"I'm not weak at all!" Sharon said, and suddenly she hugged Zhou Ye's cheeks with both hands, pointed her toes, and kept her mouth shut...

Zhou Ye was a little confused, what's the situation...

It's just a word of mouth, but it's actually just a little bit of water... Of course, if the object is someone who has no morals, then obviously the situation will change.

Although Zhou Ye couldn't understand what was going on, he could still do it with the flow. He hugged Sharon and pried her open...

After a long time—

Sharon finally regained her sanity, pushed Zhou Ye away, and slammed the door shut tightly, keeping Zhou Ye outside.

With her back against the door of the room, Sharon felt like her heart was about to jump out... "Damn... Damn..."

Tracy McGrady instilled in her various reasons for not being close to Zhou Ye, and even said that as long as she was close to Zhou Ye, she would fall in love with him without any scientific basis without any dignity, but Tracy McGrady forgot that her own daughter also He was only eighteen years old, and he was also in a period of youthful rebellion.

Sharon felt that her mother was alarmist, and she wanted to prove that she would not love Zhou Ye undignified just by contacting her... So, this emotional rookie took her first step, but she found that things It seems to be different from what I imagined...

"Oh, my God, I seem to have done something stupid..." Sharon sat on the ground with her head leaning against the door. She felt as if Zhou Ye's figure had broken into her heart at this time...

"Ha... I've written down this account... Baby Sharon, I look forward to meeting you again..." Zhou Ye stood at the door. Although there was a door, everything inside could not be concealed from him... Looking at Sharon with a tangled face, Zhou Ye smiled.

Now is obviously not the best time to attack this girl, so after Zhou Ye finished saying that, he turned around and walked towards the intersection... At this point, it was almost time for the maid to drive over to pick him up.

When he reached the intersection, Zhou Ye really saw his unusual luxury car.

Skillfully opened the back door and sat up, "Let's go back..."

"Okay, master." The maid who drove the car agreed and started the car slowly.

Today Zhou Ye is going back to his manor on Long Island, and there is a Queens area between Long Island and Brooklyn...

Originally thought it was a smooth road home, but unexpectedly something happened...

When Zhou Ye's special car drove to the block where Queens and Brooklyn meet, a girl wearing a leather jacket and leather skirt, with smoky makeup on her face, and an afro-haired girl suddenly rushed in front of Zhou Ye's car. blocked his way.

"Save me...Save me..." She desperately slapped the glass of Zhou Ye's car, crying and begging.

"Master, do you want me to clean up her?" the maid asked, she knew that her master hated girls in such non-mainstream dresses the most.

"Forget it, let her get in the car..." Zhou Ye almost hit his nose when he braked suddenly, but he didn't feel so angry because he teased another cutie today.

"Good master!" said the maid and opened the door...

After the non-mainstream girl got into the car, she thanked her desperately: "I'm sorry, sir, I'll be leaving in a while..."

"Have you encountered any trouble?" Zhou Ye asked curiously.

"Those bastards... They want to rape me..." The girl covered her face and cried, "I thought everyone was friends... But I didn't expect them... woo woo..."

"Yes..." Just as Zhou Ye was about to ask who he was, he stopped, because he had already seen a group of people wearing clothes full of glitter films, their hair as if they had been electrocuted, wearing bell-bottoms, holding a steel pipe and a watermelon. The gangsters with knives blocked in front of their car.

"Hand over that Bichi..."

"Get out of the car - bastard..."

"Do you want to know how we deal with people who steal our code? Rich... your car is good, can you lend me a couple of days?"

Looking at the group of foolish young people who thought they were invincible in the world, Zhou Ye sighed helplessly, these guys, living is a waste of air. "Ying, solve them, don't make it too bloody..."

"Your will, master!" The maid opened the car door with a smile, and she had toys to play with...

"Yo, there's a prettier chick out... Pete, don't ask for your ignorant girl, I think this is pretty good... You'll be better off with this rich guy!" a black man in a leather jacket shouted on.

"Hahaha, yes Pete, it's better to get this chick than that..."

"Gentlemen, are you ready..." The maid said with a smile, "Did you die?"

"Hahahaha... I like such an arrogant chick, yes, chick, I'm ready to die, but I want to be cool and die..." After saying this, the gangster thought he was very humorous and laughed. stand up.

"It's going to open soon, we can't delay any longer." The maid suddenly disappeared in place with these words--

In an instant, more than a dozen thugs stopped their movements, and all of them fell silent... From time to time, some people made ho ho - that kind of breathless sound.

As the maid appeared on the spot again, a bloody arrow suddenly burst out from the throats of all the gangsters, and all of them were cut off by the maid in an instant——

The girl who covered her eyes and couldn't bear to see the maid being insulted and humiliated

At this time, she secretly looked through the gap between her fingers... She was stunned by the scene in front of her.

Chapter 424

"Ahhhh--you, don't come here..." Seeing the maid get into the car again, the girl was frightened and wanted to get away from her. After all, for her, the scene just now was too strong and explosive Now... After all, she's just a bit of a rebellious girl.

For her... the scene in front of her is enough to make her unforgettable for the rest of her life.

"Look... you scared our guests!" Zhou Ye laughed and teased his maid as he looked at the girl who had run into his arms unconsciously.

"I'm really sorry for that!" The maid rolled her eyes, and the girl who was immediately frightened drilled into Zhou Ye's arms again...

"..." The maid ignored the girl who was frightened by her, and started the car again to drive towards Long Island Manor... As for the corpses of the gangsters all over the floor? Who cares about these marginalized people, it is estimated that the sheriff of this piece will see the bodies of these guys as a gang fight.

In their words, don't waste taxpayers' money, these gangsters are not worth the effort to track down.

The girl was still trembling all over, she was still afraid of the maid, and she didn't notice how dangerous it was to hide in the maid's master's arms.

"Okay...don't be afraid, those are just some social trash, they just tried to rape you...have you forgotten?" Zhou Ye's voice sounded in her ear, as if carrying some magic power. Soothe her restless mind.

"Hmm—" The girl heard Zhou Ye's magnetic voice, her whole body was no longer tense, and the fear in her heart seemed to be much less.

"You haven't told me your name yet?" Zhou Ye asked curiously, "Why did you hang out with that group of people?"

"My name is May Riley..." The girl still hadn't realized that she was snuggling in Zhou Ye's arms, perhaps because of the sense of security Zhou Ye brought her, or because Zhou Ye's words made her a little relaxed. "My father left me and my mother when I was very young...and my mother always beat me...I didn't do anything wrong...but she always beat me..."

"Is your mother an alcoholic?"

"No...she doesn't have the money to buy wine!" May Riley said. "Every time she beats me, she scolds me. It's because of me that my father left the house..."

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless, it seemed that this was another tragedy caused by a man who was unwilling to take responsibility.

But May Riley...a familiar name, May Parker? Spider-Man's Aunt May seems to have been named May Riley...it seems that her family used to live in Brooklyn...

It seems that he has finally found a person to talk to, and the girl's words can't stop. "I don't want to go home...but I don't know where to go...then the gangsters said they could give me a place to live, as long as I play with them...I don't know what that means, I thought It's just a help between friends, but today they were drinking... they said..."

Speaking of this, Mei's magic became extremely frightening, "They want to rape me... I ran out while they were unprepared..."

"Then what are you going to do now?" Zhou Ye looked at Mei carefully. To be honest, her plate was pretty good, and she looked a bit like Marisa Tomei when she was young.

"I don't know...I don't know where to go...I don't want to go home..." Mei had already forgotten that it was only the first time she met Zhou Ye, perhaps because Zhou Ye's words had a hint of hypnosis. Make her feel as if she can trust this man.

"Okay... it's better to be a guest at my house for now." Zhou Ye started abducting girls again. There's no reason to leave such a beauty to Spider-Man's uncle, right?

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