"..." Zhou Ye rolled his eyes and was speechless. Who are this family? They all ran to the army desperately, whether it was the army or the secret service... Dare to find some ordinary jobs?

"Don't worry about me..." Sharon looked at Zhou Ye's expression, knowing that he was a little unhappy, and hurriedly whispered in his ear, "You know, my fighting skills are very high..."

"Yeah... It's very high... It's even higher than the high x..." Zhou Ye directly exposed Sharon's shortcomings...

"...Rogue!" Sharon heard Zhou Ye's words, her cheeks flushed... That was two years ago, when she had just won the championship in the middle school girls' fighting competition.

At that time, she didn't know how high the sky was, and she wanted to compete with others every day...

Once I finally annoyed my aunt and gave her a sentence directly. "Your uncle is a master martial artist. Although he is not famous, if there is one person in the world who can claim to be invincible, it is him..."

This sentence aroused Sharon's interest at the time. She secretly called Zhou Ye directly, and gave Zhou Ye a gamble on the phone seriously.

Sharon blushed a little now when she remembered what she did in middle school at that time...but it's nothing...

The most important thing is that Zhou Ye actually agreed to her challenge, and three days later, he came to Washington...

That night, the two fought a battle...

I don't know who wins and who loses... But all I know is that Sharon walked out of the practice room with trembling legs...

Later, Sharon began to like to find Zhou Ye to learn from each other... Although the ending was the same every time, she never tired of it...

At this time, hearing Zhou Ye tease herself, Sharon once again remembered the beauty of sparring and fighting... Her cheeks were slightly red, and she said in a voice like a mosquito: "It's been a long time since I sparred with you, do you want to do it again today? Try it? I'm much stronger..."

"Who's afraid of who?" Someone was looking for abuse, and Zhou Ye couldn't refuse. "Let's go, let's go now..."

Saying that, Zhou Ye directly took Sharon's hand and walked outside. "Baby, I'll take Sharon to learn martial arts. I'll wait for you to come back for dinner tonight..."

"Well, I see..." Peggy was still looking down at the document, as if she didn't know anything, until the two left her office, and she raised her head and sighed.

It's impossible to say that she doesn't know that her niece and her man are tricky, but... everyone has selfishness. As a woman who knows how many women Zhou Ye has, she also wants to find a natural ally. ...

Besides, what's wrong with following one's own man, if nothing else, just the fact of eternal youth can overturn 80% of women... Eternal life, luxurious life, how many women dream of this kind of thing What reason do you have to push your niece away?

Besides...she can't control Zhou Ye, that's the most important point.

So, Peggy can only just let it go...

Chapter 421

New York - Brooklyn.

This is the place where you can best understand that the United States is a country of immigrants, where black Africans account for as many as 50%, and the rest are some Asians, Mexicans, and other Arabs, etc...

In short, here, it is common to be robbed when you go out. If you accidentally encounter something more ruthless, it is normal to be killed.

"I really don't know why Rogers has to come back to live here!" Zhou Ye looked at the chaos outside the car and couldn't help sighing, "Does people always want to go back to the place where they grew up when they are old?"

After Zhou Ye completely completed the achievement of Carter's nephew and nephew at the SHIELD headquarters... After Sharon completed his internship and returned to school, he would have nothing to do again, so he wanted to see the retired old man. Friend, Captain America Rogers.

"...I don't know either, but I think my father wants to reminisce about his childhood!" A blonde girl sitting beside Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"I really don't know what his so-called teenage years have to offer?" Zhou Ye pouted his lips and said disdainfully, "I still remember that before he injected the serum, he pointed to the trail and told me that he was there once. been beaten..."

"..." The blond girl was speechless. She didn't expect that the blond boy in front of her who seemed to be with her, oh no, it should be said that she was younger than herself would actually be the instructor that her father often mentioned to her.

If it wasn't for the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., her immediate boss Peggy Carter specially introduced Zhou Ye to her, maybe she really didn't believe that this guy would be the omnipotent instructor that her father said.

That's right, the blonde girl is the crystallization of the love between the first-generation Captain America Steve Rogers and the Winter Soldier. Perhaps because of the injection of super soldier serum, he and the Winter Soldier have been married for more than ten years and have not had children...

But for Steve, a more traditional man, having no children is the equivalent of life being incomplete... so he turned to Howard for help.

After Howard did some tests on the two of them, he found that neither of them had any physical problems. In the end, Zhou Ye gave a bad idea. [Since both of them are normal, it means that the hardware cannot adapt to the software. The Winter Soldier is also upgraded, and it's over! ? "

Howard was confused by Zhou Ye's unscientific conclusion, but, in the end, he had no choice but to use a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Fortunately, although Dr. Erskine was not rescued,

After more than ten years of research, Howard has completely completed the research and development of the second-generation super soldier serum...

The second year after the Winter Soldier was successfully injected with the second-generation Super Soldier Serum, there was good news for the two of them... The Winter Soldier was pregnant...

That's why there is now the second generation of Captain America, a sister named Sharon Rogers, who perfectly inherited the excellent physique of her parents, and even, to a certain extent, she surpassed her own super injection Parents of Soldier Serum.

When she was just ten years old, she was sent to a secret logistics base of S.H.I.E.L.D. for training. Although the Winter Soldier was very dissatisfied, Steve calmly accepted Peggy's decision.

"Should I call you uncle?" Sharon looked at the handsome boy beside her curiously. Asked: "You know, I have heard my father tell me about you since I was a child, but after seeing you... I found..."

"Find out that I'm not an old man? Is that right?" Zhou Ye smiled and looked at Sharon. To be honest, this girl is not the kind of beauty who will give people a shocking feeling, but she is the kind of neighbor who looks more and more attractive. A little girl type of sister paper.

"That's right, you don't look like my dad's contemporaries at all..." Perhaps because Zhou Ye was unpretentious, Sharon gradually relaxed, "How do you take care of it? What's the matter? The secret?"

If the issue of appearance is the biggest thing women care about, then the second biggest thing is the issue of age...

"Uh—actually there are many things in the world that you don't know about!" Zhou Ye said, and gently stretched out a finger in front of Sharon. "It's like... the existence of magic..."

Sharon couldn't help being attracted by the slender finger that Zhou Ye stretched out. She found that the slender finger was emitting a slight golden light, and then a magic formula composed of a circle and a square appeared on the finger. superior.

"Oh my God - this is amazing!" Sharon asked, looking at the magic formula that kept turning on Zhou Ye's fingers, "I remember... Dad told me that you are a martial arts master..."

"...Uh, just treat me as a magic and martial artist!" Zhou Ye hesitated, and hurriedly changed the subject and asked, "Do you like chocolate?"

"Of course!" Few girls can resist the temptation of sweets, although they know that this is their biggest enemy to keep in shape...

"I have an amazing chocolate..."

"How amazing?"

"However it eats, it can't finish the chocolate!"

"Really?" Sharon has been distracted by Zhou Ye's little tricks.


With that said, Zhou Ye took out a chocolate bar and placed it in front of Sharon. "This is it……"

"But... this looks no different from ordinary chocolate!" Sharon took the chocolate bar from Zhou Ye's hand and looked at it curiously.

"It's just a disguise." Zhou Ye said as he helped Sharon peel off the chocolate packaging and motioned her to taste it. "Come and try the taste of this amazing chocolate."

"Then I'll eat it..." Sharon said, biting a piece of chocolate lightly. "It tastes very good...but I still don't see any difference between it and other chocolates..."

"Look..." Zhou Ye motioned for Sharon to look at the chocolate in his hand.

"Oh my God!" When Sharon looked at the chocolate in her hand, she was stunned. She found that the chocolate was still intact and had not been bitten by herself at all. "This...this is amazing..."

"I told you that this is a magical chocolate." Zhou Ye smiled, it was just a little retrospective magic, if it wasn't for the whole world, he wouldn't even need to reveal the time gem behind him. done.

"Tell me how you did it?" Sharon had already been attracted by this miraculous thing. She couldn't help but hug Zhou Ye's arm and said coquettishly, "Tell me, chocolate. gentlemen……"

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