Maybe it was their love for their daughter that stopped the quarrel between the two couples who had different opinions. They looked at Zhou Ye and said in unison, "Nina is here too?"

"No, she just heard the news of her parents' death and passed out... I'll bring her here now." Zhou Ye returned to his body without waiting for the couple to speak.

At this moment, Jarvis, who had just driven over, also came to the operating room. Looking at Zhou Ye, who was holding his young lady, he asked anxiously, "Mr. Zhou, what's wrong with Miss Natasha?"

"She's fine, she just passed out temporarily because of excessive sadness..." Zhou Ye said, and said to Jarvis, who had silver hair, "You can help me treat all the nurses and doctors at the door of the operating room. Do it?"

"Leave it to me, Mr. Zhou." Jarvis looked at Zhou Ye's serious expression and said confidently, "I will definitely keep those guys out."

"Do it now, Jarvis."

"Okay, sir." Jarvis didn't say anything anymore. With the friendship between the two families for so many years, he believed that Zhou Ye must have something important to do, maybe it was about his master and his wife, so he He walked out of the operating room directly, keeping the doctors and nurses out.

Looking at the operating room where there were no outsiders, Zhou Ye gently took out a golden pill and fed it into Nina's mouth. As soon as the golden pill was in her stomach, Nina woke up leisurely. When she woke up, she saw lying down The parents on the operating table suddenly felt sad and wanted to cry when they opened their mouths, but Zhou Ye stopped them. "Baby Nina, if you cry again, I won't show you your parents..."

Hearing her godfather's words, Nina suddenly remembered her powerful godfather, and hurriedly hugged Zhou Ye and begged, "Godfather, please, please save Mom and Dad..."

"...Baby, it's not that I don't save it, it's that someone doesn't want to live.

"..." Nina was confused by Zhou Ye's words, is there such a fool?

"Forget it, baby, let them tell you..." Zhou Ye said, and lightly placed his thumb on Nina's forehead... Suddenly, Nina felt as if she saw her back, no, no It seems that I see my own back, but I really see my own back...

"I...I'm like this? Godfather." Nina looked at Zhou Ye... um, no, there are two Zhou Ye now. One looked as motionless as a puppet, and the other stood beside him.

"It's nothing, I'm just helping you get your soul out of your body temporarily..." Zhou Ye said, patting Nina's shoulder lightly, pointing behind her, and saying, "Who do you think that is?"

Although Nina was still digesting the meaning of Zhou Ye's words, she couldn't help but look in the direction Zhou Ye pointed, "Dad—mom—"

"Baby Nina..."

"My little cutie..."

The family of three suddenly hugged together...

"Don't talk for too long... After all, Nina is still alive. It's not good for her to be out of the body for too long... After a while, go to the rooftop to find me..." Zhou Ye explained all this, without waiting for the family When he answered, he went straight through the ceiling and came to the rooftop.

Zhou Ye gave the time to this family, he didn't like to watch things that were divided and closed...

Chapter 428

I don't know how long it took - maybe half an hour, maybe an hour, maybe two hours - there is no concept of time in the soul space... At this moment, Zhou Ye also forgot about time.

Zhou Ye, who had been sitting on the edge of the roof, felt that someone was approaching him. He didn't have to look back. With the familiar soul fluctuation, he knew who it was...

"Are you finished talking?" Zhou Ye asked.

"Uh-!" After saying goodbye to her parents, Nina felt that her sadness was much better. Seeing that her parents were so optimistic, she also felt that maybe they were right in choosing not to resurrect. They were right. It's time to learn to live away from your parents... It's a matter of time.

However, Nina looked at the back of her godfather who was sitting alone by the building, and suddenly felt that his back looked a little desolate.

"What's wrong? Godfather?" Nina couldn't help walking behind him, just like when she was a child, and just wrapped her arms around Zhou Ye's neck.

"Nothing..." Zhou Ye said, looking at the clouds in the sky.

"No...Tell me, Godfather—" Today's Nina seemed extraordinarily stubborn, she hugged Zhou Ye's neck tightly and insisted: "I have only you as a relative now...I want to know...Godfather ,Tell me please?"

"...Okay." Zhou Ye sighed and said, "You know what? Baby Nina, I'm so jealous of you..."

"Jealous of me?"

"That's right, I'm jealous of you..." Zhou Ye said quietly, "You know what? My parents also passed away because of a car accident, but at that time, no one could help me take another look at them and say something to them. In other words, even the day before they passed away, I was arguing with them because of some trivial matter... I couldn't even tell them the last sentence I love you..."

"...Godfather." At this moment, Nina suddenly felt that the godfather in her arms was so lonely... She remembered a Chinese sentence Zhou Ye once taught her. At that time, she was ignorant and did not understand the meaning of this sentence. But at this moment, she finally understood that the tree wants to be quiet, but the wind is not constant. The child wants to be raised, but the parent does not wait.

"Okay... why did I suddenly say these things to you?" Zhou Ye shook his head, stood up, and asked, "Old Howard still doesn't want to.

Resurrection? "

"Well." Nina nodded and said, "Dad thinks this is the reincarnation of life, we must respect reincarnation... Mom wants to accompany her..."

"This old guy, he was so afraid of death in the past, but now he actually sees death as his own?" Zhou Ye teased, "So what are your wishes, baby? Do you want them to come back to life?"

"I respect their choice..." Nina bit her lower lip and said, "Moreover, I think they are very happy, because they can be together with those they love to death."

After being silent for a while, Zhou Ye sighed and said, "...Okay, let's go back."

"Yeah." Nina obediently put her hand into Zhou Ye's palm. Only after losing it can she know how to cherish everything. She is now extremely attached to Zhou Ye.

When Zhou Ye returned to the operating room again, the souls of Howard and his wife could no longer be seen. Obviously, they chose to avoid Zhou Ye...

"...Really, why bother? I won't force you to resurrect..." Zhou Ye shook his head and sighed.

Nina almost laughed out loud at the words of her godfather. To be honest, after chatting with her parents for a while, her sadness gradually disappeared... Now she feels the passing of her parents as if her own parents had gone. I took a long vacation and wanted to take a good rest...

Zhou Ye lightly touched Nina's spiritual body, and she returned to her body. Nina opened her eyes again, looking at the remains of her parents who were still lying on the operating table, and said in a low voice, "Goodbye— Goodbye, papa—mama."

"Let's go back..." Zhou Ye looked at Nina, who was reluctant to part, and whispered comfortingly, "They just went through what everyone has to go through..."

"Hmm-" Nina finally gritted her teeth, left the operating table, and followed Zhou Ye out of the operating room.

"Miss Natasha, are you okay..." Jarvis, who was standing guard outside, hurriedly asked when he saw his young lady come out.

"I'm fine, Jarvis, thank you..." Nina said, "I'm a little tired and want to go home... I'll ask you here."

"Okay, Miss, I'll take care of Mr. and Mrs.'s funeral." Jarvis said, looked at Zhou Ye, and said, "Then trouble Mr. Zhou..."

"It's nothing..." Just as Zhou Ye was talking, a bunch of guys in black suits came outside, headed by an old lady who looked very energetic... "Ye, why are you here? How is Howard? now..."

"Peggy..." Zhou Ye was speechless when he saw Peggy who was wearing aged makeup. To be honest, Zhou Ye was a little unaccustomed to facing Peggy with such makeup. "The Howards are gone..."

"...This is really unfortunate news." Peggy was also a little depressed, after all, Howard was her old friend...

"Okay, give me your car keys, I'll take Nina back first..." Zhou Ye said.

"Here..." Peggy handed over her car keys directly. She didn't know why her man didn't save Howard, but she knew there must be a reason, and this was not the place to ask, so she also He didn't ask Zhou Ye too many questions.

Zhou Ye drove Peggy's car directly and sent Nina back to his manor in Washington. He didn't send Nina home directly because Zhou Ye was worried that she would be in a relationship, so he temporarily settled her in his home.


When Peggy returned home, after hearing Zhou Ye talk about Howard's choice, she said with some emotion, "I didn't expect this playboy to turn into a philosopher until he died..."

"...Who knows." Zhou Ye hugged Peggy, who had taken off her old makeup, and said in a low voice, "Maybe he has really lived enough..."

This night, the two did not do what they love to do because of their bad mood...

Half-dream and half-awake, Zhou Ye felt as if there was an extra body in his arms. He forced his eyes to open, but what he saw was his goddaughter, Nina. "Baby Nina, why are you here?"

"Godfather...I can't sleep, every time I close my eyes, I seem to see my parents lying on the operating table..." Nina said here, begging: " me Forget those things, okay?"

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