Chapter 2238

Chapter 2238

Until now, Wei Zhenzhen still remembers that day... For her, that day is simply unforgettable in her life.

After all—on that day, she experienced the feeling of falling into hell and being dragged into heaven.

…………………… I am the dividing line of Wei Zhenzhen’s memories……………………………

Yangzhou, Nanmentiaoer Hutong——Weijia———

The Wei family's yard is not big, there is only one entrance, but it is enough for the three members of the Wei family...

At this moment in the hall, Wei Zhenzhen's father, Wei Feng, was sitting on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face, sighing...

"Daddy, drink some water!" Wei Zhenzhen took a large rough porcelain bowl full of gaps, and gently handed it to her father...

She knew that her father hadn't borrowed any money yet...

Although she was also anxious, but no matter how anxious, what could she do? ?

She can't help her father a little...

All he could do was to bring tea and water to his father.

"Let's put it down!" At this moment, Wei Feng has no intention of drinking water... His heart is full of remorse now...

If I had known today, what he said at the beginning should not have walked into the bottomless abyss of the casino with those cronies...

However, it's too late to say anything now... He now owes the casino a full five hundred taels of silver... What should he use to pay back the five hundred taels of silver? ?

Many people think that it is only five hundred taels of silver, and it is not much.

But in fact, according to the consumption level at that time, the purchasing power of these five hundred taels of silver is equivalent to the current price of more than two million to three million soft sister coins.

This is also because of the successive years of wars in the Sui Dynasty and the poor harvest of food. If it was a prosperous age, the value of the five hundred taels of silver would be worth tens of millions.

In fact, Wei Feng only borrowed less than one hundred taels of silver from the casino, and the rest was all interest.

But... In this case, who can he turn to for reasoning? ?

When borrowing money, he pressed his fingerprints and held the IOU, and the casino could even sue Wei Feng in court.

"Oh... what should I do??" Thinking of this, Wei Feng felt even more depressed... He couldn't help but look around the house... At this time, the furniture and other things in the house had already been sold by him. , It should be done... It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a house.

After looking at it for a long time, Wei Feng realized that when he really didn't seem to have anything to sell for money, he suddenly became more depressed.

Wei Zhenzhen looked at her father who was slumped on the ground, and couldn't help feeling anxious...

At this moment, there was a knock on the door...

As soon as the knock on the door sounded, the Wei family trembled in fright...

There is no way, the dun is terrified at this time...

Just when Wei Feng was overwhelmed by fright, a woman's voice came from outside the door, "Is Master Wei there?? Master Wei??"

Hearing this voice, Wei Feng felt a little relieved... The voice was quite familiar. After carefully distinguishing it for a while, Wei Feng remembered the owner of the voice. It was the voice of Matchmaker Li who lived at the east end of the alley. ...

After hearing Matchmaker Li's voice, Wei Feng calmed down, pretended to be calm and told his daughter, "Zhenzhen, go open the door and see what's going on with Mrs. Li's family?"

"Okay, Dad!" Wei Zhenzhen walked out of the main room quite obediently, came to the gate of the courtyard, opened the gate, "Aunt Li, is there anything wrong?"

"Hey, it's Miss Zhenzhen, what a happy event, what a great event!" Matchmaker Li said, then unceremoniously squeezed in through the door... Until this time, Wei Zhenzhen saw behind Matchmaker Li, There was also a middle-aged man standing...

That middle-aged man has a rather rich figure—ahem, to put it bluntly, he is fat...

Although she was dressed in silk and satin, she looked quite upright, but in fact, from a long distance, Wei Zhenzhen could smell the stuffing of buns coming from that person.

She also knew that man, he was Lao Feng who opened a steamed stuffed bun shop at the south gate.

Following in the footsteps of Matchmaker Li, Old Feng also squeezed into the courtyard of Wei's house... Seeing this, Wei Zhenzhen sighed helplessly, and closed the courtyard door casually.

At this time, Wei Feng also came out of the main room, looked at Matchmaker Li in front of him, frowned, and asked: "Ms. Li, you and I didn't have any friendship in the past, what's the matter today?"

"Hahaha...Master of the Wei family, what a happy event!" Matchmaker Li said, walking up to Wei Feng without seeing anyone else, and said with a smile: "I heard that the Wei family owed gambling debts to the Fortune Casino?? "

Hearing Matchmaker Li's words, Wei Feng's expression changed... "What does it have to do with you?"

"Hehe...Of course it has nothing to do with me...The Wei family's family is big and the business is big, and gambling debts are nothing to Mr. Wei..." Li Matchmaker cursed in her heart as she spoke. ——Bah, a dead gambler, what are you talking about? ? If it wasn't for Lao Feng's pulling money, I wouldn't have come here...

Of course, I thought so in my heart, but Matchmaker Li smiled like a blooming chrysanthemum, "It's just that the male college should be married and the female college should be married. Miss Zhenzhen has already reached her age this year, it's time to talk about matchmaking... ...It just so happens that I have a good match here, and I have taken a fancy to Miss Zhenzhen..."

Speaking of this, Li Matchmaker stretched out her hand to Old Feng who was standing behind her, and introduced: "This is Mr. Feng who runs a steamed stuffed bun shop at the South Gate. He has fallen in love with Miss Zhenzhen and is willing to take Miss Zhenzhen as his concubine... ..."

Wei Feng, who had a normal complexion, immediately turned red when he heard Matchmaker Li's words... "Get out!"

His Wei Feng's daughter is going to be accepted as a concubine? ?

What is a concubine? ?

That status is a little bit stronger than calling the girl...

To put it bluntly, if his daughter was made a concubine, she would be beaten to death by the master's family, or beaten to death by the master's wife, and his daughter would have no place to redress her grievances.

That's why Wei Feng was so angry...

Faced with Wei Feng's scolding, Matchmaker Li was not angry at all...

A matchmaker can bend and stretch, but in the final analysis, it's for money... to make money, not to mention just a mere word, even if you scold her eighteen generations of ancestors, she can still greet you with a smile on her face.

"Yo yo yo...Master Wei, don't be so angry, let's listen to Master Feng's dowry first and then talk about it... How about it?" After saying this, Matchmaker Li walked up to Fan Weifeng's side and gestured to him He said: "If you agree to this marriage, then Master Feng is willing to help you pay off your gambling debts, and then give you two hundred taels of silver as a dowry gift... What do you think?"

Hearing Matchmaker Li's words, Wei Feng was dumbfounded...

There is a saying that people are poor and short-sighted, while horses are thin and long-haired.

Wei Feng has been cornered by the casino, how can he refuse such a temptation? ?

Just when he was hesitating, Wei Zhenzhen felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave, her whole body was icy cold...

Chapter 2239

Chapter 2239

Wei Zhenzhen looked at the ugly old Feng in front of her who kept looking her up and down, and felt as if her whole body was being crawled by ants, it was unbearable...

If possible, Wei Zhenzhen doesn't want to see this old Feng at all...

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