A week later ——————

Perhaps it was because the Difan Group and the Sovereigns noticed that Zhou Ye had blocked the stargate of the Void Land, and their battleships never appeared from the stargate...

On the contrary, Umbrella's cargo spaceship is constantly transporting various strategic materials to the Void Land, and then transports the organic substances mined from Void Land back to Umbrella's base.

However, these leisurely days are not long, and the war will finally come...

Zhou Ye was sitting in the command tower of the mothership. Under his feet, a blond girl with a collar was snuggling obediently at his feet... It was the Sovereign priestess... Ayesha.

"Interesting, really interesting..." Zhou Ye said to himself while unconsciously stroking Ayesha's long smooth hair.

In his pupils, there were countless scenes flashing, the mothership dragging the flames, the fighter planes chasing everywhere, the universe full of wreckage, as if an interstellar war was being staged in front of him... But in fact, what was in front of him There is a peaceful scene in the universe...

"Master, what did you see?" Ayesha's face was full of pious expressions. The longer she knew about Zhou Ye, the more she felt ignorant of her own race. Facing such a god-like man, who would Dare to call yourself perfect? No matter how perfect a person is, they are only human...

"I saw our victory... I saw Umbrella's flag planted all over the galaxy..." Zhou Ye asked with a smile, "Do you believe it?"

"Ayesha believes." Ayesha nodded firmly. She had already become a mad believer of Zhou Ye. Zhou Ye said that the sun was cold, and she would unswervingly believe it. In short, what the master said Everything is right, and if it is wrong, it must be your fault.

"What a good girl..." Zhou Ye smiled, he patted his thigh and motioned for Ayesha to sit up.

Ayesha stood up happily and sat on it carefully. For her, this was the highest honor bestowed upon her by her master. She still calls herself a priest, but she is not a priest of the Sovereign clan, but An An The priest of Brera's cult... She has only one main god, and that is Zhou Ye.

"I always feel that this is a lot less fun..." Zhou Ye muttered while hugging Ayesha.

To be honest, what attracted Ayesha the most was her arrogant temperament. The expression on her face after shattering all her arrogance. In Zhou Ye's opinion, it was the most beautiful scene in the world. Now she is well-behaved. Jessa is also very good, but I always feel like something is missing...

However, Zhou Ye didn't care, because it wouldn't be long before the Sovereigns would tremble under his iron hooves of war. At that time, are you afraid that there would be no fun to play? The perfect race is not just talk, although their complexion is golden, but their appearance is really good...

But now, the battle in front of you is the most important thing. Thinking of this, Zhou Ye restrained his divergent thinking and ordered, "Milia, bring Aletta and Ingrid here, and prepare for the battle. here we go."

"Yes, Master." Milia, the master of the mothership, agreed, and soon, ten minutes later, Aletta and Ingrid both walked into the command tower.

"Dear, what's the matter?" Aletta asked.

"Calling us at this time must be a matter of war, idiot." Ingrid mocked without hesitation.

"What did you say, crazy woman?"

"I said you were an idiot, how about that?"

The two girls stared at each other with their swords drawn. Zhou Ye sighed helplessly. If only these two girls were as good as Ayesha. Taking a deep breath, Zhou Ye said, "If you guys don't want to stay on the couch all day tomorrow, calm down for me."



The two women didn't dare to ignore their man's warning, but he really did what he said.

Watching the two obediently sit down, Zhou Ye said, "Tomorrow, the fleet of the Difan Group and the fleet of the Sovereign family will attack us back and forth... Are you all ready?"

"No matter how many people they come, they are all dead..." Ingrid said confidently.

"Very good, I like your confidence, baby." Zhou Ye smiled and said, "However, you have to pay attention, this time Di Fan brought a powerful weapon... After all, he has lived hundreds of millions of lives. I'm an old monster, and if I don't have something good in my hand, I don't believe it..."

"What weapon makes you so nervous, dear?" Aletta asked curiously.

"A kind of prehistoric weapon... It is the crystallization of the highest technology of an ancient civilization that has been annihilated for a long time..." Zhou Ye had a smile on his face. "If I don't know, maybe this weapon will give us a small loss, but now that I know...then this weapon is ours."

"What kind of weapon is it?" Ingrid was also curious.

"Chain reaction energy cannon." Zhou Ye's words left Ingrid and Aletta confused. What kind of weapon was that?

"The biggest advantage of this kind of weapon is that it ignores the armor and directly acts on the energy storage unit inside the ship..." Zhou Ye said: "It uses the energy reaction after the proton hits to detonate and emit high-energy fluctuation units..."

"Then...isn't our X metal armor ineffective?" You know, X armor is Ingrid's biggest support. This kind of game you can't beat me, but I can beat you hard. , Ingrid is my favorite.

"Don't worry, I won't let such weapons appear on the battlefield... You just need to deal with their mothership well!" Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"With my dear... the battle has become a lot easier." Ingrid sighed. The enemy has not yet come, and all their means have been seen through. If you can't win this way, then don't do it again. What kind of commander do you call yourself, so go and warm the bed for your man.

"I'm going to prepare now..." Aletta is an impatient, she said, jumped up, and walked directly to the second hangar of the mothership, she will be in charge of commanding the defense of the Void Fortress.

"I'm going to prepare too..." Ingrid said and stood up and walked out... She is mainly responsible for commanding the battle of the mothership...

"Baby, keep your mind safe, you know, you are more important to me than anything..."

Zhou Ye's words caused the two women's bodies to stagnate for a while, and then the pace of the two of them became much more brisk. "Don't worry, this is just one of our exhibition matches..."

"Master, are you really not worried about them?" Ayesha asked curiously: "Although I don't know the military deployment of the Difan Group, the Sovereigns have hundreds of motherships and hundreds of thousands of fighter plane..."

"Do you know the Cree?" Zhou Ye asked instead of answering Ayesha's words.

"I know... they are a warlike race, and it is said that everyone is a warrior..." Ayesha said, even with the pride of the Sovereign, they would not dare to provoke this madman-like race easily.

"Their slave corps are not afraid of death... It's a pity that their quality is a bit poor..." Zhou Ye laughed. "This is the only combat power I admire in the galaxy. Like your Sovereigns, it's not in my consideration at all..."

"Why? Our race's genes are the best..." Ayesha complained about her race.

"Your race doesn't even dare to experience the battlefield..." Zhou Ye sneered, "The only people who are trained in the game room are game masters, and they will never be able to cultivate qualified Predator... So what you call In my opinion, the pilots are just a group of middle-2 teenagers who play electric games..."

"..." Facing Zhou Ye's words, Ayesha tried to refute several times, but she found sadly that she couldn't refute a word. She couldn't help but feel sad for her own race, a proud race, in the end, I'm afraid there is only pride left...

Chapter 474

In a star field ten light-years away from the void—

The two fleets were clearly hovering on both sides - on one of the motherships, a man in the uniform of the Difan Group was talking to a man in the uniform of Sovereign, and the atmosphere was different. Not harmonious.

"Your Excellency Joyce, our Sovereigns have shared all the battle information with you. You are reluctant to leave now. Are you trying to delay time?" The golden-skinned Sovereign commander said angrily: "Is the offensive and defensive alliance we set down at the beginning still valid?"

"I'm sorry, Commander Bot, I received an order from the summit and I am waiting for an equally important weapon, so I am temporarily parked here." Joyce, the senior security director of the Difan Group, said calmly.

"But our Sovereign priests are waiting for our rescue. She is in the hands of the enemy for one more day, which is a great shame for us Sovereigns..." The Sovereign commander Bot became more and more angry. The order he received was to rescue the priestess who had fallen into the hands of the enemy as soon as possible... But now, the allied forces are not moving, and he has nothing to do at all. Although the high-level officials of the two sides have passed a joint resolution, but the two sides have no relationship of command, he also ordered Don't move this guy.

"I'm extremely sorry for this..." Joyce said without the slightest apology on his face: "But an order is an order... It cannot be disobeyed."

"You are betraying your allies..." Botter slapped the table fiercely, turned around and left the mothership with his bodyguards. Staying here for an extra second was a kind of torture for him.

"Good journey..." Joyce didn't even bother to get up, and watched Bot leave his command room.

"Sir... Hasn't our secret weapon already been delivered?" a follower next to him asked cautiously.

"Idiot, this group of arrogant Sovereigns, what they like most is to risk other people's lives... I have no plans to be cannon fodder for them..." Joyce said Shi Shiran stood up, He walked to the side of the bar, poured himself a glass of wine, and said, "Anyway, the void has fallen. For us, there is no difference between falling for a month and falling for two months. We can wait... And they can't wait... You know, the priestess who fell into the hands of that person was trained by the Sovereigns as the next high priest..."

"Even if it falls into that person's hands..." the follower asked curiously.

"You must know that the price of Sovereign women in the black market is very high..." Joyce Shishiran said: "There are many people who are interested in such arrogant women... Wait a minute, maybe After the war is won, the priestesses they take back will buy one get one free."

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