This big chase that spanned thousands of miles was about to end. Charlie couldn't help but feel a little smug in his heart when he thought of this. It felt good that he could survive this kind of chase.

When he arrived in India, the private army headquarters of his company, he must mobilize private soldiers to teach this man who dared to hunt him a lesson, and he must find a way to capture the ship. Hegemony has an extraordinary meaning.

If you dedicate that ship to His Majesty the King of England, if you think about it, your title will definitely be improved. With the glory of the great Elliot family, a baron title is definitely not enough, at least a viscount can carry it.

Just seeing the dawn of safety, Charlie's ambition has risen again, and he actually dares to plot Zhou Ye's Umbrella... This has to be said, it's a bit ironic.

But Captain Spencer was not as confident as Charlie. He knew that the more he saw the dawn of victory, the more careful he was. This was his instinct as a former Royal Navy officer.

He knows that the terrifying giant ship behind him has been playing a game of cat and mouse with him, and sadly, his role is the mouse played by the cat...

At the speed of that ship, is it possible to watch yourself land? Spindell put himself in the position of the captain of the ship and imagined that he would not.

Although Spindew didn't know the power of the ferocious gun barrel on the giant ship, he would never take it as a decoration, especially that weird giant ship, which had no sails, but the speed far exceeded his own. This ship, relying on this, if he were to command, he would have played with his own ship and could not find himself.

Not to mention other things, just the fierce man who is skilled at throwing cannonballs, I can't see anyone on this ship who can resist it, not to mention the hull that is completely made of steel, and it can also knock my own ship. The baby was torn apart.

They watched helplessly as they escaped victoriously?

Spindu did not dare to hold such expectations, and even he sadly determined that the moment when he approached the port, it might be the moment when his beloved treasure was buried at the bottom of the sea.

But he couldn't stop Charlie's request to enter the port. After all, Charlie said it in front of all the sailors. If he stopped without a proper excuse, panic would spread on the ship. At that time, Not to mention that when the ship sank itself, the sailors would hang their heads on the masts begging for peace.

"Congratulations, my friend!" Although he had pessimistic thoughts, at this moment, Spindu forced a smile to congratulate Charlie.

"Thank you..." Charlie smiled happily and hugged Spindu hard, "You are my lifelong best friend. If you need any help from me in the future, just ask, I will definitely help you!"

"I will..." A smile appeared on Spindu's face. His investment finally paid off, but he didn't know how big the return was.

Just when the two were sympathetic to each other and reluctant to part, suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air, and Spindu widened his eyes. He couldn't believe what he saw in his eyes.

I saw more than a dozen white flashing objects streak across the sky at a speed indistinguishable to the naked eye, leaving a white trajectory in the air, and then smashed into the port of Madras, bursting with dazzling flames, And only at this moment did he hear the sound of shells breaking through the air and the sound of the port exploding...

Spindu doesn't know what an eight-speed electromagnetic gun is, let alone what a high-explosive shell is, but he knows where these shells come from...

"My God... My God..." Charlie was completely sluggish at the moment, looking at Madras Port, which had turned into a sea of ​​fire, he had a feeling that he was abandoned by God.

"what is that??"

"Gosh...that's Puerto Madras??"

"Oh my god... what is that?"

"Is this God punishing his lambs?"

"Merciful Lord, what makes you so angry..."

The sailors held the side of the ship and looked at the fire in Madras Port in horror. All this was so unfamiliar, but the artillery fire full of destructive power let them know that going to Madras Port now is courting death.

"Don't be stunned, Henry, go up to the mast to see if the demon is behind us!" Spindu shouted to his second mate, asking him to go up and take a look to confirm his guess.

"Yes, Captain!" Second mate Henry, like a monkey, climbed and jumped between the cables on the mast, and soon reached the top of the mast, picked up the binoculars and looked around, shouting: "There are no demons around. traces!"

"..." Spindu confirmed his guess again, but he would rather he guessed wrong, such a powerful battleship made him feel hopeless...

"My brother, you know what's going on? Don't you?" Charlie grabbed Spindu's shoulder and asked, shaking, "Tell me, my brother, tell me..."

"I think..." Spindu swallowed hard and said, "I think the giant ship that was chasing us was in action... They were warning us..."

"Warning us?" Charlie asked with a pale face.

"Warn us not to go ashore..." Spindu also felt powerless for a while. "He hasn't had enough...he hasn't had enough cat-and-mouse..."

Chapter 279

" could this be..." Charlie sat on the deck with a gloomy face.

"...Now is not the time to be discouraged!" Spindu looked at his pocket watch and counted the explosions silently. After a while, he said firmly, "We still have a chance!"

"What?" Charlie asked blankly, raising his head.

"I said we still have a chance!" Spindu said, grabbing Charlie's clothes and pulling him up. "How many ships are in the East India Company's fleet here?"

"There are two Tier 1 battleships, five Tier 2 battleships, and more than twenty Tier 3 battleships and more than 30 armed merchant ships..." Charlie replied with a little cheer.

"Then you have their command?" asked Spindu.

"Of course not..." Charlie's face was taken for granted, "I'm just a shareholder. If you want to mobilize these fleets, you need to hold a board of directors!"

"...That's really over..." When Spindu heard such an answer, his whole body suddenly became discouraged.

"But I have a very good personal relationship with the commander of the Indian fleet!" Charlie blinked and said, "It just so happens that the port of Madras was attacked again. We can use this excuse to persuade the fleet commander to send troops!"

"That's great!" Spindled suddenly became more energetic, pulled Charlie up, went to his captain's room, swept everything off the table, and brought the chart on the wall over to spread it out. When he got to the table, he pointed to a location and said to Charlie, "We can ambush that demon here!"

"This is the Sager Islands?" Charlie looked at Spindu with a questioning face, he knew that Spindu would definitely give him an explanation.

"I just counted it..." Spindu said, "In one minute, the demon fired a total of twelve shells... and he has twelve main cannons, which means that this ultra-long-range gun The devil also has weaknesses, his rate of fire is very slow, only one shot per minute..."

"But his power is great..." Charlie thought of Madras Port, which had become a sea of ​​fire.

"It doesn't matter... As long as we use a dozen ships as bait, our first-class battleships will be able to approach him!" Spindu said confidently: "He is stronger than us, but we are more than them. …”

"What are we going to do?" Charlie asked.

"We set up an ambush in the Saggar Islands, where I know enough to hide a huge fleet..." Spindu said: "You will write a letter in a while, and tell our plan and situation to your friend, the admiral of the fleet. Tell me, I will send the second mate to get off the boat with the letter and row the boat ashore!"

"Then what shall we do?"

"Let's go around the circle with the demons behind. In five days, I will bring the demons to the Saggar Islands ambush circle..." Spindu said with a conceited smile on his face: "You actually treat me as a The mouse comes to play, I will make him regret it!"

"Okay, I'll write now..."

Charlie didn't even mention getting off the boat at this moment. Judging from Zhou Ye's behavior, he knew very well that even if he ran to land, he might not be able to escape the pursuit, but would be even more dangerous due to the lack of environmental constraints. Maybe, after all, everyone still relies on boats to sail at sea, but on land, he doesn't have the confidence to outrun Zhou Ye...

It's not a problem to keep running like this, it's better to take this opportunity to try it out. If it succeeds, you will be rich and rich. At least if you capture Zhou Ye's battleship and dedicate it to the King of England, that viscount's title is a runner. Can't fall off.

Not to mention the calculations of the two... and then turn the camera to Zhou Ye.

At this moment, Zhou Ye was sitting alone in the command room of the ship with Chrissy in his arms, watching the electromagnetic cannon blaze through the observation window of the command room together...

Contrary to what Spinder expected, the battleship Umbrella did not fire all twelve main guns, but only one was firing, and the other eleven main guns did not move at all...

If Spencer saw such a scene, he probably wouldn't even have the idea of ​​designing Zhou Ye. He ran away as fast as he could...

"My dear, is the main gun on your ship as powerful as the 32-pounder guns on the British armed merchant ships?" Chris asked innocently.

"It's much more powerful than that..." Zhou Ye was speechless for a while, but he actually compared his electromagnetic gun with those antiques... He was also drunk.

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