"Interesting... It's so interesting." Di Fan's voice became a little slow, revealing a sense of depression. "If you want nothingness, take it yourself... as long as you can get it."

Di Fan is still very confident in the defense of his Void Land. In his opinion, a small group of looters have no threat to Void Land at all...

But soon, he was slapped in the face by Zhou Ye.

"Oh, then thank you, I will accept the void." Zhou Ye said with a smile. At this time, he also heard a hurried voice from the opposite side, which seemed to be reporting something to Di Fan...

"How dare you sneak into the void?" Di Fan felt his face hurt at this moment. Nima just finished talking confidently, and was immediately slapped in the face. Nima didn't do that.

"You told me to take it myself... So I took it!" Zhou Ye's tone contained a trace of grievance, and this kind of playful play on the universe veteran made him feel very interesting.

"You will start a war..." Di Fan's voice seemed to suppress his anger. "Boy, you're dead, I'm going to make you a collection that I want to make - display it in my window..."

"You're talking too much nonsense, I'm waiting for you... Difan." Zhou Ye said with a smile, "Don't let me down."

"...Pa-" There was a beating sound from the opposite side, and then the signal turned into a murmur. Obviously, Zhou Ye smashed Di Fan's communicator angrily.

"...It's over, it's over..." Karina sat on her knees on the ground, muttering words with dull eyes, she didn't know what was waiting for her? If her master wins, her best end is to be one of her master's collections, and if the teenager wins...she doesn't even know what awaits her.

"Take her down, look." Zhou Ye ordered.

Soon, two Valkyries came over, and one of them walked out of the collection while holding up Karina, who could no longer walk.

Zhou Ye looked around. Here, there were all kinds of creatures locked in the glass windows, all kinds of strange things. Any form has...

"What a nasty old man."

Zhou Ye said, and walked out of the Difan collection. He had no interest in admiring Difan's collections here. He had no interest in those strange creatures. Of course, these things would not be wasted. They will A stepping stone to the pinnacle of Umbrella biotechnology.

And at this moment, in the outer space of the land of nothingness————

As the star gate opened, a spaceship with an umbrella logo rushed out of the star gate and flew towards the void... They are the pioneers who came to build a fortress in the void...

Zhou Ye walked out of the collection and asked casually, "What are Ingrid and Aletta doing?"

"The mistresses are watching with great interest in the casino... Oroni's predation..." Milia didn't know how to describe that kind of cat-and-mouse gambling...

"Don't worry about them, let them play, but the idea is to protect their safety..." Zhou Ye didn't have time to play with them, he still had a lot of things to do...

"Master, don't worry, there is a team of Valkyrie beside the mistress protecting them..." Milia said with a smile.

"Have our cargo ship and engineers come?" Zhou Ye asked.

"Of course, Sovereign, just now they have landed in the airport..." As the head of the Emperor, Milia was always paying attention to the movements near the stargate.

"Then... let's start." Zhou Ye said with a smile, "Let's give Di Fan a surprise."

As he said that, a green light shot into the sky behind Zhou Ye, turning into a super-giant green magic formula to cover the entire void... and Milia felt a strange uncomfortable feeling... She felt herself The connection with the spaceship body has become very awkward, that is, you have asked thousands of words here, but the other side only gave a response, and it was the kind of response from the elder who wanted to pull a word... This kind of weird The twisted feeling made her feel very uncomfortable.

But Dolores and Nina in the mothership had a completely different feeling. The two women standing in front of the podium, who grew up with their own grandfather, stared at the scene in front of them in stunned eyes...

In front of the void, an incomparably gigantic ancient creature head is changing at a speed that can be discerned by the naked eye. In just a few minutes, the entire void has changed from a fossilized ancient creature skull to... um, wearing a metal helmet The fossils of ancient creatures... Countless fortress cannons stand there... All of them turned into superhumans, and their movements were so fast that they were almost indistinguishable to the naked eye... It was like pressing the fast-forward button while watching a video.

"This...this is the time barrier that my dear said..." Nina murmured.

"It's amazing..." Dolores was also stunned. Although they had known such a thing for a long time, it was the first time they had seen it with their own eyes. In just a few minutes, the Void Land felt like a few years had passed... The entire Void Land was fortified by Umbrella.

Chapter 471

Soon, Zhou Ye took Ingrid and Aletta back to his mothership. As soon as he saw his daughter, Ingrid immediately hugged her and cried... Dolores cried for a while. confused. "Mom, what's the matter? Did my dear bully you?"

"...I miss you, daughter, I miss you so much." Ingrid hugged her daughter tightly. For her daughter-in-law, not being able to see her daughter for several years was the biggest torture. ...

"Mom... don't be like this, you embarrass me like this... we only have a few minutes..." said here, Delo

Liz suddenly remembered the scene she just saw, and sighed, "Okay, Mom, I miss you too..."

"Wow—" Ingrid cried even louder...

Zhou Ye silently patted Dolores, motioning her to comfort his mother, and then led Aletta into the command tower.

Zhou Ye, who was sitting on the command chair, quietly looked at the location of the star gate, the green light in his eyes slowly lingered, and his expression was solemn... as if he saw something bad.

"Dear, are you worried?" Aletta snuggled in Zhou Ye's arms and comforted: "We have already arranged everything, just wait..."

"No, baby, I'm not worried, I'm just peeping at the future..." The green light in Zhou Ye's eyes converged, and he wrapped his arms around Aletta's slender waist and whispered, "I saw a lot of interesting things... …”

"What's the matter?" Aletta asked curiously.

"I saw that it wasn't Di Fan who came to us first, but... someone we didn't expect." Zhou Ye had a mysterious smile on his face.

"Who is that?" Aletta asked Zhou Ye's interest.

"A group of glittering guys..." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"The Sovereign?" Aletta asked curiously, "Why did they come to trouble us?"

"Who knows? But I don't mind giving them an unforgettable lesson." Zhou Ye said, and ordered: "Milia—all the main guns are aimed in the direction of the star gate. After ten and thirty-six seconds, give me firepower. Fully open-"

"Follow your orders, Master." Milia, the leader of the Emperor, said all the Annihilation Cannons on the Emperor and the fortress of the Void Land, all the fortress guns were aimed at the position of the star gate, and a high above The countdown counter is beating second by second.

ten minutes later----

The direction of the stargate fluctuated for a while, and then, three oval-shaped motherships appeared there... But just as they jumped out of the stargate, they suffered a devastating blow——

A salvo of hundreds of annihilation cannons directly blew the three motherships into pieces—

In a blink of an eye—the three motherships were turned into junk wreckage floating in space.

"Master - the target has been destroyed, but there is still a trace of life on the battlefield, do we want to rescue it?" asked Miria, the master brain.

"Rescue, I also wonder why the Sovereigns came to trouble me." Zhou Ye said, "Maybe this survivor will give me an answer."

"The rescue order has been issued, please wait, master."

The two fighter planes flew out of the Emperor, and soon reached the Stargate area, which was full of mothership wreckage. The Valkyrie who drove the fighter plane found her target through the life detection device carried on the fighter plane. The mechanical arm protruding from the fighter plane directly grabbed the golden egg-shaped object emitting life fluctuations and sent it to the cabin of its belly.

"The target has been found, request to return."

"Agree to return."

Zhou Ye stood in front of the podium and saw the scene outside the mothership clearly. He knew that soon, the contents of the egg-shaped object would be brought to him.

After a while - a tall girl with blond skin and long blond hair was brought in front of Zhou Ye.

"Interesting - it's really interesting." Zhou Ye circled around the golden girl who was a little taller than himself. Even though she had become his captive, her expression was still extremely proud, as if at this moment It was not her who became a prisoner of war, but Zhou Ye and others.

"Humble life, you dare to sneak attack on the mothership of the great Sovereign tribe, are you ready to face the anger of all the Sovereign people?" The golden girl asked with an aloof look.

"Great? Sovereign?" Zhou Ye's tone was full of sarcasm.

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