"..." Ingrid's words made Aletta a little silent, her mind was still stuck in her role as a predator, she never thought about occupation, all she thought was to vote and leave ...obviously, Ingrid is much better than her at this point, she lost...

"A place of nothingness?" Zhou Ye walked with his hands around the waists of the two women. He knew this place, and even more that the skull of the ancient creature was actually the remains of one of the gods. He wanted to ask Umbrella if he had anything to do with it. Lift, that's obvious.

Let's put it this way, in Marvel, the reason why the x mutants mutate is because their genes contain the gene of someone from the god group. Umbrella, who has been researched on the x gene, got this skull remains, yes For them, the improvement will be enormous.

As for the Difan Group and the collector Difan? Zhou Ye said... Hehe, he doesn't have confidence in going to the Life Court, and he still doesn't touch this cosmos elder at all.

"Then... let's go to occupy the void..." Zhou Ye said with a smile on his face, "Valkyrie."

"I'm waiting for your order, Master." A three-dimensional projection appeared directly in front of Zhou Ye. This was a beautiful woman with long golden hair, over 1.8 meters tall, wearing golden armor all over her body. She is very heroic. This is the brain of the Emperor, the Valkyrie.

"How are our crew preparing?" Zhou Ye asked with a smile.

"All knowledge has been instilled, they are the most perfect, master." The Valkyrie replied respectfully. "Do you need me to wake them up now? Although there are only 3,000 people, I guarantee that they can easily defeat an enemy several times their own."

"Then wake them up..." Zhou Ye said, stood up, walked to the observation window, looked at the void universe and said, "Go to the void, let us use iron and fire to announce our arrival……"

"Your will is the direction I will move forward, master." The flame called desire to fight ignited in the eyes of the Valkyrie. From the day she was created, she was galloping in the universe and for Umbrella. Build an eternal kingdom, and now, the moment has finally come.

Chapter 468

A place of nothingness————

This is on the edge of the galaxy, and no empire recognizes sovereignty over it.

This is a paradise for criminals and prisoners...

There is no king's law here, only one's own set of survival rules...

There are villains, priestesses, beggars everywhere...

In short, this is not a good place... No one cares about killing people here, and no one asks about stealing here. Of course, if you provoke people you shouldn't provoke your eyes... Then you are a very good place here. hiding place.

Hundreds of years ago, the Difan Group occupied this place, and they began to organize those death row prisoners and thugs to mine ore and refine the marrow... They just maintained the only order, that is, no one is allowed to harm the Difan Group here. client.

"Hey - Fine, the girl you were looking for last night was good, is she new? How about introducing it to me?" In the air of this sin city, an employee of the Difan Group who was patrolling smiled Chat with your friends.

It is better to say that they are the army than to say that they are security... For those big empires, this place is too far away and too barren. If they occupied this place, they still need to maintain the army here. These are all money, and some of them are worth the loss. Rather than that, it is more cost-effective to buy those refined products from the Difan Group.

But for a small group of plunderers, the place of nothingness is too far away, and many people don't know the location of the place of nothingness, so the Difan Group has been able to safely control the place for hundreds of years.

These security guards are just trying to intimidate the desperadoes below, so that they can honestly create value for the Difan Group. As for resisting the invasion, they never thought about it... and they don't think anyone will invade here.

What the security guard didn't expect was that his friend didn't speak, and after a long time, he said, "God—oh, god—war—war is coming... hurry up and sound the alarm —"

"What are you kidding, Faen?" The security guard didn't believe his friend's words at all. Although his friend was the navigator, who was in charge of checking for the arrival of distinguished guests near the stargate, but... he didn't think someone came back and invaded the void. land.

"Ah——" After a short scream, followed by a burst of explosions, the security guard panicked at this time, and hurriedly flew his patrol plane to the outer entrance of the Void Land. The ear cups of the incomparable head.

He was stunned by the scene in front of him... A huge mothership was sailing out of the stargate, and its speed was very fast, and the hull of several kilometers quickly completely rushed out of the stargate.

There is no sign on this triangular giant ship, only on the tail like a control tower, there is a sign that the security guard has never seen before. It is an umbrella-shaped sign composed of red and white... This sign makes When one sees it, there is an unpleasant feeling.

"Oh no... this is true... the war is really coming." The security guard groaned in pain, he was scrambling to find the so-called emergency button in his spaceship, and soon, he saw this The red button he has never pressed since he became a security guard.

He hurriedly opened the safety cover, and the security guard smashed it hard with a punch... He had to use force, listening to his predecessor's introduction, this thing has not been used for decades, and the ghost knows whether it still has the function that was originally designed.

As he slammed the panic button, a piercing alarm went off across the void


And those who are indulging in joy on the street are still a little dazed. For them who have been comfortable for a long time, they have long forgotten the meaning of this sound...

As the alarm sounded, thousands of spaceships flew out from the top of the head, the ears, and the mouth... They flew towards the giant ship like the fearless worker bees...

After arriving outside the giant ship, they stopped and directly sent a message requesting a link. They were still hoping that this was a misunderstanding... After all, it is better not to fight if you can, who knows if they are unlucky or not. Once killed?

On the mothership Emperor—

Zhou Ye was standing in the command room, looking at the oval spaceship flying over with interest.

"Master, the other party requested a call..." The Valkyrie stood behind Zhou Ye and said.

"No need to talk, no ultimatum... Destroy them with the Obliteration Cannon." Zhou Ye said.

"Your will, master." The Valkyrie smiled and responded.

Zhou Ye thinks that since he intends to occupy this place, he is in an irreconcilable conflict with the Difan Group. Since both Nima's are irreconcilable... that's just a bit of a feather, saying that he will put the nothingness away. Did you let it out? Just kidding...Victory is never at the negotiating table, it's only in the battle of iron and fire.

Following Zhou Ye's order, the six annihilation cannons on the Emperor were aimed at the places where the aircraft were densest and fired... Of course, they deliberately avoided the void... Zhou Ye wanted the whole Nowhere, not a pile of space junk.

Six red rays of light with a diameter of two meters were launched from the front, sides, and the flanks of the command platform. With just one blow, 80% of the aircraft of the Emperor Group were destroyed...

"Damn, those idiots." When the security guard who had been watching the battle saw it, he immediately turned his patrol boat around and ran away. Ma Dan's, these idiots... They didn't fight when they got there, they communicated with others... He was about to run away, he was just a small security guard, and in the war... he was just the fate of a cannon fodder.

At this moment, the mothership Emperor, which destroyed most of the enemy planes, began to release its own Valkyrie... It was its own fighter plane.

More than 3,000 fighter planes instantly filled the entire airspace... They completely surrounded the entire void. The fighters of the Difan Group, who were still fighting stubbornly, were quickly cleaned up by them.

"I have to say... Compared with the tactics of the Chinese, the countries of the Milky Way are like kindergarten children..." Ingrid said with deep emotion when she saw the scene in front of her.

What Zhou Ye used this time was surprise, a surprise battle...

Simple, but practical tactic...

Before the war, even Ingrid and Aletta had deduced countless times as the enemy and the ally. Ingrid, as the imperial army god, was on the side of Difan, while Aletta was on the side of Zhou Ye... But no matter how the deduction was made , the final result is the same, all the emperors were destroyed, and Zhou Ye won without damage...

This made Aletta proud for a long time... After all, the last time she fought Zhou Ye, she lost to Ingrid. Now, she has finally tasted the speed of using Zhou Ye's perverted armored fighter to bully others. I feel it.

Soon, the Valkyries, who cleaned up the enemy planes, began to drive fighter planes into the void...

It didn't take long for Zhou Ye to receive news on the mothership that all resistance had been disintegrated... "Okay, darlings, let's take a look at our spoils..."

"But..." Ingrid said hesitantly, "Dolores is still with Nina..."

After Nina, the mecha controller, and Dolores, the fighter controller, met, there was a strange spark, and the two became good sisters. This was beyond Zhou Ye's expectations...

"It doesn't matter, they are still very safe on the mothership..." Zhou Ye smiled.

"Well, I'd love to see this void too..." Ingrid said.

"I've always heard of this place, but I've never been there... This time I can get a good look at it." Aletta also said with great interest.

The three quickly embarked on a fighter plane, driven by Aletta, and flew towards the void...

After all, although the Land of Nothingness is huge, it is not enough to stop Zhou Ye's mothership. Besides, taking the Land of Nothingness by surprise is only the easiest first step in the entire occupation plan. Do you think that the Difan Group will not Revenge? Are they so willing to throw away the void? Obviously, the most critical step is to withstand the revenge of the Difan Group...

Chapter 469: Battle of Nothingness II

In the city of nothingness, all the people are standing at the port under the gun of the Valkyrie... waiting for the moment when their fate is judged.

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