On the super large window in a luxuriously decorated bedroom, white bodies are lying all over...

Although the outside is already a cold scene of the autumn wind due to the high altitude, but in this room, because of the existence of central heating facilities, it is still as warm as spring.

"Baby, why did you call me over so urgently this time?" Zhou Ye, who was physically and mentally comfortable after the battle, asked curiously while sliding his big hand on his good daughter's body,

"Of course it's because I miss you..." Ophelia squeezed her body into Zhou Ye's arms as much as possible, then sighed softly, "As expected, Dad's arms are the most comfortable..."

"Slap!" Zhou Ye unceremoniously slapped her cheeks, and said, "Hurry up and get down to business..."

He knew his daughter too well, if it wasn't for something urgent, he would never have used the immediate contact channel of the red queen to talk to him in such a hurry.

"They just want you to ask Captain America to visit their base!" Ophelia said with an aggrieved look on her face.

"Why?" Zhou Ye asked strangely: "You are almost a deadly enemy with them now. Do you want them to destroy the base you have worked so hard to build?"

"It's because I'm too popular now, so I want to go underground!" Ophelia said that I had no choice but to do this.

"It deserves it..." Zhou Ye rolled his eyes. He knew all too well what his daughter had done recently. He kidnapped outstanding scientists all over the world under the banner of Hydra, and even Howard was almost poisoned. ...

In fact, it wasn't that he was almost poisoned. It should be said that he had already been poisoned, because Howard had one of his fingers cut off by them. It is estimated that Howard's replica is already busy in Hydra's underground research institute by now, right?

Now except for the Axis countries, basically all countries have issued a permanent arrest warrant for the Hydra organization, especially the Strategic Science Corps has been fighting Hydra forever...

Everyone who insists on doing things that can be done secretly without attracting attention is well known. Zhou Ye doesn't even know what his daughter is thinking...

"That's why they want to carry out the tail-docking plan!" Ophelia swayed Zhou Ye's hand like a little girl coquettishly.

"Let's get to the point..." Zhou Ye didn't believe that his daughter was a short-sighted person. After the tail-docking plan, there must be other plans...

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you, Dad..." Ophelia said with a smile: "I will deliberately let Captain America discover a few conspicuous bases... Then, in the base, all the scientists and prisoners of war I kidnapped were detained... "

"Huh?" Zhou Ye noticed Ophelia's sharp accent when she said about the kidnapping, "I'm afraid those are all clones loyal to Hydra, right?"

"That's right!" Ophelia smiled triumphantly, like a little girl who got good grades and was performed by her parents: "When those replicants return to their home countries, they will definitely participate in important scientific research projects in various countries. At that time, I don't even need any means to take those scientific achievements for myself... I can even slowly turn the entire project team into a branch of Hydra! This is called "borrowing a chicken to lay an egg ,blossom everywhere】"

"Then how many bases do you plan to give up?" Zhou Ye asked.

"All the bases currently in the war zone have been abandoned. I plan to move the headquarters to a neutral country... and the sub-base there has also been built..." Ophelia said.

"Then how do you guarantee that Captain America will definitely come?" After Zhou Ye asked this sentence, he couldn't help but want to give himself a mouthful. plan, then I am afraid that she has already made complete preparations, such as a good friend of Captain America, Xinbaji...


The two said the name in unison, and Ophelia kissed Zhou Ye happily and said, "Dad really has a telepathy with me..."

Of course Zhou Ye knew that his daughter was acting cute on purpose, "Okay, since you captured the future Winter Soldier...then this plan will be fine!"

"Well, I will definitely make a low-level mistake like the Red Skull. I will mark all the bases on the map in the office. I can even get a real Red Skull injected with serum to kill him..." Oufei Liya said with a smile: "In this way, they will really think that Hydra is finished. After all, the boss has already been killed by him..."

"What's the real name of this project?" Zhou Ye asked curiously.

"Dandelion Project!" Ophelia said proudly: "Let my hydra, like a dandelion, take advantage of this shareholder wind, from light to dark, and spread its seeds all over the world!"

"Okay, since that's the case... I'll go back first!" Zhou Ye planned to get up and get dressed, but was dragged back by Ophelia.

"It's still early, you don't need to rush back to appease your little dancers..." Ophelia bit Zhu Chun lightly, and said, "You want you to punish me like last time..."

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless. It seemed that his daughter planned to stay in the ground for three days. Forget it, as a loving father, he must fulfill his daughter's dream...

The flames of war ignited again———————

Four hours later———

Zhou Ye's figure appeared again in the Italian frontline barracks.

This time, he came here with Captain America to show condolences... Because the troops are short of supplies, Zhou Ye can only follow the

Team Rogers and the props of the song and dance troupe live in one tent, while the girls live in another tent...

Of course, it's true that Zhou Ye has never rested here, he usually stays with the girls at night... come secretly, leave secretly... without taking a leaf.

No way, who made the girls' tents next to those medical volunteers? It's a forbidden area for men in the entire barracks. After all, those officers also know the virtues of the soldiers under their hands. Don't pay close attention. I'm afraid these little nurses come alone, and two of them have to go back...

As for the integrity of American soldiers? Just look at the wave of divorces in the British army after World War II... While those enthusiastic American soldiers helped their brother countries fight the war, they also helped their soldiers comfort their wives who were suffering from lovesickness at home... Yes, they are so internationalist...

Zhou Ye lives here these days, but he has taught a lot of bastards who pretend to be flirtatious and want to sneak in to steal incense, steal jade, but it seems that they have learned to be smart recently, knowing that someone is guarding them, and they are not People feel uncomfortable looking for it.

Uh, I digressed again, now is not the time to think about this, the important thing is to find Rogers first, Zhou Ye collected his mind and started to wander around the barracks.

Chapter 363

Zhou Ye, who was wearing a colonel's uniform, wandered around the barracks, looking for Rogers' figure. What I have to say is that a high rank means nothing, and there are soldiers saluting everywhere he goes.

At this moment, the sky was covered with overcast clouds, and soon, big raindrops fell and hit the tent, making a muffled sound like frying beans——

And Zhou Ye also found Rogers sitting there curled up in a ball under a rain eaves outside the tent.

Just as Zhou Ye walked over, Rogers who heard his footsteps said, "Instructor, am I the most useless person...?"

"Why do you suddenly ask?" Zhou Ye came to Rogers, sat down casually and said, "How can you be the most useless person? You see how well the war bonds are selling because of your existence, at least Soldiers on the front line don’t need to be short of food and clothing because of lack of money..."

"No, instructor, this is not the life I want..." Rogers said with a trembling mouth: "When I was performing just now, I was booed by those soldiers, I know they look down on me... But, I don't want to do this either On stage like a clown..."

"Okay, I know you can do more!" Zhou Ye patted him on the shoulder and said, "But now I want to tell you some bad news..."

Hearing Zhou Ye's serious tone, Rogers couldn't help but turned his head to look at him and asked, "What bad news?"

"I heard that your friend is in the 107th Infantry Regiment? Is that so?" Zhou Ye asked without hesitation, because Zhou Ye had seen the bullet casings that Bucky mailed to him from the front. He introduced how his good friend took care of himself for a long time...

Hearing the news about Bucky's 107th Infantry Regiment, Roger became excited immediately, grabbed Zhou Ye's arm, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with Bucky?"

"I don't know what happened to Bucky, but I know that the 107th Infantry Regiment just suffered a defeat!" Zhou Ye said indifferently: "It is said that the loss was heavy!"

"...I'm going to find the general now..." Rogers said, stood up, and rushed into the rain...

"Hehe, what a hot-blooded idiot!" Zhou Ye looked at Rogers' back and chuckled. To be honest, he didn't dislike Captain America's character. Compared with the shit-like personality of other superheroes, he thought Captain America had Can be called a saint...

But he felt that Rogers would definitely be rejected, because General Phillips didn't want to see him. Is this surname familiar? That's right, the commander here is the executor of the rebirth plan...

Sure enough, as Zhou Ye expected, after a while, Rogers walked back dejectedly, "The general refused to send reinforcements to support Bucky..."

"Then what are you going to do now?" Zhou Ye asked.

"You are right, instructor, there is still a lot I can do!" Rogers wiped his decadent expression off his face, turned around and got into the props room, Zhou Ye followed him to have a look, okay, this guy Rogers I'm packing my outfit... It's just the costume he wore and the steel helmet that a girl wore during a performance. I guess Rogers is out of luck...

After all, he is not an official soldier, and it is not his turn to pick up those military supplies...

"Okay, put down those rubbish..." Zhou Ye patted Steve on the shoulder, and said, "Come with me..."

"...Instructor..." Rogers couldn't help looking at Zhou Ye with emotion. Although he said that the instructor likes to dig holes and hurt people, and he is very playful, but when it comes to critical moments, he is still reliable.

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