"I just lied to that guy!" Spindu shrugged his shoulders and said, "When I was about to sail, I heard that someone in Guangzhou had actually crucified people... This is really..."

"Then you're so lucky!" Charlie said with a smile that was uglier than crying. "If I'm not mistaken, the people who crucified those people in Guangzhou are on the boat behind!"

"My God..." Spindu was stunned, but he didn't expect that he would hit him straight, "That executioner is actually on that boat... God..."

Spindu gave Charlie a deep look, then turned around and shouted: "Damn, you lazy bastards, hurry up and work, if you don't want to be nailed to a cross!"

He has nowhere to go now. Those who can crucify people will definitely not mind having two more crucifieds. He doesn't want to be one of them, so surrender has become a forbidden item. Now I can only pray to God, don't let my sails and masts go wrong, and beg those devils to lose themselves in this damn rainy night...

On the other side, An Doudou, who just threw the cannonball that made Spindu stunned, looked at his master with an embarrassed expression.

"Pfft..." With Zhou Ye's eyes, how could he not see the cannonball that An Doudou just threw? It was obvious that the throw was a little too powerful, and it was thrown too far... "Doudou, doudou... You really didn't use the name for nothing..."

"..." An Doudou looked confused? Why does my name still have a history? check back...

"Okay, I'll leave everything to you!" Zhou Ye said, turning around and walking towards his luxurious captain's room. He didn't want to stand here in the rain. Although he didn't catch a cold, he was soaked all over his body. It's also uncomfortable. "If they run too slowly, give them two strokes, let them run faster, don't ink there, I'm still waiting to go to England to see the great queen, hehehe!!"

"Master... Queen Victoria is only twelve years old at this point..." An Doudou corrected his master's sick words.

"Huh?" Zhou Ye stopped his footsteps, turned his head to look at An Doudou, and said weakly, "Well, I think the smoothness of the weapon is also a banner that shows me Umbrella, I order you to put you The cannonballs in the bracelet are polished and sparkling for me, and they are bright enough to be imitated by others!"

"I..." An Doudou looked at his brothers with a bitter look on his face. After Zhou Ye left, he asked, "Did I do something wrong again?"

"You funny guy..." The soldier next to him rolled his eyes and dared to complain about his own master. He was really a funny guy, and the name really wasn't wrong.

A group of soldiers ignored him and went back to their respective cabins, leaving this poor Andoudou sitting on the empty deck, grinding the shells in their wristbands with a grinding wheel. The shells on more than a dozen ships have been put away, and there are thousands of rounds at least...

An Doudou really wants to cry without tears...

The two ships were escaping and chasing like this... Unlike the tired half-dead sailors on the Lucky Ship, Zhou Ye's side was extremely leisurely...

Twelve days later ————————————

On the deck of the battleship Umbrella.

"It's so hot!" Zhou Ye was lying on the beach chair under the awning, sighing the hot weather while drinking the chilled red wine.

He raised his wrist, looked at the time displayed on the personal terminal, and said to himself, "I have given them more than two hours, and the transaction is over!"

"Yamato Nadeko!" Following Zhou Ye's voice, a beautiful girl in a kimono was displayed on his personal terminal, looking exactly like the Yamato in the once-popular ship girl game. This is Zhou Ye's wicked way of turning the artificial intelligence on the Umbrella into a Yamato, and named it Yamato Nadeko!

Well, the ship girl... I have one myself, Zhou Ye thought proudly.

"Master, what are your orders!" Yamato Nadeko asked in a soft voice as he folded his hands in front of the murderer, with a submissive look.

"The little mice have almost replenished their supplies, and we should let them run away quickly..." Zhou Ye smiled.

"I understand, Master!" Yamato Nadeshiko replied obediently.

Following Yamato Nadeko's answer, the battleship moored on the sea put away its anchor, and with the humming of the motor starting, the Umbrella slowly started.

The cat-and-mouse game has begun again…………

Chapter 276

"Hurry up and finish the deal, you bastards!" Spindu yelled at his sailors. On weekdays, he wouldn't treat his sailors so harshly, but now... in order to survive, he doesn't care much anymore. . "If you don't want to be overtaken by the devil ship behind you!"

At this time, Spindu was no longer the same as when he first went to sea. The meticulously groomed blonde hair was now messy. The gold wire glasses that showed the literary heritage now have a broken temple, and a rope is used to simply The help on his head, the beard that has not been shaved for a long time is also popping out, and the fat body has lost weight due to the hard work of more than ten days, and even has a bit of skinny beauty.

Today's Spindew no longer looks like a typical British gentleman, but has a bit of a representative figure of later postmodern art, a sharp brother.

And Charlie also dresses like him, basically a sharp brother second...

Hearing the captain's shout, the sailors accelerated the progress of the transaction one by one. This is not a seaport, only

It is just a small island outside the Strait of Malacca. Here, many indigenous people use their food and fresh water to exchange goods with these foreign merchant ships...

Because the draught of the merchant ships is too deep, it is impossible to get to the shore. Those indigenous people rowed their own wooden rafts and waited to come here to trade with the merchant ships.

Merchant ships give them cheap cotton cloth and other items, and they exchange freshwater coconuts or various foods for these exquisite clothes that they can't make at all...

Although in the eyes of the sailors, those clothes were tattered junk that was thrown on the ground and no one picked it up, but among these naked natives, it was a good thing.

At this moment, a beautiful indigenous girl rowed a homemade raft and sailed towards the merchant ship with difficulty. And those indigenous people saw the girl as if they had seen a ghost, and they avoided it one after another, as if there was some kind of virus on the girl that would be contagious.

"That girl is so beautiful..." Charlie, who had been looking outside, couldn't help sighing when he saw the girl.

At this moment, the sailor in charge of watching shouted: "The devil ship is coming..."


"Run away..."

"Not good, hurry up, hurry up and anchor..."

With the shouting of Wangshou, there was chaos on the Luck.

"Don't mess up, you bastards, hurry up to anchor and set sail... We're going!" Captain Spindu ordered loudly.

The sailors habitually obeyed Spindew's words, the anchor was stowed, and the sails were lowered from the mast with the efforts of the sailors.

The natives who had completed the transaction drove their own small sampans and left the side of the Lucky ship. They didn't want to be overturned by the waves when the ship set sail.

And the beautiful indigenous girl wearing an old skirt and a broken umbrella, her face is full of disappointment...

She managed to build her first small sampan with great difficulty, but she didn't expect that due to her inexperience, she would miss the opportunity for merchant ships to dock for supplies... This had to make her frustrated.

But at this moment, she suddenly heard the exclamations from the natives. She couldn't help but look up, and saw a giant steel ship like a giant heading towards here...

"This..." The girl opened her mouth wide and looked at the giant ship she had never seen before in disbelief.

When the mast of the Lucky disappeared to the sea level, the giant ship also revealed the whole picture in the eyes of the girl...

The girl looked at the tropical fruits and some ready-made cereals on her sampan, and looked at the natives who were far away from her, gritted her teeth, and moved her sampan forward. Some, try to occupy the front row position...

When the giant ship approached the island, the girl discovered that when she looked at it from a distance, she only felt that the ship was very big and had no specific feeling, but when the giant ship really came to her, she I really feel what it means to be huge...

The ten-meter-high ship's side was daunting for these natives. They desperately wanted to stabilize their little sampan that was struggling under the aftermath of the giant ship, and they didn't dare to go forward and sell it like a deal with the Luck own goods.

The girl who barely stabilized her sampan looked at the aborigines who were stagnant around her, and then slid the sampan and rushed towards the giant ship.

Arriving in front of the giant ship, she was a little dumbfounded... How can she trade at such a high price! ! !

"Hey—is there anyone?" the girl shouted helplessly from under the boat.

Soon, a rope ladder hung down, and the girl excitedly wrapped her fruits and other things in an old clothes, then tied them behind her back, and climbed up the rope ladder with both hands.

"Hello, do you need food and fresh water?" The girl who climbed onto the deck looked at Zhou Ye, who was surrounded by a group of burly men, and asked cautiously.

"Hmm-" Zhou Ye looked at the girl in front of him, except that she was a little dark, and she smiled and said, "What's your name?"

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