Anyway, he doesn't hurt or itch...

After more than 100 consecutive deep well drilling exercises...Pan Xiaoting finally couldn't beat the pleasure coming from her body. Finally, she hugged Zhou Ye's neck tightly with both hands, closed her eyes, and began to hum.

And Xiaoxue, who was experiencing the aftertaste of the orgasm, instantly felt that the orgasm was not fragrant...

If she hadn't been so weak now, she would have gotten up angrily and left long ago.

But soon... Pan Xiaoting's humming turned into begging for mercy.

After all, it was the first time for her today... Zhou Ye can be regarded as a model of a good job, and she can't stand it anymore...

Hearing her best friend begging for mercy, Xiaoxue, who had recovered a little bit of strength, moved over like a ghost.

Seeing Xiaoxue who took the initiative to come over, Zhou Ye smiled...

He directly stretched out his hand, brought Xiaoxue over, and laid her down facing his best friend...

Then, Zhou Ye accelerated his speed...

Poke Pan Xiaoting at the bottom, then poke Wang Xue at the top...

For a moment, the two women groaned almost simultaneously...

At this moment, Zhou Ye, who was behind them, was so fast that his afterimages appeared... Although this was not Zhou Ye's fastest speed, it was too much for these two girls.

These two plastic sisters, under the command of Zhou Ye's thick and hot baton, sang an extremely lewd duet...

There is a lewd smell in the bedroom of the entire hotel suite.

Chapter 2611 a fleeting month

Chapter 2611

"Yo-babies, you got up so early..."

Early in the morning, Zhou Ye, who returned home from the hotel contentedly, opened the door and saw Hu Yifei and the other three women sitting in his living room.

At this time, the three women sat on the sofa with their arms folded and their faces frosted.

Seeing Zhou Ye who walked in from the door, Qiqi snorted softly,

"Humph—" x3

"What do you mean??" Zhou Ye looked at the three girls in confusion, and asked, "What's wrong with you?? Did you eat something unclean in the morning?"

"Where did you go last night?" Hu Yifei looked at Zhou Ye who was pretending to be stupid, and knew that if she didn't go straight to the point, it would be a dream to expect this guy to confess on his own initiative.

"I went to the bar to play!" Zhou Ye pretended to be stupid: "Didn't you let me go out to play? You also said that I would give your sister a vacation..."

"That's right, we said we wanted you to give our sister a holiday... But, but you actually..." Lin Wanyu accused angrily, "You don't come home at night??"

At this time, Meijia trotted to Zhou Ye's side, and like a puppy, she raised her nose on his clothes. After a long while, she said angrily, "There is a suspicious smell on my body... Tell me, yesterday you told me Which woman has gone out to open a room?"

Hearing Mika's words, Zhou Ye couldn't help but roll his eyes...

Will his cleansing leave marks? Are you looking down on magic? ?

"Don't make trouble... I just found two girls yesterday..."

"Giving back two sisters, you want to turn the world upside down..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Hu Yifei said angrily: "It seems that I won't show you some color, you don't know who is in charge of this family... Sisters, do him..."

Looking at the three daughters rushing towards him, Zhou Ye shook his head speechlessly... "Isn't it good to be alive?"

Immediately, there was a sound of broken glass...

Hearing this familiar voice, the pretty faces of the three girls suddenly changed... turning around and wanting to run away.

There's no doubt about it - it's over.

The figures of the four disappeared in the living room of the room in vain...

After a while, a golden portal opened, and Zhou Ye walked out with the help of the three girls.

"Who is in charge of our family now?" Zhou Ye asked triumphantly.

"It's you... okay..." At this moment, Hu Yifei's legs were so weak that he couldn't stand up...

She no longer has the idea of ​​disciplining her man...

She finally understood a truth... If she wanted to overwhelm her man, she had to completely satisfy him on the bed and defeat him.

But the problem is——

They can't...

The three of them really only have to be ravaged by this bastard, how can they satisfy him.

What do you mean there are only exhausted cows and no plowed fields? ?


After perfectly solving the jealousy of the girls, Zhou Ye didn't go too far... Instead, he cooked a hearty breakfast for the girls very considerately.

After all, she is my own woman, so I can't go too far...

As for the two daughters you mentioned, Xiaoxue and Pan Xiaoting? ?

After they heard that there were three other wives in Zhou Ye's family, they immediately said with high spirits that they would also move to the iPartment to meet the three older sisters.

But the problem was that Zhou Ye didn't plan to let them integrate into the iPartment for the time being, so he persuaded them to give up this idea for the time being.

Of course, although they will not move into the love apartment, Zhou Ye still found a place for them.

It's not far from Love Apartment, just next door...

Don’t ask why Zhou Ye has so many houses, being an idle charterer used to be Zhou Ye’s most simple idea

, This time I have the opportunity, of course I have to experience it.

Because Pan Xiaoting's family is in Guangdong, if she wants to come to Shanghai for a permanent residence, she still needs to go back and discuss it with her parents, so she plans to go back first, and after she settles with her parents, she will move to Shanghai for a permanent residence after a while...

As for Xiaoxue...

She was invited by Pan Xiaoting to visit her home... By the way, she helped Yuanyuan panic.

After all, without Xiaoxue as a shield, Father Pan and Mother Pan would not rest assured that their precious daughter lived alone in Shanghai.

Therefore, she will also go back to Guangdong with her best friend...

Because he was worried about the safety of the two girls, Zhou Ye sent a patrol envoy to secretly protect the two girls...

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