"...It's just a little trick." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"Is this also the power of magic?"

"That's right!" Zhou Ye replied, uh, it should be regarded as the power of time gem magic. But Zhou Ye won't tell her all...

"Magic is so convenient..." Sharon said enviously, "I really want to be a magician..."

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless, you are a mt with a shield, you are a mt who wants to be a magician... This, well, it is also possible, of course, after becoming his woman.

With the laughter of the two, Rogers' home arrived————

Chapter 422

The residences of Steve Rogers and the Winter Soldier are not too different from any other apartment building. They are both honest three-story apartment buildings that look quite old.

"At least there doesn't seem to be that much graffiti here..." Zhou Ye looked at the clean walls of the apartment and joked, "It seems that your father must have taught those hippies a lesson!"

"...Of course it wasn't my father!" Sharon Rogers laughed: "You know, my father's temper is too good, but my mother's temper is not... After the guy who painted what he called art on my walls drank all the paint he brought, my walls became a no-go zone for hippie graffiti."

After finishing speaking, Sharon spit out her little snake head playfully and explained, "Don't tell my father about this, this is what my mother told me when she called me, and my father still thinks that It was my own willingness to help others that moved those ruffians..."

"Haha..." Zhou Ye was amused by Sharon's playful actions, but thinking about it, Steve is indeed the type of person who doesn't like to hurt others, but obviously, his wife, Winter Soldier, is not a good person. "I like your mother's character!"

"I also think my mom is the best mom!" Sharon said proudly.

"..." Zhou Ye didn't know, if he told this girl that her mother used to be a man, or was her father's good friend... What kind of expression would she have? surprise? Wow, this is true love... no no, this is the reaction of a senior rotten girl. anger? Why didn't you tell me that I was born from a man... uh, this is the plot of the bloody eight o'clock...

Just when Zhou Ye was thinking wildly, Sharron had already rang the doorbell at her door. Although she had never been here, she was no stranger to this place...

After all, when she was ten, Steve was still living in Washington, working for S.H.I.E.L.D. And she had been taken to the secret base for various military training...

It's just that the rhythm of a letter every three days from a mother who loves her daughter introduces the changes in her life to her daughter, and even attaches a thick stack of photos every time, so that Sharon and her parents have never had a relationship. After any estrangement, for her, although she was in the base, her parents seemed to be by her side all the time...

And this time, Peggy asked her to accompany Zhou Ye to come back to see her parents, so she didn't mean to give her a vacation...

As Sharon rang the doorbell, after a while, a footstep sounded, and a slightly old female voice said, "It's better not to let me see that someone is playing the doorbell of my house, I will put his leg Knocked off!"

"My mother..." Sharon made such a mouth shape to Zhou Ye.

"Well, I can hear Tracy McGrady's voice..." Zhou Ye smiled.

The apartment door in front of the two opened, and a woman with gray temples appeared in front of them. Winter Soldier McGrady saw his daughter at a glance, "Oh, my little sweetheart, why are you back...do you miss your mother?"

"Mom..." Sharon was hugged tightly by her mother. After struggling for a while, she gave up this stupid idea. Obviously, although she is a little old now, her strength is still very strong. "I came back with him..."

"He?" Like all men brought back by his daughter, Tracy McGrady looked at the young man behind her daughter with a scrutiny... Well, she looks good, this is a full score, and she looks like a man with a good look. Rich man, this can be added... The corner of the mouth always has that kind of smile that seduces girls, this needs to be deducted...

Just when the Winter Soldier looked at Zhou Ye more and more familiar... Zhou Ye greeted her: "Hi, Tracy... don't remember me? Then I'm really sad... You know, in order to save you, Shi Tiff actually left me and ran out with you..."

"Instructor—————!!!!!!!!!" After Zhou Ye's reminder, Dong Bing finally remembered who Zhou Ye was... After all, she didn't meet Zhou Ye very often, "You How come?...No, I mean how come you are with my daughter..."

Speaking of this, the Winter Soldier suddenly remembered what his husband Steve had said to him... and Zhou Ye's record... He hurriedly turned his face to look at his daughter Sharon and asked, "Baby, what are you and him? Relationship? Aren't you...??"

"...What is our relationship? Friends..." Sharon was confused by her mother's words...

"Then you... have you..." The Winter Soldier said while raising his two thumbs in a very obscene gesture.

"Mom... We just met today!" Sharon rolled her eyes at her mother's action, and said, "It was Chief Carter who asked me to bring him to find you..."

"It's good if there is no...it's good if there is no..." Tracy McGrady put down a hanging old one.

In Gao Xin's heart, she had already planned that if her daughter already suffered a loss, she would pull her husband, Captain America Steve, to force Zhou Ye to marry her daughter...

... Zhou Ye looked at Tracy McGrady's actions and was speechless for a while, what did Steve tell his wife about him, and what kind of image did he have in the eyes of this family...

If Steve knew about it, he would probably say [I didn't say anything, I just told you, instructor, the glorious record of a song and dance troupe that you settled in one night. 】

"Maddy - who is it!" At this moment, Steve's voice came from the room.

"Rogers... I'm here!" Zhou Ye shouted directly.

Following Zhou Ye's shouting, there was a sound of things knocking over in the room, and then a figure appeared in front of Zhou Ye, "Instructor——!!!!!!"

"You're getting old... Rogers." Zhou Ye sighed as he looked at the man who was wearing an apron and had gray temples.

"...Instructor, you still haven't changed at all." Steve looked at the instructor in front of him, the man who pushed him forward, the man who helped him solve his worries, the man who would never catch up ...can't help but feel a little bit emotional.

"But your kid's muscles are still very elastic..." Zhou Ye slapped Steve's brother with a smile. Although the super soldier serum could not make them immortal, it at least slowed down their aging. Steve and the Winter Soldier Both were born in 1918. Now, sixty-five years have passed, and they still look like people in their forties and fifties...

"I can still fight now!" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Steve kept his back and said.

"No, Steve, you've been fighting long enough, it's time to take a break!" Zhou Ye said with a smile, "I'm here to see an old friend. I don't have any tasks, so don't get excited!"

"...Instructor, let's have a good drink today..." Steve grabbed Zhou Ye's hand and walked towards the living room. "I just happened to be trying French desserts, would you like to try one?"

"Captain America's dessert... I want to try it even if it's poisonous!" Zhou Ye said happily. It seems that Steve is now very comfortable with his retirement life. He feels very relieved.

Behind the two, Winter Soldier Tracy McGrady also dragged his daughter and asked. "Sweetheart, you really don't have any... um, friend or more contact with him?"

"...Mom, how many times have I said it, I really saw him for the first time today..." Sharon was annoyed by her mother's words, but to be honest, she really had a trace of Zhou Ye Favorite...no way, in the face of a handsome and interesting man who speaks very well, few women will not be tempted...

Chapter 423

Zhou Ye and Steve drank the meeting wine for a full six hours... From noon to evening, the two shared memories of the barracks...

Of course, Steve's biggest resentment towards Zhou Ye was that the flagpole was welded to death... This time, he dared to complain twice in front of Zhou Ye with the wine.

And Sharon also learned a lot of embarrassing things about her father from Zhou Ye's mouth, such as the little guy who held back the whole team, the princess of the special forces and other disreputable nicknames, which made her feel bad for herself. The father, who always seemed wise and wise, had a different understanding.

Before you know it, it's time for the lights to go up.

"Okay... It's almost time for me to say goodbye..." Zhou Ye looked at Rogers who was sleeping on the sofa with satisfaction, hum, drinking with brother, never died...

"Then I'll take you off..." Tracy McGrady said as he stood up and was about to send Zhou Ye out...

But at this moment, Steve, who was already drunk on the sofa, muttered, "Tracy McGrady... Tracy McGrady..."

"It seems that I can't send you off..." McGrady looked at her husband and said helplessly.

"It's fine, I can come by myself!" Zhou Ye said as he stood up and walked out the door. Sharon took the lead and walked to Zhou Ye's side and said, "I'll see you off..."

"Alright..." McGrady said while holding Steve's head, "Don't delay too long... It's very unsafe here at night!"

"I know mom..." Sharon said, picking up her coat and putting it on her body, and escorting Zhou Ye out of the door.

"Just come here..." Zhou Ye looked at the dark street outside: "Your mother is right, it's not safe here!"

"...Did you forget that I'm the second-generation Captain America?" Sharon said, raising her arms and making a bodybuilding movement. "Don't you think I can't even beat those little gangsters..."

"...Haha" Zhou Ye laughed dumbly. "Sorry, I see girls always forget what kind of abilities she has..."

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