the three counselors all bowed and said...

"Okay, you guys go back and prepare, Xun Yu is still staying in Xuchang this time, and Feng Xiao and Wen He will walk with me!" Cao Cao paused for a moment... and said: "Three days later, we can send troops to Jiujiang! "

"Here!" x3

The three of them went down...

Watching his three counselors walk out of the study, Cao Cao suddenly showed a look of worry on his face.

In fact, he missed a word just now... If this battle is won, no one in the world will be his opponent... But if this battle is defeated, then the army he stayed in Xuchang to watch the house is useless I used it...sooner or later it will be eaten by Zhou Ye...

So, this time he can be said to have put all his eggs in one basket...

Winning to take care of young models, losing to work on the construction site—that's roughly what it means.

Three days later———

Outside Xuchang City, Cao Cao vowed to go to war...

Of course, Cao Cao, who held the Son of Heaven to command the princes, did not forget to accuse Zhou Ye and Luo Zhi of some crimes to prove that he was acting on behalf of the heavens...

As for Zhou Ye's crimes... What is desolate, what is bloodthirsty... what is no king and no father...

In short, as long as you want to say, you can say anything.

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