The seven sisters ran to Zhou Ye's side and started talking nonsense. Zhou Ye's head was a little big for a while, but he still figured it out, and someone went to them.

Is Tianting the woman who intends to seduce and kidnap him? Really... I don't know whether to live or die, Zhou Ye is so unreasonable, he can kidnap someone's daughter, but he is not allowed to kidnap his woman...

"Okay, sisters, your husband already knows!" It was Chang'e who came out to help Zhou Ye and said, "Look at the sky..."

Hearing the words, the seven sisters looked up into the sky, only at this time did they realize that the sky was already extremely low, and it looked like a black cloud was pressing down on the city and was about to destroy it...

Seeing this situation, the seven sisters didn't dare to say any more. They all stood behind Zhou Ye obediently. They would definitely advance and retreat together with Zhou Ye. If they were to leave Zhou Ye, they would rather die. Neither do I want to.

"Evil, don't hurry up and send the seven princesses back to Heaven, tie yourself to kneel under Nantian Gate, and wait for Heaven to fall!" A mighty voice resounded throughout the sky.

"Hahahahaha..." Zhou Ye was really annoyed with laughter, "I, Zhou Ye, traverse the heavens and the world, and no one has ever had the courage to let me, Zhou Ye, send my woman's hands to me, and then tie myself up, Kneeling down and obeying, who gave you such courage?"

"Haha..." The loud voice in the sky smiled contemptuously, and said, "As long as you have great powers, but after all, there is only one person, how can you face me with 100,000 soldiers and generals? If you don't want your wife and daughter to be robbed, don't kneel obediently. Wait for my Heavenly Court to come down!"

"Silly x!" Zhou Ye's mouth leaked a strange smile, "Who told you that I only have one person? Superman Legion, attack!"

Following Zhou Ye's order, in the forest outside the bamboo sea, round metal buckets emerged from the ground. With a squeaking sound, the round metal buckets opened, and each one inside was wearing a Soldiers in black combat uniforms jumped into the air one by one.

These soldiers are different from the previous Umbrella soldiers. They are much lower than those prepared soldiers. Most of them are only over 1.8 meters tall. However, in the middle of the black combat uniforms, there is a silver transformed from s. The lightning symbol is imprinted there.

This is the superhuman army that Zhou Ye recalled to Earth after completing Zhou Ye's energy absorption mission.

Although Zhou Ye had completely absorbed their power when he evolved.

But when Zhou Ye went to the Wonder Woman plane, he forgot to bring them back to Earth, and he forgot to adjust the time flow between himself and the Umbrella world, so they absorbed energy for nearly a hundred years at the Umbrella space station. It can be said that each one is like a fully charged small motor, full of power.

After Zhou Ye came down from the heaven, he took a moment to go to his base world and brought the 500,000 fully charged superman army over. By the way, the time flow between himself and the base world was restored to normal. Zhou Ye didn't want to stay in a certain movie world for thousands of years one day, and when he returned to the base world, he found that the whole world had become a world of robots. Got the dog.

It's better to return to the normal time flow of the observer effect, at least not to worry about losing control of your own base. Now, except for the supergirl world and Zhou Ye, which is at a speed of 10,000 to one, the other worlds have returned to time stagnation. Only when Zhou Ye enters, will time pass normally.

Back to the topic -

"One hundred thousand soldiers and generals are nothing..." Zhou Ye proudly looked at his 500,000 superman army and said with a smile, "Get rid of those rubbish, superman army!"

"Your will is the direction I'm waiting for!" xn

The roar of the 500,000 superman moved all day long, and the voice pretending to be in the sky stopped talking. Obviously, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Surprise them is also the purpose of Zhou Ye with the superman army. As long as there is energy, supermen can eat or drink for hundreds of years, but they are only buried in a metal hidden room in the ground for a few years. It's just like sleeping.

At this moment, the 500,000 supermen turned into indistinct phantoms and rushed into the sky, and they were going to destroy the enemies that they dominated.

In the clouds, when those heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals were still in a daze, the supermen had already swarmed up, and those heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals hurriedly confronted them.

It's a pity that although the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals are being coaxed by the bullshit, in fact, in the face of these superhumans who have hundreds of thousands of tons of power in one punch, it is really... too bad.

It wasn't that they didn't use immortal or magical techniques to hit Superman, but magical techniques such as wind, fire, thunder and lightning were like scratching a tickling for Zhou Ye's superhuman army.

And those magical techniques such as aging and deformation hit Zhou Ye's Superman Corps... A golden light would light up on Superman's combat uniform, canceling all the effects of these magical techniques.

Don't forget that Zhou Ye's little slave girl is a former Bodhisattva. When it comes to restraining those non-destructive curses and transfigurations, who has a Western sect? Coupled with the cooperation of the Greek goddesses newly acquired by Zhou Ye, and the terrifying scientific research strength of Umbrella, as long as there is a research direction, are you afraid that you will not be able to produce standardized combat equipment that specifically restrains Eastern magic?

At this moment, 100,000 soldiers and generals are experiencing the horror of Umbrella's powerful scientific research capabilities.

Their long-range offensive couldn't even hurt a single hair of the Superman Legion, but they were pushed close by the Superman Legion in the blink of an eye.

As soon as they entered the close combat, those heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals were completely a dish of the Superman Legion. The heavenly soldiers widened their eyes in fear, watching the fists that shone with unknown symbols? , just a face-to-face,

One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers were wiped out...

The leader with a golden helmet on his head and a general in golden armor pressed his hand on the sword at his waist and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief, "This... this... this is impossible..."

"Father, let's go, it'll be too late if you don't go!" A three-headed and six-armed Taizheng ran to the general with sweat all over his head and said, "Baby...Baby can't resist those weirdos..."

"Ming Jin... Retire the troops, let's... go!" The general looked at his son, his body was blue and purple, and he was obviously not seriously injured, so he had to grit his teeth and ordered the troops to withdraw.

Zhou Ye looked at the dark clouds gradually dissipating in the sky, and the corners of his mouth curled up. "Come if you want, leave if you want, where do you think this is? Run? If you run away, the monk can't run away from the temple, the superhuman army, follow me to attack the heaven and turn the world upside down!"

Just when he was about to leave, suddenly two figures, one blue and one white, flew over from the top of Mount Li in the distance. It was Xiaobai Snake and sister Zhong Wuyan who came.

"Brother, take me with you!"

"Ye Lang, I'm going too!"

Zhou Ye's head froze for a while. This wasn't sightseeing, and he was taking care of his family, but seeing them all look at him firmly, he couldn't say what he refused.

"If my brother doesn't take me, I'll go to heaven by myself!"

"We are also with Sister Zhen'er..."

"I'm with Sister Zhen'er too..."

"Even if I die, I will be with Ye Lang. If Ye Lang does not take me, I will be with Sister Zhen'er..."

"Master, people are going too..."

"You..." Zhou Ye looked at the women in front of him who were determined to fight against heaven with him, and his heart was full of pride. "Okay okay, I'll take you up, but don't leave my side without my order, understand?"

"Yeah!" The girls nodded happily when they heard that Zhou Ye was willing to take them to heaven together.

"Forget it, let's rush to the heaven together!" Zhou Ye gave an order, grabbed the only non-flying Zhong Wuyan, and rose into the air, followed by the girls.

Under the escort of the 500,000 Superman Legion, the group marched towards Nantianmen...

Chapter 327

In the Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother watched this scene through the Clear Sky Mirror. The 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers met Zhou Ye's 500,000 Superman Corps, and they fell into the clouds like dumplings. , but in an instant, there are ten out of ten.

"All the immortals, this... how is this good..." The Jade Emperor was also flustered, looking at the seated star officials and gods, and asked.

"Report to the Jade Emperor, there are only a few barbarians. When my canopy lights up the Tianhe water army, it will only take one hour and three quarters to present the head of the bandit leader in front of the Jade Emperor!" A general with a nine-toothed rake walked out. The ranks of the generals said carelessly.

"It's so good, then everything is according to the meaning of Marshal Tianpeng. I will grant you the token tiger talisman and allow you to act cheaply!" The Jade Emperor was also in a hurry and went to the doctor, so he directly awarded the mobilization tiger talisman to Tianpeng.

"The last general is ordered!" Tian Peng took the tiger rune and strode out of the Lingxiao Palace.

Seeing Tianpeng's mighty back, the Jade Emperor finally put down a little in his heart, and the constellations in the audience all whispered to each other, some were optimistic about the canopy, and some thought he could not... In short, the whole Lingxiao Palace is almost turned into a vegetable market.

Time passed by the Jade Emperor's expectation one minute after another. The Jade Emperor was looking forward to the good news from the canopy. At this time, he no longer expected to catch Zhou Ye, nor did he expect to be able to let him. Zhou Ye pleaded guilty, all he wanted was to be able to resist Zhou Ye's 500,000 soldiers...

Just when the Jade Emperor became more and more impatient, suddenly the messenger outside the door shouted and rushed into the Lingxiao Palace. "Reporting to the Jade Emperor... The evildoer who stole into the heavens has already led half a million demon troops into the Nantianmen, and the four brothers of the Mo family... the four brothers of the Mo family have all died in battle!"

"Ah..." The Jade Emperor knew that Zhou Ye would come, but he didn't expect him to come so quickly.

Then another messenger ran in. "Report to the Jade Emperor, Marshal Tianpeng used 200,000 navy troops and 200,000 celestial soldiers to defend the enemy outside Nantianmen, blocking the enchanting..."

Before the words above were finished, the Jade Emperor's heart had just been put down a little.

Another Qimen Xianguan came from outside, "Reporting to the Jade Emperor, Marshal Tianpeng was defeated by the thief chieftain, and the army of 400,000 people was wiped out in an instant. At this moment, the evildoer has entered the heavenly court, and I am afraid that it will be soon. Hit the Lingxiao Palace!"

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