After a while————

The carpet in the living room was covered with Xiaoxue's clothes...

A cute coat, a pair of ladies jeans and a set of black lace underwear.

At some point, Zhou Ye had squeezed between Xiaoxue's legs...

The two were still kissing each other deeply at this time, their lips and tongues entangled. Zhou Ye straightened his waist vigorously——

Xiaoxue, who was kissing him affectionately with her eyes closed, suddenly trembled violently...


From the small mouth, there was an inarticulate cry——

However, the wailing sound quickly disappeared from Zhou Ye's mouth...

At the joint of the two, a line of blood slowly flowed out from Xiaoxue's big pussy that was propped up by Zhou Ye's cock, along the gap between the buttocks... and finally dripped onto the sofa.

Chapter 2610 Zhou Ye's baton

Chapter 2610

Pan Xiaoting was awakened by the ups and downs on the bed.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw her best friend lying naked on the bed, while Zhou Ye was lying on her back from behind, shaking her buttocks desperately.

And her friend is still making a sound like a cat meowing...


Hearing her best friend's screams and seeing her man desperately moving behind her, a burst of anger rose from Pan Xiaoting's heart.

"What are you doing??"

A coquettish reprimand came from Pan Xiaoting's mouth, which immediately woke up Wang Xue, who was immersed in the sea of ​​desire and couldn't extricate herself.

"Ah...Xiaoting, you're awake...Ye...let me go...let me go...!"

She struggled desperately, trying to crawl out from under Zhou Ye, but it was a pity - this position was really too difficult. Her whole body was suppressed by Zhou Ye, and her whole body was firmly pressed down by Zhou Ye as if she was being raped...

With her strength, how could she break free from Zhou Ye's restraint? ?

Maybe it was because Pan Xiaoting was watching... At this time, Wang Xue felt extremely ashamed.

Her whole body tensed up involuntarily, and her buttocks were tightly clamped together... That tight feeling made Zhou Ye want to stop.

"No... ah... ah..."

The more Xiaoxue yelled, the faster and deeper Zhou Ye's penetration became, gradually... She no longer had the strength to yell, she was shaking her head like crazy, and murmured, "Don't look at me... …Xiaoting, don’t…don’t look at me…ah——!!!”

Following her scream, Zhou Ye felt another stream of heat sprayed on the head of his penis that penetrated into her body. For a moment, her wet pussy was like a child's pussy, and she began to suck his own crazily. dick...

"So comfortable..."

Seeing that the pair of dogs and men not only ignored her anger, Pan Xiaoting was almost driven mad...

She rushed directly behind Zhou Ye, hugging Zhou Ye's neck tightly, trying to pull him up from her best friend...

But alas—her efforts were of no avail...

Not only did he not pull Zhou Ye up, but because he lost his balance, he completely fell on Zhou Ye's body.

Following her pressure, Zhou Ye's cock that penetrated into Xiaoxue's vagina was directly forced into Xiaoxue's slightly dilated cervix by this force.

This is a big deal...

As Zhou Ye's glans pierced deeply into Xiaoxue's womb, Xiaoxue who was lying on the bottom immediately let out a scream, her whole body rolled her eyes, and she passed out completely.

At the same time, a large amount of scalding body fluid spewed out from her vagina like a bank bursting.

In the urethral opening above the vaginal opening, light yellow urine is also sprayed out due to the spasm of the sphincter.

In an instant, the white sheets on the bed were completely soaked...

At this time, Pan Xiaoting, who still knew nothing about it, was still lying on Zhou Ye's body and twisting back and forth...

She didn't twist once, Zhou Ye's cock that went deep into Xiaoxue's womb just swayed once, and Xiaoxue, who was pressed down and unconscious, couldn't help but tremble.

This is almost becoming a chain reaction...

Seeing Xiaoxue being played so miserably, Zhou Ye couldn't help feeling sorry for her. He directly let go of his essence and injected all the essence of life into it.

This sudden shock awakened Xiaoxue who had fallen into a coma.

"Ah, don't come in...I don't want to get pregnant yet...ah—"

Feeling the hot stuff being poured into her body continuously, Xiaoxue went from the fear of pregnancy to the helplessness of not being able to break free from the restraint of the two... to the helpless enjoyment in the end...

In this short moment, what kind of mental journey Xiaoxue has gone through, I am afraid that only she knows.

After a while—Zhou Ye finally injected the last drop of semen into Xiaoxue's body.

At this time, he directly supported his body and pushed Pan Xiaoting who was lying on his stomach alone.

This sudden move made Pan Xiaoting, who was unsuspecting, couldn't help but let out a scream...

However, this is not the end...

Zhou Ye turned over and threw Pan Xiaoting onto the quilt beside him...and pressed his whole body on it, "Is there enough trouble?"

Looking at Zhou Ye's handsome face and listening to his words, Pan Xiao

Ting cried aggrievedly.

"No...not enough fucked me...and..."

Facing this kind of jealous and angry chick, Zhou Ye knew that until she calmed down, it would be useless for you to say anything to her...

So, at this time, I decided to sleep with her...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye unceremoniously pushed away Pan Xiaoting's beautiful legs, lifted his own dick with his thoughts, aimed at her still wet pussy... and inserted it hard.

"You bastard... ah———————————!"

With a long moan, Pan Xiaoting felt that she was filled again...

At this moment of anger, of course she would not compromise with Zhou Ye... The whole person was like a crazy kitten, scratching and scratching at Zhou Ye.

But Zhou Ye didn't care about that...

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