They do not know what fate awaits them, whether it is life or death, or life is better than death. They don't know, they only know that from this moment on, they have no ability to resist...

It's not that no one has tried to resist. There used to be a few rebellious guys. When they saw that the woman walking down from the fighter plane was actually a woman who looked like jade, they suddenly became wicked and courageous, and attacked them while they got off the fighter plane. , and even wanted to grab a fighter jet to leave here.

But obviously, they misestimated the combat power of the Valkyries. A dozen or so people were completely crushed by the four Valkyries who stepped off the fighter plane. One of the most cunning guys, he encouraged others to rush forward, but He himself rushed to one of the Valkyrie's fighter planes, and successfully boarded the fighter plane... But tragically, as soon as he sat in the driver's seat, he was stunned.

The genetic locks used by these fighter planes... If the genes do not contain Umbrella's logo, they will be directly stunned. This is beyond doubt. Of course, there is only one exception. Naturally, Umbrella is the supreme ruler. .

In the end, the most cunning guy had the worst end. He was directly nailed to the cross by the Valkyrie and stood on the edge of the port. He couldn't die for a while... But now he is extremely envious of his own dead people. Dude, he really felt that death was a relief at this time.

Just as people were talking in low voices and waiting full of uneasiness. An extremely luxurious medium-sized ship landed in the port.

"Lower your humble heads and pay your humble respect to the supreme master of Umbrella." A loud shout came from the mouth of the leading Valkyrie, and she herself, following the order, bowed respectfully and half-knelt down, With a face full of piety, he lowered his head towards Zhou Ye who was walking down the hanging ladder.

Everyone had to put their heads down. They were terrified at this moment. From the mouth of the Valkyrie, they learned that the person who can decide their own destiny-is here...

"...Uh, isn't the Valkyrie's loyalty program a bit too much?" Zhou Ye asked helplessly as he looked at these fanatical Valkyries.

"Master, as your sharpest sword, I think this level of loyalty program is necessary." A blond girl in a silver war dress said with a smile, "We look forward to you leading us to win again and again. A glorious victory."

"Okay... Milia..." Zhou Ye was speechless about this war madman, the brain of the Emperor, and the leader of the Valkyrie, but in general, he was still very satisfied with Miria's performance of.

That's right, this blond girl is the brain of the Emperor. In order to always be by the side of her own master, she also made a body for herself... Of course, although it is all metal, her skin is all Umbrella's bionic material is used to ensure that it has the temperature and touch of human beings, and even the artificial nerves are complete. She can even use this body to feel all the outside world.

In short, she is no different from humans except that she cannot eat and does not need to excrete.

"Master, may I ask how to deal with these guys." Seeing Zhou Ye walking down the hanging ladder, the silver-haired Valkyrie in the lead stood up, walked in front of Zhou Ye, and asked respectfully.

"Establish an isolation zone, send censors, and thoroughly investigate their thoughts... I don't want to have a traitor suddenly pop out to find something for me when I start working with the Difan Group."

"Follow your will." The silver-haired Valkyrie said and walked aside, started to contact her mothership, and waited for the censors with mental power to land in the void... They will be the best counterintelligence personnel, Among so many people in the void, it would be a bit too much to say that there is no Difan group, but who will dig for themselves after killing them all?

It is natural to use clones, but is there no cost to make clones? Why not use ready-made free labor? Isn't it stupid... Of course, those who are pro-difan group must find out... After draining their last information, kill them.

After Zhou Ye gave the order, he was led by a team of Valkyries and walked towards the tallest building in the Land of Nothingness. There was a Polish room owned by collector Difan. Of course, Difan is not here now, or... You can get him in one pot.

Not long after Zhou Ye left, a spaceship landed in the port again. From the spaceship, a dozen tall women with frosty faces filed out. They were dressed in black military uniforms and walked in a uniform pace. Distances are as accurate as they are measured.

Leading a beautiful woman with black-rimmed glasses walked to the Valkyrie and gave a military salute. "Hooray Umbrella."

"Long live Umbrella." The Valkyrie hurriedly returned the salute.

"Is it Captain Isabella? Now I'll take over here, you can let your troops go to work." The woman with glasses said directly.

"Okay, I'll leave everything to you." Valkyrie said, and returned to her fighter plane. Soon, more than a dozen fighter planes took off again. A security patrol has begun over the void.

Seeing the Valkyries leave, the crowd cheered for a while... Although they didn't know what happened, those Valkyries put a lot of pressure on them. Seeing them leave, these guys were somewhat happy.

"Silence—" This sound was not heard in their ears, but appeared directly in their minds. This made them a little uneasy.

"Introduce myself, I am Sophia Walker, the censor on the Emperor, and my mission is to identify whether there are members of the Emperor Group among you."

As these words appeared in their minds, there was another confusion in the crowd...

"Now I'll give you a chance, it belongs to the Difan Group, please stand up for yourself, don't have

The idea of ​​trying to fool around..."

People, look at me, I look at you... For a long time, no one stood up, only the fools stood up. I didn't hear the big man who just stepped off the spaceship say that a quarantine area must be established... It must be quarantine Those places where Difan Group employs workers.

Sophia was not in a hurry. After walking in front of the crowd, she smiled and passed her words into the minds of all of them. "I've seen you... little mouse."

Saying that, Sophia stared closely at a guy who was dressed like an ordinary person. This guy was the security guard who pressed the alarm when the war started... He changed his uniform early and disguised himself as a A prisoner... Even in order to be afraid of being recognized by acquaintances, he even smeared his face with oil, which looks like a bit of hard labor.

"You...what are you waiting for? Little mouse?" Sophia finally spoke.

"I'm waiting..." The security guard's voice became smaller and smaller, as if the Buddha was injured. When Sophia unconsciously approached him a few steps, he suddenly rushed towards Sophia like a cheetah. Obviously , he wanted to take Sophie Adam hostage and run out.

"It's really stupid." Sophia had a mocking smile on her face, and didn't even move... It was just that the security guard threw himself on the ground, only to feel that his mind sank and he fell to the ground.

What other people saw was not the scene of the security guard, but saw Sophia standing there and did not move, but the security guard suddenly rushed towards the empty place, and then fell to the ground.

"What a stupid mouse." Sophia hummed slightly, ignoring the guy. At the same time, there were dozens of people who fell to the ground. Soon, these felled guys were caught by a group of people wearing black mechanical exoskeletons. The female soldiers dragged their feet together.

The exoskeletons of these female soldiers are very similar to the exoskeletons of ordinary Umbrella soldiers, but the only difference is that they wear skull-shaped visors on their faces. Army configuration.

The hell paratroopers who landed with the censors soon pulled out an isolation area with a high-energy ion net in a corner of the void. Those who were thrown in were all employees of the Difan Group, and they were like being slaughtered. Like lambs, shivering in the face of these hell paratroopers wearing exoskeletons and holding ion cannons, waiting for their final fate.

Battle of the Void III

"Is your name Karina?" Zhou Ye looked at the red-skinned maid in front of him with interest. He was sitting on the seat of collector Di Fan, looking at the maid with a double ponytail in front of him and asked. road. "Can you tell me where is your master now?"

"...Yes, I'm sorry...Sir...I really...I really don't know where the master is." Karina looked at the handsome young man in front of her with trembling all over her body. She wouldn't take him for a fool. Man, you must know that when he walked in just now, he smashed open the door of his master's warehouse, which he claimed would never be violently opened by anyone.

"Oh? Why? As his maid, you don't know where the master is?" Zhou Ye asked with a smile.

"...Master...Master has a total of thirty-six collections...this, here is just the most inconspicuous one...and...Master usually stays on his collection spaceship...Only when customers come, That's why I came here..." Karina's whole body was shaking like a sieve. Although she didn't witness the battle just now, the alarm sounded, followed by a series of explosions, and then this young man appeared here, saying This young man has nothing to do with the scene just now, she wouldn't believe it if she died.

"Are you afraid of me?" Zhou Ye asked, looking at the maid who was kneeling on the ground as soon as he walked in, "Am I scary?"

"'s not scary." Karina tried her best to keep her voice from trembling. The superiors have many bizarre hobbies. Who knows what kind of hobbies this teenager will have?

"I believe you can definitely contact Shenfan." Zhou Ye said, throwing a contactor in front of Karina. "Now, contact him...immediately, immediately..."

"I...I dare not..." Karina remembered the character of her master, Di Fan, and couldn't help shivering.

"This is really a sad story..." Zhou Ye sighed, although he likes beautiful women, he really has no love for red skin, "Forget it, take her on the spaceship, since she refuses to cooperate, treat her as a An experimental material is ready."

Hearing Zhou Ye's order, the Valkyrie behind him immediately rushed over and pressed Karina to take her away.

"No...don't..." Although Karina didn't know what the experimental material was, it was obviously not a good thing. In this case, she decided to make a choice. As she struggled desperately, she shouted, "I'll contact my master now."

"That's right—" Zhou Ye said with a smile, "Let go of her."

"Yes, Master." After the Valkyries responded, they let go of Karina.

Karina, who was free again, picked up the communicator that Zhou Ye had thrown in front of her tremblingly. "Who? Who told you the number?"

"Lord, master... I'm Karina..." Karina's voice temporarily calmed the voice on the other side, and soon the voice said, "Karina? Did any client come to the door? Ask How much money he needs, money is not a problem, now I want to accompany my daughter..."

"Hey, is Di Fan?" Zhou Ye took the communicator and said.

"Who are you?" Di Fan's voice

With a little impatience. "I don't care who you are, put down your things, I will satisfy you with the money, well... I'm very busy now..."

"No, I don't need money, what I want is a place of nothingness." Zhou Ye's words silenced the voice on the other side. After a while, Di Fan's voice sounded again.

"You want a place of nothingness? That—this is a big deal. Are your collections worth this price?" Di Fan's voice became a little nihilistic.

"Of course... my goods are indeed worth this price, like... your life." Zhou Ye smiled. "I know you are immortal...I wonder if you would have the courage to continue living if you were thrown into a silent place?"

A place of silence, the end of the universe—where there is no life, no planet, no light, no sound, nothing... that's a realm that even the gods don't want to set foot on.

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