"What?" Jade Emperor's whole body was stiff, and the whole person was like a fool. He looked at the constellations under the stand who were watching the fun, and he really had a feeling of being alone.

How many capable people are there in heaven? Are you willing to use it for the Jade Emperor? unwilling.

To put it bluntly, how many of those on the Conferred God List are willing to be on the list themselves? Who would recognize a little Taoist boy as a Jade Emperor, even if he is a saint's Taoist boy...

"This...how should this be?" The Jade Emperor unconsciously looked at Yaoji, the Queen Mother of the West. Yaoji's face was also tense at the moment. She didn't expect the thief who kidnapped her seven daughters to be like this. Amazing, seeing the Jade Emperor asking her eyes, she hesitated for a while, but still said a name.


"...But!" The Jade Emperor said hesitantly: "A few days ago, Taibaijinxing had already closed the door when he asked Ksitigarbha King Bodhisattva. I'm afraid the Western sects will not intervene in this matter this time!"

"If we asked the Buddha to help us defend against the thief, the Tathagata would naturally not do it, but if he can get a big favor by just letting him mediate, he probably still can't ask for it..." When she said this, Yao Ji felt that she It is simply humiliation to the extreme, and it is dignified to ask people from Western sects to help mediate. Isn't this shame? What is it?

"That's right, go to the Western Heaven and invite the Buddha!" ​​Jade Emperor had just finished speaking when a scream came, and then more than a dozen Heavenly Soldiers were thrown into the Lingxiao Palace.

That is the star officer on duty guarding the Lingxiao Palace outside.

"Yo, are you going to invite Tathagata Buddha again? Are you two from the Eastern Heaven or the Heaven of Western sects, you will invite Tathagata Buddha at any time, is that your father?" An extremely arrogant voice came, and then Zhou Ye brought With the girls, surrounded by the Superman Legion, they walked into the Lingxiao Palace.

"Bold evildoer, how dare you roar Lingxiao Palace, what's your sin?" A general standing next to the Jade Emperor with a pumpkin in his hand yelled angrily.

Zhou Ye raised his eyes and glanced at the gourd general, and then hooked his hand back indifferently. Chang'e, who had been trained and trained a long time ago, immediately understood what Zhou Ye meant, and took out a comfortable one from her wristband. The single-seat sofa was placed behind him, Zhou Ye sat on the sofa carelessly, lit a cigar, took a sip, and asked, "Which onion and garlic are you? Is there anyone in Lingxiao Hall? ? Need you to respond?"

"...I..." The general was at a loss for words. He didn't say it, and he didn't say it. If he said it, he would be disrespectful. If he didn't say it, he would admit that he was an onion or a garlic.

Among the priests and priests of His Royal Highness Lingxiao, there were some who covered their mouths and snickered, and some who talked a lot. They have long regarded this Jade Emperor's loyal dog as not pleasing to the eye, and he also has today?

Zhou Ye swept his eyes wide and saw all the immortals in his eyes. He remembered it in his heart. Obviously, this heaven is not monolithic. No wonder the Jade Emperor let the King Tuota lead his troops. Bing, it's not because he doesn't want to send others, it's because others don't care about him...

"Nie Barrier, what are you still doing standing there? Why don't you hurry back!" A coquettish reprimand came from above the steps, Zhou Ye followed the voice and looked, I wiped, this is really a superb woman.

I saw a fairy sitting side by side with the Jade Emperor on the top of the Lingxiao Palace, with a golden robe and a golden robe wearing a golden fairy on her shoulders. She was graceful and luxurious, and she was charming and charming. She was a rich and beautiful woman.

"Mother..." Hearing the words of the Queen Mother of the West, the eldest of the seven fairies said with a mournful face: "Mother, please forgive the unfilial daughters, now the daughters are Ye Lang's people, I am afraid that in the future... I will no longer be able to serve my mother. It's about you... I beg your mother to be happy..."

"Daughters are just like my elder sisters, I beg your mother to be perfect!" The other fairies also bowed and called themselves unworthy.

"Hahaha...Okay...Okay, I gave birth to a good daughter!" Yaoji, the Queen Mother of the West, laughed angrily when she saw her daughters behave like this. "I don't think I've ever given birth to such a daughter..."

This sentence was so heartless that the seven fairies couldn't help covering their faces and weeping one by one, crying bitterly... It made Zhou Ye feel so distressed, she hurriedly hugged the girls in her arms, and whispered comfort from time to time...

"Okay, darlings, your mother was just talking for a while, I promise you will be reconciled in the future..."

"Really?" With tears in their eyes, the fairies looked at their husbands with a little hope.

"I promise it's true..." Zhou Ye swore and swore, "If I can't do it, I'll never be able to be in the sweet spot of your darlings."

Chapter 328

Just when Zhou Ye and all the girls were above the Lingxiao Palace, chasing me and me without anyone else's attention, suddenly a Buddha's horn sounded.

Immediately after a burst of Zen singing, a figure with a fat head and big ears and a head full of bags appeared in front of Zhou Ye. Behind him stood two bald monks, "The donor is polite!"

"Yo, isn't this the Great Sun Tathagata, why do you have time to come here today!" Zhou Ye didn't even stand up, just sat there carelessly.

"I'm here to be a peacemaker for all of you, and to make a living for the common people, it's better to just let the swordsmen go. How about it all return to peace?" The Tathagata didn't care about Zhou Ye's attitude, and said with a smile.

"Oh? Don't ask me about this. I was forced to fight back. He was the one who came to provoke me first!" Zhou Ye said with a look of grievance.

"..." In the Jade Emperor's heart, there was a feeling of 100,000 grass and mud horses and mythical beasts galloping past. Nima, if you don't come to me to steal the golden elixir and steal the female fairy, will my idle eggs send troops to beat you? But at this moment he didn't dare to say that: "That's all a misunderstanding, everything is a misunderstanding..."

"The Jade Emperor is already willing to let go of his grievances and rebuild with the benefactor.

Well, I don't know how the donor will answer? ' Tathagata asked with a smile.

"Well, it's not a problem, of course, I just have a small request!" Zhou Ye said, pulling the seven fairies to his side, and said, "I fell in love with the seven daughters of the Queen Mother of the West at first sight, goodbye to my heart. , already married in the mortal world, as long as the Queen Mother of the West admits our marriage, it’s not something that can’t be discussed about quitting the army!”

"I don't know what the Queen Mother of the West wants to do?" The Buddha looked at the Queen Mother of the West again, and it was all about you. The Queen Mother of the West was so angry that she was roasting her on the shelf, but he looked at his Jade Emperor eagerly. , and looked at the Buddha's appearance that he would leave if he couldn't talk to me. In the end, he gritted his teeth and nodded and agreed...

I just said that I would cut off my relationship with my daughter, and I agreed to the marriage in a blink of an eye. Isn't this slapping myself in the face? Yao Ji really hated Zhou Ye at this moment.

"In this way, everyone's swords and soldiers will be stored in the warehouse, and the old ones will be restored. Blessed are all people in the world..." The Tathagata looked happy.

"Well - I am a person who likes peace!" Zhou Ye said boldly, "But, in order to prevent some people from making small moves behind their backs, I also have to show my force..."

"This - what is the donor going to do?" The Tathagata was a little confused, didn't he say that everyone would not fight? Show force? How to show it? How to show it?

"I have a treasure, it's called a thousand-mile mirror, and it's a huge distance!" Zhou Ye said and asked Superman to take out a portable projector made by Umbrella and directly connect it to the satellite. "This treasure is tens of thousands of miles away, you can check every bit of it..."

Following Zhou Ye's words, the 3D projector projected the appearance of an island in front of everyone. As the camera zoomed in, everything on the island came into view. They saw that this was a wild island. In the center, a giant snake with eight heads and eight tails is enjoying the sacrifice of the natives on the island.

I saw that the snake swallowed hundreds of natives with one mouth, and the rest of the natives didn't even dare to escape, they just knelt on the ground and kept begging for mercy...

"The name of this island is Neon, and it will cause harm to me in China sooner or later. I will use him today to demonstrate!" Zhou Ye said and pressed his own nuclear button.

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, a flaming arrow-shaped object fell from the sky and smashed into the center of the island.

A sun rises slowly from the part where the arrow-shaped object hits, and the shock wave spreads around, and the place it passes is like a smashing tree. The rag dolls that were raised were generally killed by the shock wave... This is not the end, the strong explosion caused the displacement of the continental plate, and the entire island chain sank into the vast seabed in an instant...

"I have a magic weapon called the nuclear bomb. This is the effect of my magic weapon. It's just that God has the virtue of good life. I don't want to use this magic weapon in China!" Zhou Ye Shi Shiran said.

You know, he has the entire Resident Evil World nuclear arsenal as a backup, and those nuclear weapons are very difficult to keep.

Now Umbrella is already using nuclear fusion technology, which is safer and cleaner, so Zhou Ye also wants to clean up all these old nuclear bombs. Now is obviously an opportunity, so he took a big Ivan without hesitation. Come to Liwei!


In the Hall of Lingxiao, the sound of gasping for breath sounded from time to time, and they secretly figured out what would happen if they were hit by this blow... After thinking about it for a long time, they only came to one conclusion... If you don't die, you have to peel off the skin.

Buddha's eyelids jumped even more... Even if he was not afraid of such an attack, the Arhats and Bodhisattvas under his seat could not withstand such an attack, let alone those believers. If they were enemies with Zhou Ye, I'm afraid Not to mention the great prosperity of Western sects, immortality is difficult. At this time, he is extremely grateful to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva who disclosed the news to him...

The Jade Emperor even looked at the cold air above his head. What would happen if this Nima came to the heaven? Thinking about it, it was terrifying... He suddenly felt very fortunate, fortunate that Zhou Ye didn't lose his two nuclear bombs without a second thought, and that day was really over.

Zhou Ye successfully used nuclear deterrence to threaten the immortals and Western sects. No one dared to attack him this time...

Now that everyone has made peace, let's have a banquet... It just so happened that Zhou Ye, the immortals, and the Buddha were all there, and everyone was there.

So the Pan Tao Banquet was held in advance... What should I say about this banquet? Some of the immortals are happy and some are not, but there is a sense of happiness for the rest of their lives, and the Jade Emperor is even more happy. Keep it, don't worry about being useless, in short, he is still the Jade Emperor.

During the banquet, only the Queen Mother of the West was unhappy, and she couldn't be happy either. Her own daughter would rather deny her than leave this man for the sake of a man, but she couldn't do anything about this man... She was forced to slap herself in the face, she It's weird to be happy.

"Go and talk to your mother. After all, one day in the sky and one year on the ground, you haven't seen your mother for five years!" Zhou Ye patted the dolphin who was the boss of the Seven Fairies and said with a smile.

"Well, the concubines thanked the husband!" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the seven fairies were really happy, don't want it...

They swarmed up, the one who called your mother, don't be angry, the daughter beat you on the back, this one said, the mother and daughter miss you... In the end, the grievances of the Queen Mother of the West were almost eliminated...

This Peach Festival was held for seven days and seven nights. Some immortals came and left, while others left early... Before I knew it, the Peach Festival was almost gone, and even the Jade Emperor said goodbye and left. .

The peach feast has always been held in Yao of the Queen Mother of the West

It was held here, so the Queen Mother of the West, as the host, had to stay with her until the end... Maybe it was because she was in a bad mood when she thought that her daughter was married all of a sudden, maybe it was because it was not pleasing to the eyes of Zhou Ye, Yao Ji was rare drink too much...

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