"My name is Chris..." The girl said somewhat submissively. In her eyes, this handsome oriental boy was obviously the center of this group of people. For some reason, she was a little afraid of this boy, and she felt that she could not defy this boy. any will of the youth.

After all these years, Zhou Ye still didn't like to put on a sullen face and pretend to be deep, but he had been in charge of Umbrella for so long, and he naturally had a power that couldn't be rejected. Although this kind of aura was invisible, it was real. existing.

"Crystal?" Zhou Ye smiled and said, "How come you have an English name?"

"My father is an Englishman..." The girl answered Zhou Ye's question, and unknowingly, she handed over her own background... "My father is a chemist who wants to go to the East to pan for gold. The merchant ship he was on caught a storm and hit the rocks and sank!"

"My father drifted to the island and met my mother!" Chris explained: "He fell in love with my mother at first sight, so he stayed. Because he knew some chemistry, he was regarded as a wizard by the natives. Afraid!"

Said, the girl's eyes were a little rosy, as if thinking of something sad.

"What's wrong? Did I touch your sadness?" Zhou Ye came to her at some point, and gently wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes.

"No, nothing..." Chris shook her head and said, "I just remembered my parents!"

"My father died of malaria the year before last!" Chris clenched her teeth and said with grief, "My mother also passed away two months ago..."

"I'm so sorry..." Zhou Ye hugged the girl in his arms and said softly, "I mentioned your sadness..."

"No, it's nothing..." The girl didn't know why, but she didn't push Zhou Ye away. Maybe it was because of the strange fragrance on Zhou Ye's body, or because of Zhou Ye's strong embrace. She had been alone for too long. Want someone to rely on.

On the island, the natives were afraid of her and didn't even dare to talk to her. After her parents passed away, she no longer had any worries, but loneliness was always with her.

Now that someone is talking to her and even hugging her, Chris feels very happy... At this moment, Zhou Ye whispered softly in her ear: "Chris, do you want to follow my boat and have a look together? What about the world?"

"Yeah!!" Chris nodded her head forcefully, and reached out to hug Zhou Ye. At this moment, she felt very at ease.

Chapter 277

On the waters of the Bay of Bengal, the armed merchant ship Lucky is rushing along the ocean currents all the way to the Indian port of Madras...

On the deck, ragged sailors lay lazily there, motionless. Except for the man on duty, no one seemed to move again.

It's not that I'm tired, it's that my mind is haggard...

There was no other way, even the captain, Spindu, lay on the deck regardless of his image. He was so tired, he was chased by Zhou Ye for dozens of days in a row, and the strings were tight all the way, and he was already exhausted.

It was so easy that he didn't see the shadow of Zhou Ye's battleship today, which made him rarely want to relax, so facing those lazy sailors, he simply turned a blind eye. they kill...

It's not impossible for this kind of thing to happen, at least there are several people who are not aware of sailing, but they see huge profits from ocean-going trade. An example of teaming up to kill at sea.

As an old captain, he didn't want to make such a low-level mistake...

It's not that Spindu didn't try to change the course when he couldn't see the giant ship, trying to get rid of Zhou Ye, but what made him desperate was that every time the giant ship could easily lock them, and then quickly. After catching up, this made him involuntarily think that the giant ship was a devil's ship. Otherwise, how can I explain that I have deliberately risked deviating from the channel, and the ship can still be tightly attached to him?

Of course, Spindu doesn't know what a satellite is, let alone what a global positioning is... He only knows that the giant ship behind doesn't seem to want to sink him, but just wants to drive him away like a rabbit. Where, he still doesn't know.

Because several times he was able to get close enough to see the people on the huge ship with binoculars. Although from time to time a man threw his cannonball at his ship, the most accurate time was just a hole in the gang, right. This baby of my own did not suffer much damage. This had to make him believe that the terrifying ship behind it didn't want to sink him.

Although the use of people to throw cannonballs completely subverted his common sense, he couldn't help but want to roar [What the hell is this? ] But after all, the enemy is strong and I am weak. It doesn't matter whether they use shells thrown by people or shells fired by artillery, the power is not discounted at all, just look at the big hole in the boat and the sailors who are missing a few people.

Of course, Spindu, who witnessed this scene, issued a forbidden password to Wang Wang, who was also stunned. He didn't want those sailors to mutiny out of fear and let him lose his life in his sleep unknowingly.

"...Spindu, what are you going to do?" asked Charlie, who was lying on the side with a pale face. "I plan to disembark at Madras. After all, there is a military base of our East India Company there. I think it should be relatively safe! Come with me!"

"I think after you disembark, I'm probably safe!" Spindu said blankly: "The big deal is to surrender to him, whatever you want, I've had enough of this!"

"Okay, then I wish you good luck..." Charlie nodded, he knew that this friend who lived and died with him for dozens of days was still reluctant to live at sea. It seemed that he could only be within his scope of authority in the future. , help him find some benefits.

"It's almost time to arrive at Jindu in the afternoon..." Spindu sighed, it seemed that his escape trip was about to end, and at this time he was still somewhat lost and empty...

"Yeah..." Charlie smiled tiredly, and at this moment he finally saw the dawn of the great escape...

—————————————————————I am the dividing line of the conversion lens ———————————————

On the other side, on the Umbrella battleship, Zhou Ye was holding Chrissy, sitting on a beach chair by the side of the ship, holding Chrissy in one hand and carrying a fishing rod in the other... For everyone on the Luck It was a great escape at the speed of life and death, but for Zhou Ye, it was like a vacation from a circumnavigation of the world.

Chris gently lifted the wine glass in her hand, took a sip of red wine, and then put it into Zhou Ye's mouth, and then the wine in her mouth was finished, and the two were still not separated...

In fact, on the first night of Chrissy's boarding, she was half-coaxed and half-coaxed by Zhou Ye to take away a blood. The feeling of being knocked out...

She was even more obsessed with Zhou Ye who gave her such a feeling. She had to follow Zhou Ye wherever she went. In her words, Zhou Ye was her man from now on, and she belonged to Zhou Ye's private property.

Zhou Ye quite appreciates Chris's statement... Private ownership of property, long live.

Just when the two of you were fighting for each other, Chris, who was sitting in Zhou Ye's arms, suddenly felt a shock from the fishing rod next to her body. She hurriedly turned her head to look, and saw that the fishing line on the sea fishing rod kept going. Struggling back and forth, the sea pole was pulled and bent.

"Ha, got hooked..." Chris jumped up from Zhou Ye's arms excitedly, happier than she was catching fish herself. "Quick, darling, give me a hand and drag our lunch up!"

"No problem!" Zhou Ye responded with a smile, and with the strength of both hands, he pulled up a tuna that was over a meter long. "Looks like we're going to have sashimi for lunch..."

"I hate eating sashimi!" Chris said coquettishly, "Why don't we grill it!"

"Okay, it's no problem to eat two fish!" Zhou Ye laughed.

Naturally, a soldier came over, picked up the tuna that was still alive and kicking on the deck, and then went to the hook and brought it to the kitchen...

Chris once again encouraged Zhou Ye to go fishing. What she liked was the feeling of harvesting. As for whether to eat or throw it away after catching it, she didn't care at all, she just enjoyed the process.

Soon, the soldiers brought up the processed fish. At the same time, there was a small barbecue stove. Chris cheered, picked up the processed fish, and began to show Zhou Ye her own barbecue. tricks up.

Frankly speaking, Chris's barbecue skills are not very good, and the spices are basically left out, and the salt is very little. After all, salt is also a rare item in them, and it is extremely lacking.

But Zhou Ye still kept on eating it accidentally. Who made Chris look satisfied every time, smiling and watching Zhou Ye eat the fish that he had grilled. In order to keep this beautiful smile forever, Zhou Ye violated With the condemnation of conscience, while boasting that it is delicious, he ate most of the tuna in his stomach.

Zhou Ye, who had eaten, touched his bulging belly and swore secretly...I will never eat tuna again...he was already hurt.

In the afternoon, the calm sea breeze blew on his face, making Zhou Ye, who was full of food, feel sleepy for a while. He simply hugged Chris, the two of them nestled in a small beach chair, and slept on the deck... …

For Chris, it's great to be able to supplement sleep like this during the day. After all, she doesn't get enough sleep every night. If she hadn't slept in Zhou Ye's arms for a while at noon every day, she wouldn't have been able to rest... But in fact Zhou Ye had already shown mercy, otherwise Chris would have felt Ruyan's feeling of begging for a comrade-in-arms.

After all, in the Chang family's mansion, Chang Wei's daughter-in-law let Zhou Ye really know the horror of his full firepower, and also the hard work of his own woman, so Zhou Ye tried his best to stop in moderation many times. If you are killed by disaster, other people's women are another matter.

Chapter 278

Zhou Ye, who was sleeping soundly, was suddenly awakened by the vibration on his arm. He opened his eyes, raised his wrist, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Master, the enemy ship is approaching the port of Madras. It is inferred that it may be landing at the port of Madras!" In the personal terminal, Nadeko Yamato reported the enemy's situation.

"Then kill their illusions!" Zhou Ye yawned and said casually: "Destroy that port, let them know that they must act according to my purpose and want to get out of control, he is dreaming!"

"As you wish, Master!"

And at this moment, on the Lucky ————

Charlie stood on the bow of the boat, looking at the port of Madras, where the sea horizon was just exposed in the distance, with a smile on his pale face, "Finally...Finally it's coming!"

At this moment, he really had the urge to hug his head and cry. He had known that there were such terrifying people in that country in the east. He would not transfer to the Eastern branch if he said anything, or, in other words, he would not say anything. Listen to that shitty Admiral and go to assassinate this terrible Prince.

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