"But...will this bother you too much?" Mei asked hesitantly.

"No... I have a lot of rooms in my house!" Zhou Ye said with a smile.

Soon - May Riley knew what Zhou Ye meant by so many rooms. She looked at this luxurious and large villa in front of her, and couldn't help but widen her shyness. "This...is this your home?"

"Of course, let's go, let's go in." Zhou Ye said, pulling Mei into his own villa involuntarily.

"Master, dinner is about to start, and the ladies are waiting for you!" A maid came over, took off Zhou Ye's coat, and said.

"Wait a minute, I'll take this little girl up to wash up first!" Zhou Ye said, hugging Mei and walking towards the second floor...

"Ye, is this okay? Is it really okay to let the ladies wait?" Mae Riley looked restrained, although the man she was very fond of was so fascinated by her, and she didn't know the so-called What did the ladies mean, but... she didn't want him to be in an embarrassing situation for herself.

"It's okay, it's all family."

While talking, Zhou Ye had already brought her to a bedroom, opened the bathroom door for her, and said, "You can use the toiletries here, they are all new, and the towels are all just changed. , so don't worry that it's someone else's supplies..."

"What about you?" Before being pushed into the bathroom by Zhou Ye, Mei asked, leaning on the door frame and looking at Zhou Ye.

To be honest, even though she knew it was impossible, Mei still wanted Zhou Ye to wait for her outside. Seriously... In a strange place, this man she had a crush on seemed to have become her only support... …

"Don't worry, I'll be waiting for you outside." Zhou Ye smiled and said something that made Mei Anxin feel relieved.


May Riley unconsciously showed a smile on the corner of her mouth, and she didn't even notice why she was so attached to this man she had only known for less than an hour.

"It's really not easy..." Zhou Ye sat on the sofa in the bedroom and smiled at the closed bathroom door.

In order to make this little cutie trust him completely, Zhou Ye even used the hypnotic ability that he had not used for a long time...

What? You say this is despicable? Nonono, there's nothing despicable or despicable about picking up a girl. Zhou Ye always believed that as long as a trick that works well, it's a good trick. At least he is very disciplined without the overlord to force the bow...

Just when Zhou Ye was feeling complacent that he had regained a bit of integrity outside, Mei in the bathroom had already started to wash up...

Take off the exaggerated makeup, wash off the explosive hairstyle, and a pure and loving girl appears in the mirror like this.

Tonight, May Riley has undergone too many upheavals, her friends wanted to rape her, and then she was killed by a beautiful maid in front of her eyes... These made her very tired, and the just right water temperature made her not consciously relax...

I don't know when - Mae Riley lay in the jacuzzi and fell asleep...

"Mei? Are you alright..."

"Speak... Mei?"

"I'm in..."

"I really went in..."

After Zhou Ye shouted a few times, he directly opened the bathroom door and walked in. In fact, those shouts were just pretending. He clearly knew what was going on inside...

"Mei after taking off her makeup is really beautiful..." Zhou Ye looked at the little beauty lying asleep in the bathtub. Said with a smile, at this moment, Mei, who is covered in drops of water, is as moving as a mermaid.

"Although it's at a constant temperature...but it's not good for your skin after soaking for a long time..." Zhou Ye said, bent down, hugged May Riley directly, and walked out of the bathroom...

Putting Mei gently on the sofa, Zhou Ye took out a bath towel and wiped the water droplets off her body. Mei slowly opened her eyes and asked with a vague look, "Ye, what are you doing? it's here?"

"You fell asleep... I took you out." Zhou Ye said while wiping her body with the towel in his hand. Maybe it was because Zhou Ye's movements made her so comfortable and comfortable, Mei couldn't help but feel Lightly moaned.

"Damn little goblin... don't you know how hard I endured?" Zhou Ye couldn't bear it any longer, he threw the bath towel in his hand to the ground, and then faced the personal terminal in his hand. said a word. "Qiu, let the ladies eat first, I guess I won't be able to catch up..."

"What's the matter? Ye..." Mei's words were only exchanged for Zhou Ye, who rushed towards him.


Chapter 425

Two hours later————

"God - am I destined to lose my sexuality tonight?" May Riley hugged Zhou Ye tightly and complained, but there was a smile on her face.

"Well, that's right, you are destined to lose your virginity on my couch tonight!" Zhou Ye's words made May Riley roll her eyes. She knew the man's true colors. Mildness is his disguise, he is a beast.

At this moment, a grunting sound rang out, and Zhou Ye stroking Mei paused, "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah!" Mei nodded lightly. Tonight, she ran away again, and she was frightened. In the end, there was an intense exercise on the couch. How could she not be hungry.

"Let's go down to eat..." Zhou Ye said and stood up with Mei in his arms. To be honest, this girl's body is really not very good, she should be big, she should be tall... Zhou Ye expressed his satisfaction .

"I'll do it myself..." Mei said struggling and walked down from Zhou Ye's arms, she stumbled and gritted her teeth in severe pain somewhere.

"Are you okay?" Zhou Ye hurriedly helped him up.

"I'm fine..." Mei Qiang endured the pain and took two steps, barely able to bear it, so she let go of Zhou Ye's arm and wanted to get her clothes.

"No...Baby, your clothes are here." Zhou Ye said, and took out a few boxes from the side, which contained all the clothes that Mei was going to wear.

To be honest, most of these clothes are from his women. Those women love to sweep the streets when they have nothing to do... Besides, Zhou Ye doesn't care about the money, their wardrobe has long been overwhelmed. , A lot of clothes are never worn after buying them.

It just so happened that they knew that their man had brought a new woman back. Based on what they knew about Zhou Ye, a woman who could be brought into the house would basically not be able to escape, so they heard the maid tell about Mei's three-dimensional appearance. , and simply take out the clothes that he has never worn and give them to the newcomer, which is also a gesture of goodwill. They are all popular new models this year, and there is no outdated problem.

Because they know what to do to satisfy their men, and they also know what their men are most taboo about...

"Are these really for me?" Mei looked at the familiar brand logo on the clothes bag. As a girl, she may not know who Captain America is, but she definitely doesn't know what the latest fashion is Fashion, apparently, May recognizes the signs too, and for her, these are clothes that she once could not have hoped for...  

Maybe the price of this piece of clothing makes her odd jobs for a year can't afford it...

"You know...I...I don't want these..." Mei said at a loss, does she like these famous brands? Of course she liked it, no girl would dislike it, but she didn't want Zhou Ye to misunderstand that she was a girl who admired vanity, uh, she should be a woman now.

"Of course I know..." Zhou Ye saw what Mei was thinking, walked over and hugged her gently. "In fact, these are not given to you by me, and I also know that you are not a vain girl, these are just gifts for you from the ladies below..."

"Then...then I have to thank those ladies well..." Mei thought that the lady Zhou Ye was talking about might be Zhou Ye's relatives or something...

"I also think you should thank them properly..." Zhou Ye smiled, he wouldn't say it right now, it wouldn't be fun to say it now.

After Mei put on her clothes, Zhou Ye felt a sense of surprise. The originally fluffy explosive head was now tied into a side ponytail, which was slightly fluffy and draped over her shoulders. Fitted black trousers wrapped her around her. The cockroaches and dolphins against the background add a bit of temptation and temptation...

The white bottoming shirt and the red woolen coat made Mei a bit cute as a family woman... Zhou Ye couldn't help hugging the whole image. "Baby, I don't want to let you go now..."

"...Honey, can we talk about it after we finish eating?" Mei's body softened by Zhou Ye's actions, and she snuggled into Zhou Ye's arms, she couldn't help begging: "I really am now. It's not good anymore..."

"...Okay!" Zhou Ye reluctantly let her go for the time being, he knew that Mei was indeed unbearable now...

When Zhou Ye took Mei downstairs to the restaurant, Mei looked at the fourteen beautiful women with different styles and moods sitting around the rectangular dining table. They were looking at her with curious eyes.

"Hi..." Mei greeted awkwardly.

"Hi - my name is Joan Agnes. You can call me Joan." Joan stood up with a smile and said kindly, "This is Millie, Heidi..."

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