Therefore, at this moment, as the only executive in the Umbrella consortium who has the opportunity to testify at this moment, the head of the Mars base, Keton, is extremely excited...

Looking at the Master who came to him with the mistresses, Keton excitedly gave a military salute from a distance, and said in his trembling voice: "Master, please let me introduce this Jiambrai to you. The mothership of the consortium's technological achievements."

"I'm waiting for your introduction, Keton." Zhou Ye smiled. He knew why Keton was excited. After all, because of this quota, the Earth base and the Mars base were about to fight. If he hadn't decided to let Keton come Presiding over the launch ceremony of the mothership, maybe several leaders of the earth base will rush over to fight Keton.

"This is my honor, Master." Cotton took a deep breath, and then solemnly introduced: "Master, this Titan-class Imperial Star Destroyer has a total length of 4,600 meters and a height of 620 meters. Thirteen meters, the ship has 60 independent decks, equipped with X armor, and 16,000 vector propulsion engines to ensure its speed and protection..."

Following Corton's introduction, the curtain wall behind him slowly opened... Zhou Ye and all the girls were stunned by this Big Mac.

Although Zhou Ye knew the exact data of this mothership for a long time, what did he say? After all, the data on paper are just numbers, far less shocking than what I saw with my own eyes...

"My God... This, is this really just a mothership? Not a city?" Nina sighed as she stared at the steel giant in front of her.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that the steel battle suit she was proud of was as weak as an ant compared to this big guy...

"Three seconds weak chicken, stunned..." Medusa with long red hair on the side resisted her surprised expression, and did not forget to mock her old enemy.

"Hehe - Queen of Four Seconds, how long can your Attilan last under the fire of this mothership?" Nina directly countered.

"Humph—that's also better than your iron coffin." Medusa responded directly.

"Shut up." Natasha directly ended the mutual confrontation between the two women.

When the two women saw Natasha talking, they both shrank their necks and dared not say a word...

Nina was trained and taught by Natasha since she was a child, and she has a psychological shadow on Natasha. In Natasha's words, we are both called Natasha. If you don't educate you well, go out later It's embarrassing, and I'd be embarrassed too.

And Medusa was given to Jiao Zuoren by Natasha. She experienced Natasha's ruthlessness once, and she didn't want to experience it a second time.

The little movement here was ignored at all, and the other girls were caught in a state of being shocked by this Big Mac.

"This mothership is equipped with 67 space hangars, and a total of 6,700 fighters of various types...and can complete the entire release process within three minutes..." Cotton continued to introduce.

Hearing Cotton's introduction, Ingrid and Aletta's eyes suddenly lit up. They both understood the concept of releasing more than 6,000 fighter planes in three minutes. ...The fighter plane of your mothership is already flying above the opponent's head. In the battlefield, time is life, not just talking about it.

"My dear, I want a mothership like this..." x2

After the two women finished speaking in unison, they glanced at each other angrily, then hummed, turned their heads to continue to look, and stopped talking...

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless for a while, did he let them go a little too much, and dared to dump himself like this, let's have a party on this newly built mothership at night, and treat it as a blessing for this mothership Now, by the way, I can teach these women how to be united and loving. Well, it's such a happy decision.

Coton's eyes jumped, pretending he didn't see the little contradictions of the mistresses, and then introduced: "Because the entire mothership is equipped with Umbrella's latest photon superbrain Valkyrie, it only takes three people to complete the task. All the driving, of course, is just a simple flight, if you want to fully activate all the weapon systems and various fighter aircraft on this mothership, you need at least 30,000 people."

Thirty thousand people... Zhou Ye gritted his teeth a bit, so many people...

"There is no need to worry about the master of personnel." Cotton saw the expression of his master, and immediately said: "We thought of this, so the mothership is also equipped with a large gene bank and twelve gene debugging. In the assembly line, the crew can be adjusted according to the master’s preferences in normal times… The daily output is 3,000 people, but in wartime, excluding the wear and tear and the service life of the crew, the overloaded production number is 60,000 people per day.”

What does it mean? It meant that, at a critical moment, Zhou Ye could go crazy and violently...walk the line.

Of course, for Zhou Ye, it doesn't matter. Sometimes quantitative changes don't lead to qualitative changes. Too many miscellaneous soldiers are useless, it is better to go directly to the boutique route... He has already made up his mind that all the crew members of this own ship must be female... They will have a collective name, Valkyrie.

And Cotton continued his introduction. "We are also equipped with six Forerunner annihilation cannons and a thousand electromagnetic cannons on your ship. Moreover, we have overcome the problem of slow recharging of annihilation cannons by controlling your time enchantment. Now, one shot per second It's the norm."

"This is really good news." Zhou Ye smiled, which showed that the Annihilation Cannon could be put into actual combat and did not need to be used as a deterrent weapon.

"And there are 300 orbital delivery devices on the two wings of your mothership. When necessary, 6,000 marine commandos can be simultaneously delivered to the surface of the planet to participate in the battle." Appears red.

"Okay, I don't need to mention other data, I know... I can't wait to board my mothership now." Zhou Ye interrupted Keton, who wanted to continue his introduction, with a smile.

"Your will, Sovereign." Keton saluted knowingly and stepped back. He knew that at this time Sovereign wanted to go up and see his mothership.

"Girls... don't you want to see our new house in space?" Zhou Ye smiled and turned to the girls.

"I want to..." The girls said in unison this time.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Zhou Ye said that he stepped onto the floating ladder extended by the mothership and walked towards the mothership, and the girls behind him happily followed up...

The interior of the mothership continued the luxurious decoration that Zhou Ye always liked. For Zhou Ye, why not make the interior of his mothership more comfortable? Does it have to be full of pipes and oil pollution to reflect high technology? what nonsense...

And his captain's room is still an exclusive floor. This time, an ecological circle has even been built in his captain's room. In it, you can't feel that you are in outer space at all, but you are in a scenic spot on the earth. The feeling... Zhou Ye was very satisfied with this. Of course, he didn't forget what he had just thought. It was essential to give his new car a grand consecration party. On the party, the girls understood again. It is really gratifying to congratulate Coca-Cola that unity is strength.

Chapter 467

Three days later————

In the outer space of Mars - a giant-like triangular mothership is quietly suspended there. On the edge of the towering podium behind the mothership, a conspicuous red and white umbrella-shaped logo is inscribed. Above, it is the first mothership of the Umbrella consortium that can truly carry out interstellar voyages, the ship that Umbrella dominates, the Emperor.

Zhou Ye sat lazily in his place, quietly looking at the dark space outside, as if thinking about something.

The women around him have long since returned to Earth. After all, they still have their own business to do. For example, Medusa has to manage the Inhumans, while Ophelia has to manage her Hydra, Pei Ji is optimistic about her own S.H.I.E.L.D., some people in the province stretch their hands too long to point fingers everywhere, and Natasha wants to help Peggy manage S.H.I.E.L.D.

Susan and Betty still have class... In short, every woman has something to do. Except for Nina, all the women on earth have gone back...

Of course, Zhou Ye could never be alone. Not far from him, Ingrid was holding a book and studying hard there, and from time to time two sentences came out of her mouth... Because she found that thousands of years ago, the Chinese people have raised the war. When it comes to the category of art, it is unpleasant to say that the tactics used in the interstellar war are just picking up things that others don't want.

In Zhou Ye's words, no matter how many years have passed, as long as the two sides of the war are still intelligent beings and have desires and desires, then they can't escape the scope of the art of war... When Chinese people play psychological warfare, other countries The people are still taking turns with big sticks to grab the territory and grab the woman...

But the only downside is that it's a bit too esoteric, even if you don't know a lot of the country's past, you don't understand these tactics at all, so now Ingrid is studying [Historical Records]...

"Dear, what are you thinking?" Aletta, who was sitting in Zhou Ye's arms, looked at Zhou Ye's thoughtful appearance and asked softly.

Zhou Ye stroked Aletta's hair lightly, and said casually, "I'm thinking...whether to find a target to try my new mothership."

"Okay." Aletta has never been a pacifist. As a female predator, iron and fire have long been deeply imprinted in her bones. Usually, she is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, not to mention she is also curious about how powerful her man's super mothership will be.

After all, this mothership not only uses Umbrella's technology, it can be said that many technologies of Nova Empire are used...

Many materials are not enough, so Aletta is obliged to take out his mothership and search the galaxy for those rare materials... After all, there are many materials that the earth does not have. Of course, you can buy what you can buy. Arrived... hehe, you guessed it.

In short, for this mothership, Aletta can say that she even contributed her own dowry, and by the way, she also shaved a layer of skin from her brother... Let her brother Starka exclaim, it is terrible to have a man's sister .

"Let's go loot..." Aletta held Zhou Ye's neck with both hands and said, "For example - robbing the Kree, they are fighting against the Nova Empire, we can go behind their defense lines and snatch them ruthlessly. A handful of their resource stars... um, no, those bones are too annoying, why don't we go grab the Sovereigns? Their batteries are very popular in the black market..."

"Your taste is really low..." Ingrid, who was sitting while reading, put down the book in her hand and stood up. Shi Shiran walked over to Zhou Ye's side and sat down on Zhou Ye's other leg unceremoniously.

This was actually her position just now, but her enemy Aletta kept making troubles and she couldn't read with peace of mind, so she sat aside.

"Oh? Does the God of War of our great Nova Empire have any good ideas?" Aletta looked at Ingrid unconvinced.

"It's not a good idea, I just focus on what my dear needs urgently now." Ingrid said, ignoring this guy, turned her head to look at Zhou Ye and said, "My dear, your Umbrella biotechnology technology It has reached its peak, and it can even be said that it has surpassed the front of many galactic empires, but... only one,

The lack of more experimental bodies and more materials is the bottleneck of Umbrella's development. "

"Well, I'm listening, baby, continue..." Zhou Ye nodded and asked all he thought.

"As far as I know, there is a place called the Land of Nothingness. There is a planet-sized head of a creature there. There is a place where all empires are unwilling to intervene. Now there is a consortium that controls it." Ingrid said: "The bone marrow and brains of the fossilized ancient creatures are the best experimental materials. I think they can give us a lot of new inspiration for the talented researchers of the Umbrella consortium... In particular, those bone marrow extracts are in It's very popular in the black market."

"My God... you actually encouraged your dear to rob the place of the Difan consortium..." Aletta exclaimed.

"Isn't that normal?" Ingrid raised her face and said, "You are used to thinking of yourself as a looter, you forget that our man thinks about the development trajectory of his consortium, not the development of his consortium. A small army of marauders..."

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