Cotton was hesitant to give this mecha madman Miss Stark such precious materials. Although she was a woman recognized by the master, Zhou Ye was always the supreme master of Umbrella, not those women...they were not interested in Umbrella. Ra has no authority.

Zhou Ye saw what Corton meant at a glance, and said directly: "Give her, she's safe, and I'll save a lot of worry."

"Good master." Cotton said and was about to quit. After all, he still had to pass Nina's order. In this base, without the consent of the base commander, any information was released.

Zhou Ye watched Keton walk out of the room, stood up, and planned to go see him, a woman who had asked for a laboratory to dig into the base and hadn't come out for a long time...

And at this moment, in a laboratory in the base - Nina is worrying.

After all, although Nina's armor was made of aviation materials, its sturdiness is far from the level of X metal, but because X metal is dedicated to armor, its weight is not light, and Nina thinks To make the new Mark 1 out of x metal, oh no, it should be called the Mark 2 by now.

Because of the use of X metal, the new Mark 2 has a larger self-weight, which affects her propulsion system. The original propulsion system is no longer enough to propel the Mark 2, but increasing the propulsion system requires increasing energy. The output system, to increase the energy output system, it is necessary to improve the energy storage system... This is a project that affects the whole body, and Nina has been having a headache for a long time.

If you want to be safe, you need to use a stronger metal shell, but a stronger shell requires stronger power, and stronger power requires more energy storage... This is simply an unsolvable problem.

Nina frowned as she looked at the virtual test data on the transparent display in front of her.

Just then, a female voice sounded. "Miss, Mr. is coming here. According to speculation, there is a 96% chance that the destination is here. Do you need to open the door of the laboratory?"

"You don't need to ask me, Anna." Nina said directly: "My place has no secrets for my dear."

"Okay, miss, but last time you let me see your husband coming to you, so I will inform you in advance." Anna's voice was a little aggrieved...

"Uh—" Nina was speechless. Last time, it was because she was too selfless at work, which made her man dissatisfied, and taught herself how to rest in his unique way... The unique way is to put She was exhausted, and as for how to do it, you can understand.

"Delete that order, Anna." Nina said embarrassedly.

"Okay, miss." Anna replied obediently, she couldn't understand why her lady's orders were always inconsistent.

Just then, as soon as the hatch opened, Zhou Ye walked in.

As soon as he came in, he saw parts scattered all over the place, and various mechanical structure diagrams displayed on more than a dozen screens. Obviously, these were all Nina's designs...

Looking at the depressed Nina, Zhou Ye walked over with a smile, raised his hand to hug her, and sat down in her original position unceremoniously, and Nina? She naturally sat on Zhou Ye's lap, that was her position. "What's the matter? Baby, seeing your depressed look, did you encounter any problem?"

"It's about the energy issue..." Nina sighed, leaned directly into Zhou Ye's arms and said, "My Mark II is in big trouble..."

"Let's hear it... Maybe I'll give you some good advice?" Zhou Ye asked with a smile.

"You... Forget it, my dear..." Nina doesn't believe that her man has this talent. If her man can smash the sun and the planet with his fist, she will not doubt it at all, but research is different. She didn't believe her man could give her any good advice.

"Would you like to make a bet?" Zhou Ye had a mysterious smile on his face.

"Oh? What are you betting on?" Nina asked.

"Of course I bet I can solve your current problem..."

"What's the stake?" Nina asked cautiously.

"Of course it's the pose you didn't do last time..."

"..." Nina hesitated, the pose was a little too exciting for her...

"Don't a genius inventor dare to gamble on what he is best at?" Zhou Ye began to irritate Nina.

"... A bet is a bet." Nina gritted her teeth and said, "But if you can't solve my problem, then you will stay with me for a year, during which time you are not allowed to meet other women... Do you dare?"

"No problem." Zhou Ye smiled, the lamb was hooked, and he could unlock new knowledge again.

"Okay, let's make a deal." Nina said, giving Zhou Ye a high-five, which represented the conclusion of the bet between the two.

Next, Nina looked at Zhou Ye provocatively and said, "I now need a miniaturized super-power energy generator to provide energy for my Mark II, and the output power needs to be at least 12 billion joules per second, so as to ensure the Mark II Two's mobility and the use of weapons and equipment, can you solve this problem? Dear..."

"Wow, 12 billion joules per second... This is the output power of a super-large nuclear power plant. It needs to be miniaturized? How small does it need to be?" Zhou Ye asked with an exaggerated look.

"The maximum size cannot exceed this size." Nina said, using a ring with both hands to create a circular shape with a diameter of about eight centimeters. Then he looked at Zhou Ye with a proud face and said, "Honey, just stay with me for a year..."

"You're so confident that I can't do it?

"Zhou Ye looked at Nina with a half-smile but smirked.

"Of course." Nina raised her chin and said confidently.

"If you are so confident, would you like to add some bets?" Zhou Ye asked amusingly.

"If you can't do it, you will stay with me for a hundred years. If you can, I will do whatever you want..." Nina easily stepped into Zhou Ye's trap...

"It's really embarrassing..." Zhou Ye said with a tangled look: "Can you not raise the bet?"

"Of course not, you brought it up yourself, and it's a man's word." Nina seemed to have seen the Goddess of Victory open her arms to her, her smiling eyes narrowed.

"Okay then... I really can't make such a small energy storage device." Zhou Ye sighed... with a look of admitting defeat.

"Hooray..." Nina almost jumped up with joy, let the damn Mark II go to hell at this moment, my dear is only my own one hundred years, who cares what Mark II is not the second of.

Before Nina could finish being happy, Zhou Ye answered. "but--"

"But what? My dear, don't you want to deny the account?" Nina looked at Zhou Ye vigilantly, like a kitten that was about to explode. Only Zhou Ye dared to admit that if she wanted to go back on it, she would throw herself at him. Go up and kill him.

"But... I can put a large nuclear power plant into such a large space." Zhou Ye smiled and tapped the screen in front of Nina, and directly unlocked the space compression technology in Umbrella with his own authority. illustrate.

"This is..." Nina collapsed into Zhou Ye's arms after reading the information at a glance. "Dear... You actually dig a hole for me..."

"No, I'm just helping you solve some small problems..." Zhou Ye smiled and whispered in Nina's ear: "So now, is it time to travel our bet..."

"No - dear, this is a laboratory... Maybe someone will come in." Nina was struggling.

"It's okay, Anna, everyone is forbidden to enter this laboratory." Zhou Ye cut off her thoughts directly.

"Okay, sir."

" traitor..." After Nina let out a wailing cry, Zhou Ye blocked her ability to speak... And the smart housekeeper Anna was caught in a logical deadlock. It was the master who gave the same authority to the male master. Why are you calling yourself a traitor now? Why is this?

Chapter 466

Another three months have passed...

Zhou Ye's ship, the Imperial Star Destroyer was finally completed... This is the first mothership belonging to Zhou Ye. Uh, you ask about the refitted mothership? Umbrella's talents don't admit that those garbage are mother ships, and how can the master of his own ride on such garbage?

They believe that only the mothership made by Umbrella himself is the master's first mothership. This is their belief, and it is their Umbrella's shame that the master has to take the grabbed garbage ship... …

So, in order to build the mothership, the entire Umbrella was mobilized in an unprecedented way, and all scientific research projects made way for the Star Destroyer program.

Does it take time for researchers to master Nova Empire data? Simple, just make a new batch, and directly instill those materials into their minds...

Is it too late? Too late? That's even simpler. The time barrier created by the Lord will let you know that time is just a plaything in the Lord's hand. What is the ten-year barrier, and one month outside.

All difficulties are not difficulties, everyone in Umbrella is doing their best, just so that their master can get on the mothership produced by their own one day earlier...

The master has already solved the two major problems of technology and time. What reason do they have for not doing their best?

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