But, she knew that this was impossible...

Because——her father is being pressed for debt by the casino... If the gambling debt is not repaid...the consequences will be disastrous.

At this time, Wei Zhenzhen was suppressing the nausea... She looked at her father with pleading eyes, she didn't ask for anything else, she only asked her father not to marry her to this old Feng.

However, what is disappointing is...

Wei Zhenzhen's father, Wei Feng, was clearly moved by now...

And Matchmaker Li, who was standing aside, threw the last straw that broke the camel's back in the heart of Wei Zhenzhen's father, Wei Feng.

"Master Wei, you also know that none of the people who run casinos are kind... I heard that the old Zou's family on the North Street was also sold by the casino because they couldn't pay their gambling debts." In the flower building... In the end, the daughter of the Zou family couldn't bear the humiliation and hanged herself... That's a miserable death... Tsk tsk..."

Hearing Matchmaker Li's words, Wei Feng's last luck was broken...

Being a concubine to someone is tens of thousands of times better than selling to a brothel...

Thinking of this, Wei Feng wanted to open his mouth... to deal with this matter.

And Wei Zhenzhen, who was standing by the side, felt as if she had fallen into an abyss...

She could see the expression on her father's face, it was the expression of planning to accept this marriage...

At this moment, the whole thing seemed to have slowed down ten thousand times... She watched her father open his mouth bit by bit, and just two words from the ghost-like mouth could shake her whole body. Into the bottomless abyss, from then on there is no room for turning over...

However, at this moment, suddenly there was a loud bang bang bang...

The loud noise scared Wei Feng almost to the ground...

It was the sound of someone slamming on the door of his own courtyard, just like the last time someone from the casino came to the door. How can Wei Feng not be frightened by such a movement...

In the past, it sounded like a ghost knocking on the door, but today it became the voice of saving my own life... Wei Zhenzhen didn't care much at this time, she didn't wait for her father's order, she quickly walked to the gate of the courtyard and opened it ...

Even if it's the thugs from the casino at this time, Wei Zhenzhen is willing to open the door for them as long as she can slow down her falling into the abyss a little bit.

As the door opened, Wei Zhenzhen was stunned by the people in front of her...

It wasn't a casino thug coming to the door, nor a neighbor coming to ask for a debt, but a handsome young man she didn't know standing at the door, and behind the young man, there were two pretty maids.

"Excuse me, can you find..." Looking at the young man in front of him, Wei Zhenzhen couldn't help asking softly.

"This is the Wei family, right?? Are you Wei Zhenzhen?" the boy asked with a smile.

"This... Exactly, I don't know what's going on, Young Master??" Wei Zhenzhen asked strangely.

"Yes, that's right..." Zhou Ye nodded with a smile, and said, "I have something to ask Wei Feng!"

"The young master, please..." Although Wei Zhenzhen didn't think that her father would know such a person, but—— at this time, if someone interrupted her father's words, that would be her savior.

"Hehe, thank you girl!" Zhou Ye walked into the courtyard with his maid while talking.

At this time, Wei Feng and others also saw Zhou Ye...

Logically speaking, seeing this situation, Matchmaker Li should avoid it for a while, and visit her again in the next day...

However, Lao Feng on the side kept giving her winks, telling her to book the matter quickly. For the money that Lao Feng gave, Matchmaker Li decided to make an appointment at this time, so as not to save Wei Feng from regretting... …

Thinking of this, Matchmaker Li said to Wei Feng: "Master Wei, since you have visitors here, it is inconvenient for us to bother you, why don't we make an appointment for this matter, and choose a good day after a while How about handling the matter?? Master Feng is very generous. He is willing to pay off your gambling debts as a deposit... As long as you are willing to accept this matter, then Master Feng will go to the casino today to pay your debts. IOU redemption... What do you think??"

"This...just according to..." Wei Feng was about to say just as you want...but was interrupted by a voice.

"Wait a minute..."

As the words fell, Zhou Ye also came in front of everyone...

"Why did this young master stop you??" Matchmaker Li was upset, but seeing Zhou Ye in front of her, who looked extraordinary and was wearing extravagant clothes, she was a little more careful.

"Hehe... I just don't want Miss Zhenzhen's wonderful life to be delayed!" Speaking of this, Zhou Ye glanced at the extremely wretched old Feng standing aside, and said with a smile: "Zhang Kun of Fortune Casino is yours!" Cousins, huh?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?? I don't know Zhang Kun and Wang Kun..." Hearing this, Old Feng almost jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on...

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Wei Feng's eyes were almost red... that's because he was angry...

Who is Zhang Kun? He is a gangster who puts money in the casino. To put it bluntly, he is a usury who lends money to people.

And the money he borrowed was also borrowed from Zhang Kun...

Zhou Ye didn't care about Lao Feng's denial, he smiled and said, "Speaking of which, it's really hard for you, Lao Feng... In order to get Zhenzhen, you have been planning for more than half a year without telling your tigress... …It is really not easy to find someone to hang Weifeng and lure him into the casino!"

"You spitting blood..." Old Feng was extremely angry at this time, as if he had lost his mind, he rushed towards Zhou Ye, and his fat hands were drawn towards Zhou Ye's face...

... "Little brat...you..."

"Presumptuous!" x2

Zhou Ye didn't move, but the two beautiful maids behind him moved...

I saw the figures of these two maids flashing, and they stood in front of their master, and then, without seeing where they pulled out the long swords, they stabbed at Old Feng...

"Leave him alive, just die like this, it's too cheap for him!" Zhou Ye's voice sounded... The sword lights in the hands of the two maids flashed, and they cut off all the limbs of Old Feng...

At this time, Lao Feng fell to the ground like a fat balloon, howling in pain...



Seeing this situation, no matter if it was Wei Feng or Li Matchmaker... they all screamed in fright...

Even Wei Zhenzhen was taken aback...

It's just that unlike the other two who moved away from Zhou Ye, the frightened Wei Zhenzhen moved closer to Zhou Ye...

For Wei Zhenzhen, Zhou Ye at this time was like her savior, the angel who saved her from falling into the abyss...

Chapter 2240

Chapter 2240


The matchmaker Li who had a smirk just now fell to her knees...

She lay on the ground, kept kowtowing to Zhou Ye, and shouted in panic, "Good man, good man... This is not about the villain, the villain is just earning some hard money... I beg you, good man, let's get around the villain!"

"Huh?" Zhou Ye glanced at Matchmaker Li, who was kowtowing desperately at his feet, with a half-smile, waved his hand, and said, "You're so irritable, let's deal with it!"

"Yes! Master!"

A maid came out from behind Zhou Ye and came to matchmaker Li...

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