"Okay, after you retire, let's travel around the world together..." Zhou Ye said with a smile, "My new yacht, the Emperor, is almost finished..."

"Okay, I'll think about it..." Peggy said, "I'll send an official letter to the police now to prove that you're on an urgent mission, okay, Susan, have fun..."

"Well, thank you Peggy." Susan smiled and waved goodbye to Peggy.


After hanging up, Zhou Ye opened the car window and let a man in a black suit who looked like an ordinary office worker call to the car. "Okay, Peggy has done it, you don't need to take the blame, go back to work..."

"Okay, Master." The man said, turned and left Zhou Ye's car.

"Evil rich people, if they commit a crime, there are still people who can take the blame..." Susan whispered.

"Don't forget, you are a rich woman now, and you have to try to stand in this class to see the world..." Zhou Ye smiled and said softly beside Susan. "Okay, now I can drive you directly to school..."

"I can't wait to see what the new school looks like..." Susan said happily.

Zhou Ye drove his car directly into the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Although outside vehicles were not allowed to enter,... Zhou Ye's car was an exception, why? For the huge sponsorship that Umbrella gives to MIT every year, for the countless research projects and research funds that Umbrella receives from Umbrella every year...for the Umbrella logo in front of Zhou Ye's car.

Whether you want to admit it or not, there are always privileged classes in this society.

Susan looked at the parents outside the car who were pointing at their car to send their students to school, and asked a little uneasy: "Dear, are we too high-profile..."

"Don't worry about the screams of the dogs..." Zhou Ye glanced at the parents, obviously they were angry why their cars couldn't enter the school. "They know better than anyone what kind of society the United States is. They are just here to give their children a thought, so they try their best to pretend that they are not afraid of power."

"..." Susan was speechless, her men seemed to despise American society very much... Actually, it wasn't that Zhou Ye despised, even Zhou Ye thought that such a society was really nice, at least for the rich.

"Where are we going? My dormitory isn't here..." Susan asked hesitantly as she watched Zhou Ye turn her car into a quiet villa area.

"Of course I'm going to your dormitory, but it's not the dormitory assigned to you by the school, it's the dormitory I found for you..." Zhou Ye said, parked his car in front of an independent villa, skilled The controller in the car opened the garage door of the villa and drove the car in...

"...Don't tell me, you also have a schoolgirl here..." Susan thought about the virtues of her own man, and then contacted the girl who had just seen the clothes drying on the second floor of the villa, and instantly found something by herself. The feeling of truth.

"...You're thinking too much, baby, this is where my goddaughter lives...I just want you to be a companion!" Zhou Ye said helplessly, after all, Nini hasn't gotten started yet, so she's not her own woman. , so he said it was not a deception.

"...Well, I almost forgot the fact that I fell in love with an old monster." Susan complained about Zhou Ye's age.

"...The old monster is going to kiss you..." Zhou Ye said with a smile while tickling Susan's chin.

"..." Susan also obediently closed her eyes. At this moment, she suddenly saw a girl in a white nightdress standing in front of the car with tears in her eyes. She was shocked. "Honey, what is that..."

"..." Zhou Ye looked in the direction Susan pointed. It was his adopted daughter, Nina Stark... "Nini, what's wrong with you? Why are you here? What happened?"

Zhou Ye looked at the tearful Nina, and suddenly felt a bad feeling. He hurriedly opened the car door, walked down, stood in front of Nina and asked anxiously.

"...Godfather...my dad...my dad he..." Nina couldn't finish her sad words...

"What happened to Howard?" Zhou Ye asked.

"My dad was in a car accident..." Nina finally said the words, hugging Zhou Ye and crying...

... It shouldn't be, the Winter Soldier was turned into a mother, and it didn't fall into the hands of Lao Maozi, and the Hydra is in the hands of her own woman, she will not hurt Howard again... How could this thing have a car accident already?

Chapter 427

"Listen to baby Nini, you can't cry now... Tell me, where is your father now?" Zhou Ye asked hurriedly.

"Jarvis told me it was in the George Washington Hospital..." Nina Stark was already in a panic... Hearing her godfather's words, she suddenly remembered the address that the housekeeper told her.

"Okay, let's go..." Zhou Ye turned around and said apologetically to Susan, "I'm sorry, dear Susan... I'm afraid I won't be able to attend your freshman speech..."

"Come on, I'll be fine." Susan had heard everything clearly behind Zhou Ye. She wasn't some unruly princess, so naturally she wouldn't blame Zhou Ye for leaving herself to see the car accident. friend.

"Baby, you're amazing." Zhou Ye said with a light smack on Susan's cheek, and said directly to his goddaughter, "I've been to that place once, and I'll open the door..."

Saying that, Zhou Ye directly opened an arbitrary door.

, he grabbed Nina and rushed in... As the figures of the two disappeared in any door, Susan sighed helplessly. Although she knew that this was Zhou Ye's urgent matter, she was the most important moment in her life. He was actually absent, and there was still some regret in my heart.

At this moment, Zhou Ye and Nina, who had already arrived at Washington Hospital, rushed directly to the emergency room... After asking the nurses along the way, the two came to the door of the operating room...

It just so happened that the two of them saw that the lights in the operating room went out, and a doctor in a sterile suit came out.

"Doctor, how is Mr. Howard?" Zhou Ye hurried over and asked.

"I'm sorry - Mr. Stark and Mrs. had completely lost their vital signs when they sent them over, and there was nothing we could do... We have done our best." The doctor said with a heavy expression.

"..." Nina Stark suddenly fainted when she heard the doctor's words. In one day, she lost her parents at the same time, and she couldn't bear it any longer.

"..." Zhou Ye stopped Nina and broke into the operating room directly. He looked at the couple on the operating table... Zhou Ye directly used astral projection - sure enough, the couple were very interested. Looking at his body, Howard was still there with emotion.

"I didn't expect that I would die so ugly..." Howard's soul embraced his wife and smiled, "I hope it won't affect my image in the next life."

"It's a little ugly, but it looks much more honest than when you were alive." Maria teased her husband.

"I'm sorry, Maria..." Howard was silent for a moment, then said, "If it wasn't for my insistence on driving fast—"

"No, my dear, I feel very happy to be able to walk through this life with you." Maria leaned against Howard's arms, with a soft smile on the corner of her mouth. "Thank God for letting me meet you. If there is an afterlife, I am willing to marry you..."

As the two talked, they were about to keep their mouths shut—

"I said that the two of you are fine if you die, what should Nina do?" Zhou Ye's voice suddenly made the two of them froze, no, now there are two ghosts, and Zhou Ye's voice awakened the two ghosts who were about to be incapacitated. .

"Zhou—?" Seeing Zhou Ye, Howard's eyes widened immediately, "Are you dead too?"

"Bah—it's really unlucky to say, I'm not dead, I can't die even if all the people on earth are dead..." Zhou Ye pooh pooh twice. "I came to see a couple in a car accident with my goddaughter."

"Nina—" Zhou Ye's words made Maria, who was so eager for her daughter, unable to stop crying. "My poor little cutie...I'll never see her again."

"..." Zhou Ye hesitated for a moment, then said, "Howard, you know, I have some special abilities, and with Umbrella's latest technology, I can keep your husband and wife alive... Would you like to?"




"...Forget it." Howard hesitated for a long time, and finally shook his head and rejected Zhou Ye's proposal. "I've lived for almost seventy years. In fact, I've already lived enough. Besides - I don't want to taste the taste of death again. It really hurts."

"Just, if you can, can you help me bring Maria back to life? She's still young, Nina can't be without her father and mother at the same time..." Howard pleaded: "For the sake of our friends for so many years, help How is my last time? Week."

"...No, Howard, I want to accompany you, I won't go anywhere..." When Maria heard her husband's words, she was immediately excited, and she cried, "Do you want me to live in the right place rather than die? Are you missing? Howard, you coward!!!!"

"No..., listen to me, Maria..."

"I don't listen - I will never part with you, absolutely not!!!"

"..." Zhou Ye looked at the two who were arguing, and coughed twice, "You two, put it all down now, don't you want to see your daughter again?"

"..." x2

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