At this moment, there was a piercing noise from the speakers in the auditorium, which once again attracted everyone's attention to the testing ground below.

"Who is this woman?" Peggy was next to Zhou Ye and asked in a low voice, "When did you hook up with another one in the Ministry of Defense?"

"I'll tell you later!" Zhou Ye whispered.

"Okay..." Peggy actually didn't pay much attention to it, after all, she and other girls did not talk to Zhou Ye once or twice, but she was just a little curious.

At this moment, Dr. Erskine's voice came from the stereo. "Ladies and gentlemen, today we are not a step toward extinction, but the first step toward peace. It starts with a series of minimally invasive injections of serum into muscle groups, which triggers a radical change in the cells, and then It stimulates growth, which then penetrates the subject through the life ray."

At this time, Rogers on the test site was bound to the instrument, and then injected with super soldier serum...

After the injection was completed, the flat instrument stood up, the steel protective covers on both sides were closed, and began to irradiate life rays...

Rogers, who was unsurprising in the middle, cried out in pain. When Dr. Erskine was about to give up the test, he stopped him... The test continued-when the power of the ray reached 100%, the entire unit short-circuited unbearably ...

With the opening of the steel life ray instrument, a changed Rogers appeared in front of people. At this moment, he has grown a lot taller and has become a lot stronger...

"My God, this is really a miracle..." the MP exclaimed.

"This kid, he really succeeded!" General Chester was happier than anyone else, because this shows that in the near future, there will be a group of super soldiers on the European battlefield...

Everyone walked down excitedly, but it didn't include Zhou Ye and Peggy. Zhou Ye didn't care whether there would be a captain of the United States, and Peggy simply wanted to stay with Zhou Ye. Just around.

A group of people swarmed up and surrounded Rogers in the center. They touched Rogers' muscles from time to time, wanting to see if it was real or just an illusion...

On the other side, Dr. Erskine, the soul of the whole experiment, was thrown aside, but he didn't care. He looked at Rogers with relief, the figure on the test field that he personally discovered and shaped into this appearance. main character……

Dr. Erskine felt that it was Rogers' tenacious character that made his experiment possible. He was willing to give him all the glory of this place, which was the reward he deserved.

"Dr. Erskine?" A pleasant female voice interrupted Dr. Erskine's thoughts.

"You are?" Dr. Erskine turned his head to look, and a beautiful woman with long blond hair was looking at him.

"Hydra needs you, Doctor!" Brianna said with a smile, "Please come back with me!"

"Who are you?" Hearing the word Hydra, Erskine immediately shouted vigilantly.

His shout woke up the crowd who were still jumping for joy, and Rogers also looked at this place...

"It's so uncooperative..." Brianna rolled her eyes, and slashed Dr. Erskine's neck like a knife, knocking him out...

Then Brianna unhurriedly reached out and took Dr. Erskine by the collar of the back of her neck, walked towards the only remaining super soldier serum with graceful steps, picked up the serum and kicked it into her pocket.

"Let go of the doctor!" General Chester raised his hand and took out his own gun, pointing at Brianna.

Brianna unhurriedly picked up Dr. Erskine and used it as a shield to stand in front of her. "Okay everyone, I should go, don't send me off! Long live Hydra!"

"Put down Dr. Erskine!" How could Rogers, who had long regarded Dr. Erskine as his benefactor, watch the doctor being taken away from him? He had already sneaked around behind Brianna, and pounced on him by surprise...

Chapter 360

And Brianna, with a scorpion-tailed barb leg, kicked Rogers who was rushing behind him up to a height of more than three meters. Looking at Rogers who fell to the ground and kept shaking his head, Brianna curled her mouth in disdain , mocked in a low voice: "Ha...Captain of the United States?"

Forget it, this time is not the time to have fun with them, my mission is to bring Dr. Erskine away from here, not to beat Captain America.

Brianna, who is Umbrella's third-level agent, also has mutant genes. She has three abilities. The transformation comes from the genes of Mystique, and the psychic ability comes from the genes of Emma, ​​the White Queen. And the super recovery ability is the genetic result of Umbrella's genius experiment, which is the crystallization of love between Wolverine and Saber-toothed tiger...

In addition, the skeleton of her whole body has been replaced with super Adamantium alloy. It's not that she doesn't want to use the latest x-metal as the skeleton, but that thing can only be shaped at absolute zero, which is embarrassing... No one can withstand absolute zero, not even someone with super recovery ability...

To sum up, Brianna has absolute confidence and can come and go freely among thousands of troops. At this moment, she is just holding Dr. Erskine's clothes and blocking him like a shield, while everyone I also dare not get too close because I am afraid of throwing rats.

Zhou Ye, who was sitting in the observation room, watched all this with a smile. He was the person who knew Brianna's strengths and weaknesses best. Who made him the master of Umbrella? But he didn't intend to go down to help subdue Brianna, that was his own, even though it was

Both sides of the bet, however, have fleshy palms and backs, so it's impossible to help others beat your own, right? Ophelia won't let him go to the window...

"Not good..." Peggy beside him was not so calm, she got up and wanted to chase her out, but she was grabbed by Zhou Ye. "Don't make trouble, you can't beat her!"

"..." Peggy looked around, then leaned down and kissed Zhou Ye on the cheek, and said quickly in a low voice: "I don't want to hit her, but I want to take advantage of the chaos to solve it." That driver... the woman talked to you so intimately just now, you will never escape the investigation afterwards, in case that driver tells you what you said today..."

"..." Zhou Ye was moved for a moment, what a wonderful woman, although he was not afraid of being investigated, he still stood up with Peggy after thinking about it, "Let's go, let's go see the excitement..."

"..." Peggy followed Zhou Ye out without knowing why...

Along the way, I saw a lot of corpses, all of them were guards here, and most of them were pierced with a sword. Zhou Ye knew that they were all pierced through the heads by the Edman alloy spear in Brianna's hand.

The two quickened their pace and quickly caught up with the crowd.

At this moment, Brianna has already walked out of the gate of the antique shop, and the old lady who guards the door is already dead. Who told her to shoot directly...

"Okay, you don't need to send any more when you get here, I'm a little uncomfortable with your enthusiasm!" Brianna still smiled coquettishly, teasing the group of people around her, as if she didn't let them go at all. in the eyes.

"Put down Dr. Erskine, we'll let you go!" Among the group, General Chester, the highest-ranking officer, said, "I don't think you can escape..."

After dawdling for a while, the entire block has been blocked by the army, and even a few armored vehicles drove to the street, and the black muzzles were facing Brianna.

"Oh, I'm so scared..." Brianna smiled provocatively: "You guys are firing..."

"Don't force me..." General Chester gritted his teeth. He would never allow Dr. Erskine to fall into the hands of Hydra.

In his opinion, Dr. Erskine falling into the hands of Hydra is equivalent to falling into the hands of the Nazis, and falling into the hands of the Nazis means that the Allied forces will face thousands of super soldiers on the European battlefield. This is something he absolutely will not allow.

At this time, Zhou Ye and Peggy also came out. He blinked at Brianna secretly, and then looked at the driver who was watching the excitement not far away.

Brianna nodded almost imperceptibly, and just as she finished nodding, Zhou Ye pulled out his gun and shot Dr. Erskine in the head.

"Don't..." Rogers yelled loudly, wanting to pounce to block the bullet, but it was too late...

Rogers watched the bullet head towards Dr. Erskine's head, but could do nothing, he couldn't help closing his eyes...

When Brianna raised her hand, the military thorn growing from the back of her hand gave Ge Fei the bullet shot by Zhou Ye at a tricky angle...

And she also understands that Juggernaut doesn't shoot herself but hits her mission target, this is Juggernaut's warning to herself, hurry up and leave after finishing the work, don't get fooled here...

The crowd was in an uproar -- none of them expected that this woman would protect Dr. Erskine, while on the other side, a driver who was killed by a ricochet was ignored... There are so many unlucky ghosts on the battlefield, and there is no shortage of him this one.

" can you..." Rogers also opened his eyes at this time, seeing that Dr. Erskine was fine, he turned his head and questioned Zhou Ye.

"How can I shoot the doctor?" Zhou Ye said quietly: "What I can't get, I can't let the enemy get it. If we don't want our soldiers to encounter more super fighters on the European battlefield, Then this is the best result..."

General Chester nodded veiledly. He felt that Zhou Ye, a little guy, was quite to his liking. Although he was a little cold-blooded, that's how soldiers should be...

Zhou Ye never thought that his serious nonsense would actually be right for General Chester's temper... This is really...

At this moment, Brianna, who was warned by her master, raised her right hand, and a very thin metal wire flew out of her wrist and hung directly on the edge of the rooftop upstairs next to her. The two of them flew towards the rooftop...

General Chester looked at Brianna who was about to escape from Ascension, gritted his teeth, and ordered, "Shoot me..."

"Don't...don't, General, don't shoot, Dr. Erskine is still in her hands..." Rogers with a righteous face hurriedly stood in front of several soldiers who raised their submachine guns and were about to fire, preventing them from shooting ...

The soldiers looked at each other, not knowing whether they should shoot or not... They couldn't help looking at General Chester.

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