"Of course, we Sovereigns have the most perfect genes in the entire universe..." The golden girl's pointed chin was almost raised to the ceiling, and Zhou Ye's anger rose with that contemptuous gaze.

It's been a long time since no one dared to look at Zhou Ye with such an attitude... Although he knew the arrogance of the Sovereigns, but... the first time he learned it, he still felt very uncomfortable, especially since he was the one who was despised. .

"Originally—I should ask you why you came here, and what is the purpose of coming here?" Zhou Ye's face was half-smiling. Anyone who knew him knew that this was Zhou Ye's real move. Liver fire. "But - now I've changed my mind, it doesn't matter what you guys do here... With your urination, it's estimated that I'll be immortal now..."

Of course, Zhou Ye wouldn't naively think that these guys were just misunderstandings with him. It's good to solve it. When he watched Galaxy 2, he felt that he had spent so much manpower and material resources for a few worthless batteries. Hunting down the Rockets and the others, this is really a stupid race. Now that he has seen the arrogance of their race, Zhou Ye feels that this race is just like that, and now, destroying their three motherships by himself is equivalent to It's been endless with them.

Then - beat the snake and hit seven inches - cut the grass to eradicate the roots, he doesn't mind turning the entire Sovereign into slaves under his feet, smashing their arrogance fiercely, and branding them in the perfect genes of their arrogance. Under the Eternal Slave Mark.

"...you...what do you want to do to me?" The golden girl saw the malicious look in Zhou Ye's eyes, although she didn't know what Zhou Ye was thinking, but...it was definitely for her. will not be a good thing.

"I don't want to do anything to you..." Zhou Ye approached the golden girl with a smile, his laughter made the golden girl can't help but shrink her neck. "But I am very interested in your race. I suddenly feel that you with perfect genes are the best choice as a slave race..."

"...Don't mess around..." The golden girl stepped back to the wall step by step, her whole body tightly clinging to the cold ship wall, as if she could gain some sense of security. Her mouth was still threatening Zhou Ye. "My name is Ayesha, and I am the priest of the Sovereign. If you hurt me, our Sovereign will definitely live with you forever..."

"It's okay - there will be no Sovereigns soon, there will only be a race called Jinnu..." Zhou Ye said, grabbing Ayesha's arm and directly pressing her down. Fortunately, there was a thick carpet on the ground, and Ayesha didn't feel any pain.

"You let me go...you low-level creature...do you want to do something rude to the noble Sovereign priestess?" Ayesha struggled desperately, and the taunts in her mouth continued.

"I want to ask, noble priestess, how did you Sovereigns reproduce?" Zhou Ye temporarily stopped what he was doing and asked with a smile.

"Of course we use genetic modulation to ensure that each of our clansmen is the most perfect existence..." Ayesha said blankly.

"That's such a pity... You guys have neglected the most beautiful process of birth... Now, let me teach you how to reproduce the offspring correctly..." Zhou Ye tore her open with a smile. military uniform.


The other women left the conning tower knowingly————

In fact, Zhou Ye didn't have much interest in people of different skin color originally, but only the Sovereigns were surprised. Why? Quite simply, it was because of their arrogance—the kind of arrogance that made people look like they wanted to step on them—Zhou Ye hadn’t felt so violent for a long time, but it was clear that this man named Ayesha had never felt so violent. Priestess Sovereign brought out the negative emotions he had hidden deep inside...

As for why they had to fight against the Sovereigns on the eve of the war with the Difan Group, it is very obvious. The Sovereigns sent three motherships here, naturally not to transport goods... Since With the purpose of war, now Zhou Ye doesn't think that he has this friendship with the Sovereigns to let them send troops to help him...then their goals can be imagined.

Since it's already hostile, there's no harm in killing it. Besides, Zhou Ye, who owns the Time Stone, is basically invincible... To describe him in one sentence, that is, he can see the future... One that counts all emergencies in the Superman inside, who do you think he can beat? Anyway, it can't be the Sovereigns and the Difan Group.

Chapter 472

Five hours later ——————

The originally arrogant Sovereign priestess Ayesha had fallen to the ground like a broken rag doll. She couldn't move at all... She just felt as uncomfortable as her whole body fell apart.

"Golden slave - come, come to the master." Zhou Ye sat on his command chair and looked at his masterpiece comfortably. This golden chick has completely surrendered...

Although her whole body was extremely tired, when she heard Zhou Ye's call, Ayesha still dragged her tired body and crawled over obediently, and obediently hugged Zhou Ye's legs and snuggled at Zhou Ye's feet.

"Not sitting there, but here..." Zhou Ye looked at Ayesha, who looked like a frightened bunny, and patted his thigh with a smile.

"Yes...Yes, Master." Ayesha didn't dare to delay, she stood up laboriously, and sat gently in Zhou Ye's arms, letting the big hand of the villain who had just committed atrocities to her be in her hands Swim and walk around the waist.

"Not bad, good girl..." Zhou Ye smiled, playing with Ayesha's golden hair, and asked, "You Suowei

What did the Lin clan send their mothership to do here? Don't tell me I'm here to travel..."

"I, we received a distress signal from a member of the Sovereign tribe..." Ayesha said timidly.

"Oh? Do you actually care so much about the lives of your people?" Zhou Ye asked in surprise.

"Each of our Sovereigns is a perfect individual that has been genetically nurtured and prepared, from spirit to body...all...all..." Ayesha couldn't go on, because she suddenly realized , I am no longer the priestess of the Sovereign clan, but the little slave girl of this man...

She looked at Zhou Ye timidly, for fear of being punished by Zhou Ye again...

"Don't worry, let's go on..." Zhou Ye teased: "You guys are really perfect... I've tested it, including ooxx, it's all perfect..."

"Master..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Ayesha couldn't help but tremble again. She was afraid that she would be slapped by Zhou Ye again—although she was infatuated with that feeling, but... too much It was a kind of torture...especially Zhou Ye's torture method, which made her both love and fear. Facing Zhou Ye, she couldn't feel any resistance—

"Don't worry... I'm not that tyrannical yet, if you're obedient..." Zhou Ye's implication was that if you weren't obedient, you would turn into a big monster.

"Yes, Master, Jin Nu will be obedient..." Ayesha said with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes: "I was sent by the committee because I received a distress signal from a clan... Because I was worried that his life was threatened... That's why three motherships were sent here to rescue him..."

"Oh? What would you do if you found that your clansmen were trapped in the battlefield?" Zhou Ye asked curiously.

"We will order the warring parties to stop the war, and give priority to ensuring the safety of our clan..." Ayesha's little head was lowered, and she did not dare to look at Zhou Ye.

"It's really an arrogant race..." Zhou Ye listened to the words full of Sovereign style, and joked: "If the two warring parties ignore you, do you still want to annihilate the warring parties?"

"...We already got the priority to fire before we set off..." Obviously, Zhou Ye guessed right.

Ayesha's voice was getting smaller and smaller, she knew that her master didn't like the way her people behaved...

"Lai Jinnu - lie on my lap obediently..." Zhou Ye said in a flat tone.

"Why..." Ayesha retorted intentionally, but seeing Zhou Ye's expressionless handsome face, she couldn't say anything, and lay on Zhou Ye's lap obediently... "Master count..."


When the three slaps hit, Ayesha felt that it was not as painful as she had imagined. She couldn't help but raised her head strangely, but saw Zhou Ye's smiling face: "I don't know why, but you look so proud and proud. Like, I just want to bully you... Does it hurt? Ayesha?"

"Wow--Master, you are bullying people..." Ayesha didn't know why, she didn't cry when she was bullied like that by Zhou Ye just now, but Zhou Ye spoke to her so softly, but she couldn't help it I hugged Zhou Ye and cried bitterly...

"Okay, Ayesha, be good...don't cry, the master is teasing you..." Zhou Ye comforted Ayesha in a low voice, but the softer he comforted Ayesha, the more painful it was for Ayesha to cry...

"Don't cry." Zhou Ye shouted loudly, causing Ayesha to stop crying immediately. Her whole face was tangled up, looking aggrieved. It looked very funny...

"Okay... Go wash up, change your clothes and see me again, you look too embarrassed now..." Zhou Ye said softly again.

"Well..." Ayesha nodded obediently, followed the three-dimensional projection of the mothership's main brain Miria, and walked towards the side hall... She really should change her clothes, the battle on her body The clothes have become long strips, which are not enough to cover the body and the body.

Aletta also walked in at this time. She sat directly in the seat of Ayesha and asked, "Dear, do you know what the Sovereign's purpose is?"

"Don't care about anything..." Zhou Ye said, "We have already destroyed their mothership, do we still want to reconcile with them? With the urgency of this race, that's impossible..."

"Also-" Aletta nodded, she admitted that Zhou Ye was right. "Then we have one more enemy now..."

"It doesn't matter..." Zhou Ye shrugged and said indifferently: "Let them come... After I have completely defeated the Difan Group, I will go to the Sovereign family for trouble... Besides, We still have a big killer..."

"Do you want to do it yourself, dear?" Aletta nodded clearly and said, "If you do it yourself, then you really don't have to worry too much."

"You think too much..." Zhou Ye rolled her eyes at her and said, "I just don't shoot for the sake of training. I don't want to become a firefighter in the future, saving the field everywhere... Umbrella needs to grow up, I What is needed is a boost to Umbrella, not a drag on Umbrella."

"Then what is the big killer you're talking about?" Aletta asked curiously.

"Have you forgotten, the living planet Egg we captured?" Zhou Ye had a mysterious smile on his face. "Umbrella's experimenters found some interesting things in his mind. I have to say that this old thing that has lived for hundreds of millions of years is indeed very powerful. He buried his avatar in many planets, as long as With enough energy, you can devour those planets in an instant..."

"That guy...so awesome

? "Aletta said in surprise:" Then how could he be easily won by us? "

"It's just an unintentional calculation..." Zhou Ye smiled and said, "Besides, we are using a mental attack that he has never seen before, and all the abilities of his body are useless... So, he is now in the hands of Umbrella. A big killer."

"Although the energy required to activate all the clones is incomparably huge..." Zhou Ye said with a pause. "However, it's still very easy to activate just a few of these planets... At that time, we will have a new living death star in Umbrella, and the Difan Group will completely disappear from the galaxy."

Chapter 473

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