At this time, Pan Xiaoting, who was a little surprised why Zhou Ye would ask such a question, also raised her elbows half-straight from the bed.

When she saw that there was no blood on the part where she joined Zhou Ye, she panicked... "Ye, you believe me... This is really the first time for me..."

Because I care, I am afraid...

She was afraid that Zhou Ye would think that she was an unclean woman, and that it was not the first time that she thought that she was.

What is the saddest thing in life? It's just that I didn't meet the person I love the most at my best age and best time.

But the problem is, Pan Xiaoting knows that she has never been in a could this be?

Looking at Pan Xiaoting who was looking at him pleadingly, Zhou Ye smiled. "Well, I believe you..."

"Really??" Hearing that Zhou Ye believed in herself, Pan Xiaoting felt a little unconfident...

He wouldn't be lying to himself, could he? ?

"Ye... You, you don't just want to play with me... That's why you don't care?"

Seeing Pan Xiaoting's suspicious appearance, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while...Damn it, I said I believed in you, but you still doubted me.

He was too lazy to talk nonsense with Pan Xiaoting... After straightening Pan Xiaoting's long legs into the shape of a pony, he straightened up and started working...

"Ah—you, today...give me...tell me clearly...Ye..."

Zhou Ye stopped talking here, Pan Xiaoting is still reluctant...

But unfortunately——

At this time, she simply couldn't help herself...

want to get up? ? Dreaming? ?

Want to shake your buttocks to get rid of Zhou Ye's cock? want to go...

After a hundred thrusts, this girl only had the strength to hug Zhou Ye's neck tightly and shout desperately.

"'t...don't stop...hard, hard..."

" penetrated so deep...ah...uh..."

Zhou Ye thought she was screaming too loudly, so he blocked her mouth with his mouth...


Ten minutes later, with a scream, Pan Xiaoting tightly clamped her legs around Zhou Ye's waist. At the same time, her arms hugged Zhou Ye's neck tightly, and her whole body was like a claw. Like a fish hanging under Zhou Ye's body...

By this time, she had already climaxed...

It's just a woman's instinct to make this kind of action... because it can make women's orgasms last longer.

And Zhou Ye, who is familiar with all this, smiled slightly, and pressed Pan Xiaoting tightly under his body. His waist and hips turned into small electric motors, and he quickly thrust back and forth...

"Ye, Ye, I don't want it anymore... Ah... Ah... Let me go... I really don't want it anymore... Ahhhhhhhh!!!"

What does it feel like to be pushed to orgasm continuously? ?

If Zhihu had this problem, Pan Xiaoting would probably tell her—it’s so cool...

It's so cool that I'm already a little scared...

afraid of what? ?

I am afraid that I will lose myself from now on, and I will never be able to leave this man in front of me again.

Half an hour later————

With a scream coming from Pan Xiaoting's cunt, she completely collapsed on the bed.

At the same time, Zhou Ye felt a hot current rushing to his lower body.

Well, another incontinence fuck...

For this, Zhou Ye can only feel proud... A man who can't fuck his own woman into incontinence, dare to call himself a man among men?

Looking at Pan Xiaoting who had completely passed out beneath him, Zhou Ye smiled...then gently pulled out his own dick.


When Zhou Ye's cock was pulled out from her slightly swollen hole, a stream of transparent cum mixed with white semen sprayed out.

A moment later, the mouth of Pan Xiaoting's female pussy, which could not be closed for a long time because of Zhou Ye's giant, was still flowing out with white semen.

This scene is extremely obscene.

Smiling and lowering her head, she kissed Pan Xiaoting's cunt. Zhou Ye picked up the cold quilt beside her and covered her body...

However, as soon as he turned around, he just walked out naked like this... He still hasn't forgotten that there is still a Xiaoxue who hasn't eaten outside...

Zhou Ye, who walked out of the bedroom, looked at Xiaoxue who was still motionless lying on the sofa, and a faint smile appeared in the corner of his face.

Although this girl pretends to be very similar, the problem is - in his spiritual position, the chaotic thoughts in her mind can't hide him at all...

He walked lightly to the sofa and looked down at Xiaoxue's peaceful sleeping face.

Zhou Ye didn't wait for her to react, he just lowered his head and kissed her...


Xiaoxue shook her head vigorously, beating Zhou Ye's crotch desperately with both hands... She acted like she didn't want Zhou Ye to kiss her.

Of course, Zhou Ye also noticed it... You might as well say that she is jealous and loses her temper rather than saying that she is desperately resisting.

In this case, whoever lets go is an idiot...

Based on Zhou Ye's experience, if you really obediently let go of her at this time, she will probably hate you for the rest of her life after a while.


Zhou Ye ignored her small punches on his chest, and directly cupped Xiaoxue's pretty face with his hands, making her unable to hide, he just bowed his head and kissed her.


From resistance to obedience, and then from obedience to actively hugging Zhou Ye's neck, sticking out his sweet tongue.

Xiaoxue only took less than three minutes...

When Zhou Ye's big hand touched the belt around her waist along her soft curve, it seemed intentional or unintentional, Xiaoxue even retracted her lower abdomen, as if it was for Zhou Ye's convenience.

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