It was just such a delay, Brianna had already reached the roof of the building, and flew away with Dr. Erskine in the individual aircraft that had been prepared...

General Chester gritted his teeth and looked at the flying individual aircraft in the sky, stared at Rogers, and said angrily: "If, in the future, on the battlefield, there will be a large number of casualties caused by the appearance of too many super soldiers by the Nazis, You have to take full responsibility, you are now kicked out of the army, soldier!"

After finishing speaking, without even looking at Rogers, he left here resentfully. The doctor was snatched away, and the last tube of super soldier serum was also snatched away, so only one successful individual has nothing to do with him. significance.

Now he has to hurry up to deploy the arrest of spies, hoping to have a chance to intercept Dr. Erskine before he is taken away. No matter how bad it is, he can't save the doctor and leave him to the Nazis.

"I...did I do something wrong?" Rogers looked at the general who left angrily in a daze, not knowing what he did wrong...

"No, I think you did what every American would do!" The congressman walked over with a smile. To him, he didn't care about how the battlefield was, but it was obvious that the superstar who had been kicked out of the army now Soldiers would be a nice gimmick. "I have a job. I don't know if you are interested. Of course, this is also a job to fight the Nazis..."

" can..." Rogers just wanted to agree, but was pulled back to the test site by a group of researchers...

It's just that after countless experiments and tests by the group of scientists, it was found that the formula of the super soldier serum could not be obtained from Rogers' for the time being, Rogers was free again.

Rogers, who was free again, was captured by the congressman and used his super soldier gimmick to help him sell the US war debt...

Chapter 361

Today is the first time Rogers is on stage. He has never performed before and he feels very embarrassed. Wearing a costume like an actor, standing on the stage and reciting those shameful lines with a group of backup dancers, this is for him. Talk about a challenge.

At this moment, he was standing at the entrance of the stage, taking a deep breath. There's no way he's really nervous... He's supposed to be on stage soon after the girls dance, and he doesn't know what to do if he gets stuck? What if the audience in the audience booed themselves?

"Don't be nervous, soldier, you have to believe in yourself!" A familiar lazy voice that was about to become his nightmare sounded in Rogers' ear, causing him to turn his head with his eyes wide open. "Instructor?"

"I'm not in the army anymore, so I don't need to be so formal!" Zhou Ye leaned against the background wall and said with a smile, "I'm now a member of the Special Observation Team of the Scientific Strategic Corps. All the reactions of soldiers after serum!”

"But... aren't you a colonel?" No matter how ignorant Rogers was, he knew that no one would kick a young and promising colonel to him. At most, sending a second-class soldier over would be enough to think highly of him.

"I can't help it. Who made me get involved in the espionage incident?" Although Zhou Ye said he was helpless, there was actually no unhappy look on his face.

When the Hydra spy door incident broke out, he was indeed under investigation, but he was stopped by General Chester, but Zhou Ye didn't want to stay in the army anymore, this guy who loves girls every day How could it be possible to spend so long among those old men?

So Zhou Ye simply ordered his subordinates to find an excuse to transfer himself to Rogers' side. Why should he go to Rogers' side?

Hmm - this is a serious question, what the hell is this for?

Zhou Ye's eyes couldn't help but glanced at the long-legged back-up dancers on the stage outside...the legs were playing for years, and there was a large group of them.

"Instructor, I believe you are innocent...?" Rogers comforted his instructor, but he didn't receive Zhou Ye's response... He couldn't help but follow Zhou Ye's eyes, okay. He instantly understood his instructor's mind... "Instructor, it's my turn to play..."

"Well, let's go!" Zhou Ye waved his hand indifferently... He's not gay, how could he be interested in Captain America? What he's interested in are girls with long legs...

With helplessness, Rogers walked onto the stage. But let alone, with Zhou Ye interrupting him like this, he really forgot how nervous he was, and passed the level without hesitation by relying on the small note pasted behind the shield... I have to say that this is really a small surprise .

When Rogers walked off the stage with a face full of excitement, and wanted to report the news to his instructor, he found that Zhou Ye had long been surrounded by a group of backup dancers...

Taking off his hood, Rogers looked at his face in the backstage mirror, and then at Zhou Ye... In the end he had to admit one thing, that is, although he had become handsome after being injected with the super soldier serum It's a lot, but...compared to that evildoer, I can only be regarded as a good-looking person...

This discovery made him extremely depressed——

As for Zhou Ye, among a group of girls, his witty words like pearls stirred up the young girls' hearts... I have to say that this congressman worked hard for the war and the national debt, and most of these girls were temporarily recruited from Broadway. Dancers, the average age is no more than eighteen years old...

Thanks to this somewhat conservative age, it's all clean...well, the unpolluted kind...

Three days later————

The capital of Kansas, Topeka.

In the hotel where the performance troupe stays, be responsible for the counselor of the entire performance troupe’s external liaison

The member's cronies, Brady is running around in a hurry...

It was almost time for the performance, but the girls had disappeared...Where did he find so many backup dancers at the last minute...Brady was dying of anxiety.

"Hey, Brady, what's the matter?" Rogers happened to come out of his room, and asked curiously when he saw the little fat man walking back and forth anxiously.

"Oh my God, Rogers... something big happened this time, the girls are all gone..." Brady was already incoherent in a hurry...

"Have you knocked on their door?" Rogers asked casually.

"Knocked, but no one answered... I even asked the waiter to open the door of their room. Everything inside was fine, but no one could be found..." Brady was about to go crazy.

"Well, I think I know where they are!" Rogers shrugged his shoulders, ignored Brady's questioning, and walked directly to the door of the big apartment that Zhou Ye had booked, and knocked on the door. Shouted: "Instructor, it's time to perform..."

"..." Brady looked at Rogers with a face [you're fucking kidding me], he was looking for the girls who were supporting dancers, not the liaison officer in the army.

"Trust me, that's right!" Rogers said without explaining, leaning directly against the wall at the door, waiting patiently.

It didn't take long before Zhou Ye opened the door with a bath towel around him, yawned at Rogers and said, "Are you vampires? You performed so late yesterday, and you got up so early today..."

"I can't help it, everything is to fight the Nazis!" Rogers shrugged his shoulders, and raised his chin helplessly, indicating that it was not his fault, but Brady's fault.

"Okay, okay! Wait..." Zhou Ye said, closing the door with a bang.

Then Brady vaguely heard Zhou Ye's shout from the room, "Girls, it's time to get up and perform...there is still a performance today!"

"Damn it... darling, have you seen my little hood?"

"Millie, you are wearing my little cool..."

"Has anyone seen my stockings?"

"I remember my darling used it to play a game of binding and binding with Maggie last night!"

"Joan, get up soon, there will be a performance soon..."

It wasn't long before Brady saw girls with disheveled hair coming out of Zhou Ye's room one by one. Before they came out, each of them had to give Zhou Ye a no... They had to go back to their own Even though Zhou Ye lives in a luxury suite, there are not so many bathrooms.

"This... this..." Brady stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, looked at Zhou Ye, and then at Rogers... He couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes.

"That's right, these girls have become the instructor's women..." Of course Rogers knew what Brady wanted to ask..."If the girls hadn't objected, the instructor would have taken them all home long ago!"

"Why do they object?" Brady was also a little curious at this time.

"Of course it's because they are afraid that the instructor will stay with me, enough to attract the next wave of girls!" Rogers rolled his eyes and said, "Of course, in exchange, they all wore those thick pants that can be worn as trousers." Skin-colored thermal silk socks?"

Rogers also couldn't figure out what those things were. He said they were silk stockings, but they didn't leak any flesh, and they were almost as thick as pants, but they were was easy to be fooled on stage.

"This... When did this start?" Brady felt like he was going crazy... A good performance group became someone's girlfriend group... Can you believe this?

"On the first day the instructor came..." Rogers was also speechless...

And Zhou Ye, who was sleeping inside, had an innocent face... "Nimma, I don't want to push all of them at once... But I just gave a few people my room number, and I didn't expect them all to come at night , and tearing up in my room...for world peace, so I can only...well, you know, if they are all tired, the world will be peaceful..."

Chapter 362

November 1943...

Austria, Clausburg - In the secret base of Hydra -

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