Seeing the long sword that was still dripping with blood in the servant girl's hand walking towards her, Matchmaker Li let out a groan, and immediately passed out...

Immediately, everyone present smelled a suffocating smell.

"It's really bad luck..." The servant girl covered her nose with one hand and picked up Matchmaker Li's long hair with the other hand, dragging her towards the outside of the courtyard...

At this time, Wei Zhenzhen's father, Wei Feng, also collapsed on the ground in fright when he saw this scene.

"Grandfather..." Wei Zhenzhen bit Zhu Chun lightly, walked to Zhou Ye's side with some hesitation, and begged softly, "Grandfather please let my father go...he...he..."

She wanted to say that her father was innocent...

But under Zhou Ye's half-smile eyes, Wei Zhenzhen retreated...

In the final analysis, flies do not bite seamless eggs, Wei Feng has a certain reason for today's misfortune.

If he was not greedy, there would be no disaster today...

If he could repent after losing all his family property, he wouldn't be in the misfortune of today...

In short, he, Wei Feng, has a lot of responsibility to get to where he is today... This is the so-called, poor people must have something to hate.

Just because she understood this point, Wei Zhenzhen's words of pleading could not be articulated...

But, that was her father after all, she couldn't watch him being killed by Zhou Ye no matter what...

Thinking of this, Wei Zhenzhen knelt down on the ground with a thud, and begged Zhou Ye: "Zhenzhen knows that what benefactor did today is for Zhenzhen, but Zhenzhen dares to beg benefactor to let Zhenzhen go." Father is a horse, Zhenzhen is willing to be an ox or a horse, and repay it with death!"

Hearing Wei Zhenzhen's words, there was hope in Wei Feng's eyes...

As for Zhou Ye, he asked with a smile, "Are you sure?"

"Zhenzhen is sure..." Wei Zhenzhen nodded vigorously and said.

"That's all right, just do as you wish!" Zhou Ye turned to one of the servant girls and said, "Give him some silver and let him leave Yangzhou!"

"Yes, master!"

A servant girl responded and walked up to Wei Feng's side, took out two hundred taels of silver from her pocket, threw it in front of Wei Feng, and said: "My young master is kind, these taels of silver are used as a betrothal gift for your daughter, you can go Don't show up in Yangzhou again!"

"Thank you, young master, thank you young master!" At this moment, Wei Feng was so frightened that he was about to go crazy... Although he was addicted to gambling, he had never seen such a cruel person before, so how dare he say anything...

Pick up the silver tael in front of you. Pull up the woman next to him, and run away...

These two hundred taels of silver are enough for him to settle down again in another place... As for his own woman? ?

That young master obviously came for his daughter, and he didn't have the guts to argue with that murderous young master about the bride price or something.

To Wei Feng, being able to keep his own life was already a surprise among surprises.

Seeing that her father ran away in such a haste without even saying a word... Wei Zhenzhen couldn't help feeling a little sad...

"What? Are you regretting it?" Zhou Ye saw Wei Zhenzhen's thoughts at a glance, and asked with a smile.

"No... Zhenzhen is just..." Speaking of this, Wei Zhenzhen didn't know how to express what was in her heart. At this moment, she felt an indescribable sadness... Does this mean that her family is ruined? ?

"Don't worry about it so much..." Zhou Ye smiled and helped Wei Zhenzhen up, stopped her slender waist unceremoniously, and whispered: "From now on, you are a member of my Zhou family. No one wants you. I want you... Others will abandon you like a shoe, but I will hold you as a treasure in my palm!"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Wei Zhenzhen couldn't bear it any longer, and lay in Zhou Ye's arms, crying bitterly. "Grandfather... woo woo..."

These days, she has experienced too much fright and fear...

Crying and crying, she fell asleep in Zhou Ye's arms...

When she woke up again, she was already in a residential building.

It's just that Zhou Ye's figure has disappeared... Only the two maids remained.

Through conversation, Wei Zhenzhen finally knew the names of these two maids, one was Yu'er and the other was Yun'er...

Both of them are Zhou Ye's maids...

Zhou Ye, on the other hand, had something to do and left Yangzhou temporarily...

After Wei Zhenzhen was terrified for a few days, she finally calmed down a little... What are you afraid of? ?

Of course, I was afraid that something would happen to the east window...

After all, Lao Feng's limbs were cut off in front of her... She was also afraid that the government would come to her...

Then since Wei Zhenzhen was afraid that the government would come to her, why didn't she run away?

In fact, although Wei Zhenzhen was afraid that the government would come to her door, she was not afraid of taking the blame. She even made a plan to resist all the crimes once the government servants came to her door.

In her opinion, this is the only way she can repay Zhou Ye.

But in fact, not only did the government not come to the door, even the news that Lao Feng's limbs were chopped off by Zhou Ye did not spread...

It's just that once when she had the courage to go to the south gate to check for news, she found out... Feng's steamed stuffed bun shop had been sold out. It is said that Lao Feng offended a hero in the Jianghu, and his limbs were chopped off and dug up. He became a smuggler, and has since become a useless person who can't speak or move, and his original partner also searched the family's belongings, left Lao Feng at home, and went away with a bun shop boy...

Today's old Feng has been reduced to begging along the street.

Of course, even if he is begging, he is also bullied by other beggars...

As for that casino gangster who lent money to Wei Feng... also died in a fight with other gangsters for territory...

At this point, Wei Zhenzhen was completely relieved...

However, after she was relieved, Wei Zhenzhen found that she was left alone in Yangzhou as if Zhou Ye had forgotten her... only Zhou Ye's two maids were with her...

She hasn't seen Zhou Ye for more than a year...

Thinking of this, Wei Zhenzhen couldn't help feeling a little more sad...

"That's right, compared with Engong, he is like the scorching sun in the sky, but a weed that can be seen everywhere on the roadside..." Talking to herself, Wei Zhenzhen couldn't help but Sighed……

At this moment, Wei Zhenzhen suddenly heard a noise coming from the courtyard... Her eyes lit up, she stood up abruptly, and walked towards the courtyard... "Grandfather, is that you?"

Chapter 2241

Chapter 2241

Hearing the sound of footsteps in the courtyard, Wei Zhenzhen hurriedly got up and walked to the door, opened the door, and said in great surprise: "Grandpa, are you back?"

Just after saying this, Wei Zhenzhen was startled by the scene in front of her...

I saw two people standing in the yard, a man and a woman.

Both of them were dressed in white clothes. The woman was a tall and beautiful girl, and the man... no accident, it was Zhou Ye.

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