Chapter 2237

Chapter 2237

In the middle of the night in Yangzhou was pitch black.

After all, this is not the city of the electrified age in the later generations...

Although Yangzhou is already a large and prosperous city in this era...

However, once night falls, the city is still pitch black...

Of course, it's not completely dark. Looking from the sky, there are still a lot of dots and dots of fire occasionally.

That is the ever-bright guiding light lit at the door of the rich and powerful family.

And among these sparse lights, there is one light that is particularly bright...

That light was not the ever-lit guide light at the door of the rich and wealthy family, but a house light that lit up in a small courtyard.

This courtyard is not very big, that is, it looks like there are two entrances inside and outside. Compared with the mansions of those rich and wealthy households that occupy more than ten acres of land, it can be said to be extremely petite...

In the room of the back house, a bright oil lamp is emitting its own light.

It stands to reason that even rich and wealthy households would not turn on the oil lamp so brightly if it was not necessary.

You know, in this era, the brighter the oil lamp, the more lamp oil it consumes.

With such a bright oil lamp, the lamp oil consumed in one night is enough to make some wealthy families feel extremely heartbroken.

And the owner of the room here obviously doesn't care about the loss of lamp oil. She only cares about whether the ever-burning lamp she lit can really allow her benefactor to find her in the dark.

"Engong, why don't you come..." Wei Zhenzhen lay down on the round table, looked at the sparkling flames in front of her eyes, and murmured: "Is Zhenzhen just so dismissive of you?"

At this moment, there was a soft knock on the door...

"Is it Yu'er?" Wei Zhenzhen asked in a low voice when she heard the voice.

"Ma'am, it's late at night... You should go to bed early... If the master doesn't come at this time, I'm afraid he will be delayed by other common affairs, so don't wait..." The maid outside persuaded softly.

"It's okay, I can't sleep on both sides, so just let me wait a little longer!" Wei Zhenzhen's tone even contained a hint of pleading...

Hearing Wei Zhenzhen's words, the maid named Yu'er outside the door couldn't help but sigh softly... "Forget it, since madam wants to wait any longer, then follow madam... but don't wait." It's broken, otherwise, the master will blame the servant..."

"...Does Engong still remember Zhenzhen??" Hearing the maid's words, Wei Zhenzhen had a look of mixed joy and sadness on her face... "Yu'er, have you received any news from Engong?"

"This... this servant only knows that maybe the master will come to Yangzhou in a few days, but it is not clear when exactly..." After Yu'er finished speaking, she sighed faintly, and secretly slandered—the villain The master really tortures people...

He had already stolen Mrs. Wei's heart, but he just refused to say that she took it away... It is also a good name, love is like old wine, the more it is brewed, the stronger it becomes.

Alas, it's just that Mrs. Wei in the house has suffered...

Thinking of this, Yu'er said to Wei Zhenzhen inside the room through the door panel: "Madam Wei, please take care of yourself, for your sake, and for the sake of the master... the servant is resigning!"

While speaking, Yu'er's figure disappeared in the same place in an instant...

That seemingly beautiful maid is actually a master of martial arts... If people see this scene, their jaws will drop in shock...


Wei Zhenzhen in the room heard the maid's farewell, and hurriedly shouted... After a while, she gave up after receiving no response.

She just wanted to chat with Yu'er for a while... It would be best to talk more about her mysterious master.

It's a pity that Yu'er is obviously sleepy...

Thinking of this, Wei Zhenzhen couldn't help but sighed deeply...

She rested her chin on her arms, leaned on the table, looked at the oil lamp in front of her, and couldn't help but return to that day more than a year ago...

Wei Zhenzhen was born in a small family in Yangzhou. Her father was originally a traveling businessman who traveled from village to household. Although life was tight, he was considered healthy and happy.

But the moon is cloudy and sunny, and people have misfortunes and blessings...

I don't know when, her father got acquainted with a few cronies. The so-called cronies, of course, don't teach people to be kind...

Under the leadership of those cronies, Wei Zhenzhen's father got into the bad habit of gambling.

Under such circumstances, his business would naturally go to waste...

Not to mention that the family was increasingly struggling, Wei Zhenzhen's father even owed a large amount of gambling debts to the casino.

Even so, Wei Zhenzhen's father still refused to stop, but continued to borrow money to gamble...

In fact, everyone knows what the psychology of a gambler is like.

The more you lose, the more you want to make money, and the more you lose, the more you want to gamble. I hope that one day I can turn around in one fell swoop, and after making a lot of money, I will stop doing it.

A gambler with such a mentality will never win money.

Just like that, Wei Zhenzhen's father sold all the valuables in the house and used them for gambling.

This is not the end...

After there was nothing to be sold, nothing to sell... Wei Zhenzhen's father was blocked at home by the cashier in the casino.

On that day, the people in the casino will take Wei Zhenzhen to pay off the gambling debt.

Fortunately, on weekdays, neighbors get along with each other

They are all pretty good, so with the help of the neighbors, the guys who collected money didn't dare to be presumptuous, but before leaving, they left a harsh word that if they didn't pay off their gambling debts within three days, they would destroy the Wei family...

Ordinarily, after this catastrophe, Wei Zhenzhen's father should also calm down, first find a way to pay off his gambling debts, and then resume his old business and support his family, right?

However, things are not as simple as he imagined... How does one say? Rescue the emergency but not the poor... What's more, Wei Zhenzhen's father is a gambler, which to a certain extent, doomed him to be unable to borrow money...

After all, no one would lend money to a gambler, it would be like a meat bun beating a dog, never returning.

In the end, Wei Zhenzhen's father returned home empty-handed after two days of begging his grandpa to tell his grandma.

Just when the family was at a loss, someone entered the door of his house...

It was none other than Lao Feng who opened the food stall at the South Gate...

That old Feng, who is already in his forties this year, is a person who has stepped halfway into the coffin.

However, he is not old at heart. For the well-known Wei Zhenzhen, Lao Feng has long coveted...

In the past, Lao Feng also knew that even if he came to propose marriage, he was afraid that he would be beaten out, because not only was he old, but he had already married a wife. With such conditions, how could the Wei family treat him like a flower? What about Yu's daughter marrying him as a child?

However, the day before yesterday, when Lao Feng passed by Wei's house, he saw the scene of Wei's family being forced for debt by casino thugs, which let Lao Feng know that the opportunity had come.

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