"...Hahahaha..." The follower instantly understood the color joke of his superior. "The Sovereigns have always looked down on mixed races, and they must be very anxious now..."

One thing that made the two of them correct, that is, the commander of the Sovereign clan, Bote, was really anxious right now. As soon as he returned to the mothership, he immediately ordered: "Now, the whole army will attack, the destination, A place of nothingness...a battle stance to advance."

"However, Your Excellency Commander, our ally..." an adjutant beside him comforted.

"They are not allies... They are hungry wolves waiting to take advantage." Bote said angrily: "After this war is over, I will propose to the Supreme Council that all batteries sold to the Difan Group will be increased by four times the price. "

"However, Your Excellency Commander, I have to remind you that if we leave them behind, we will face the villains who occupy the void alone." The adjutant still performed his duty dutifully.

"It doesn't matter, according to the last picture from the rescue escape pod that Priest Ayesha was in, the enemy we will face is only one mothership." Botte said, pointing to dozens of Sovereign motherships in the starry sky Ship Road: "Can we have so many motherships that we can't beat that one mothership? Are you questioning the ability of our Sovereigns?"

"...This is a serious accusation, please speak with caution, Your Excellency." Questioning one's own race is almost equivalent to treason for the Sovereign. The adjutant said helplessly: "Okay, I agree with your plan... Maybe, we don't need those allies to get rid of the thugs and save our high priest heir?"

"A wise choice." Bott said confidently: "Our three motherships will be wiped out just because we don't know that the other party has blocked the stargate. This time we came from other stargates, which is In order to take him by surprise, well, let's start this battle... The fleet departs..."

Following Bot's order, the thirty-six motherships of the Sovereign tribe began to accelerate and flew towards the void...

On the other hand, Joyce's entourage happily reported the news to his superior. "Sir, those Sovereign motherships have been launched, and they can't wait..."

"Hahaha, I've been waiting for this moment." Joyce laughed and put down the wine glass in his hand, and ordered: "Order all motherships to be two miles away from the Sovereigns, follow them...don't let them Found us, and after the battlefield, we accelerated to the front of Sovereign, and when the Sovereigns fought with that group of people, we accelerated to snatch the void..."

"Follow your orders, Your Excellency Commander. I have to say, it's really a relaxing and pleasant job to work under your command." While giving the order, the follower patted his own ass on the summit. Obviously, he patted him. After saying what Joyce was proud of, Joyce laughed when he heard his words.

"Boy, if you want to live longer than others on the battlefield, you have to learn to be more cunning than anyone else." Joyce patted his entourage on the shoulder...

Not long after the Sovereign fleet left, the fleet of the Difan Group also started slowly... They followed behind the Sovereign fleet like ghosts, quietly waiting for the best opportunity to fight.

A distance of ten light-years is only a few days' work for these interstellar carriers...

Soon, the Sovereign fleet could see the fortified void from a distance.

Sovereign Commander Bot stood in his command room, looking at the void in the distance... and the mothership moored next to the void, and commanded confidently: "Now, the fighting The time has come, all pilots, to release your little plane."

Following his words, the small planes hanging on Sovereign's mothership were quickly released, and tens of thousands of small planes rushed towards Zhou Ye's mothership. They were like hungry wolves, waiting to enjoy themselves. the food...

And behind them, the fleet of the Difan Group has also circled to the other side of the battlefield, their goal is nothingness... As for the mothership? They didn't even think about it, in their opinion... the Sovereign's small combat planes were enough to destroy the mothership...

At this moment, Zhou Ye, who was sitting in the command room of the Imperial mothership, smiled and looked at the small plane of the Sovereign clan that rushed towards him like a swarm of bees, and said with a smile, "Want to play with me with these toys? The Valin are so arrogant..."

"Master..." Ayesha looked at Zhou Ye with some unease.

"Milia—" Zhou Ye ignored her, he knew what Ayesha wanted to say, but war is war, and there is no soft-hearted option. Only when the other side completely surrendered, Zhou Ye would consider whether to wear it or not. Take a coat called mercy.

"Master, please tell me." Milia, the brain of the Emperor, instantly appeared in front of Zhou Ye. On this mothership, she could be everywhere.

"Give them the great gift we prepared for the Sovereigns..." Zhou Ye ordered: "Let them know that they want to hit my mothership? It's useless to rely on these toy planes... If you want to fight, just give I'll take my life to fill it."

"Follow your will." There was a hint of excitement in Milia's voice, and she could almost imagine what the expressions of the arrogant Sovereigns would have in the end.

"No—Master, please...don't hurt them..." Ayesha cried and hugged Zhou Ye, begging: "Please forgive their offense, please let me persuade them to surrender...I promise them Will obediently come to take refuge with the master..."

"Damn, don't worry, all you need to do now is just watch it quietly." The smile on Zhou Ye's face made Ayesha tremble, unable to speak anymore...

Such a terrifying smile... a smile without a smile, a god-like indifference, let the Buddha tell her that in the face of death, everyone is equal...

Ayesha put down her own little head and no longer dared to beg for mercy for her clan.

Chapter 445

In the Sovereign mothership, Commander Bott is standing in the pilot's command room, looking confidently at the big screen in front of him

Because they cherish the lives of their own people, their Sovereign fighters are all remotely controlled, which are equivalent to drones. All fighter pilots are in this operation hall, fiddling with something like a motorcycle arcade, which is the remote operation end of those small planes.

Because they didn't have to go to the battlefield, the pilots were not afraid of death, and rushed to Zhou Ye's mothership... These small planes were cheap to manufacture, and with the Sovereign's financial resources, they didn't care about losing tens of thousands of dollars at all. Rack... Anyway, on Sovereign's home planet, this amount is only a few days' productivity.

"Come on—prepare to face the anger of the Sovereigns." Seeing that the remote-controlled small planes of his fighter pilots were about to approach Zhou Ye's mothership, his eyes were full of The excited look, the anxiety urged by the council, and the perfunctory anger of the Difan group seemed to be released at this moment.

At this moment, what happened suddenly on the battlefield made him stunned for a while - followed by a burst of contemptuous laughter: "Hahaha, are these thugs out of ammunition? To send such a thing out..."

I saw that around Zhou Ye's mothership, more than a dozen star-shaped transparent flying objects suddenly appeared on the battlefield where the two sides were about to exchange fire. The most impressive part of this irregular star-shaped object was his dozen of them. A long tip sticking out like an antenna.

Through the transparent cockpit, Botte saw that there was actually a person inside... a man who looked very, very strong-the wires on those men seemed to be connected to their cockpit.

Bot burst into laughter. Although he doesn't know this kind of thing, in his opinion, this thing is completely a decoration. If it is a high-energy ion net, he still hesitates a bit, whether to let the pilots go around. I have passed these things, but obviously this thing is neither a minefield set up by the other party, nor a high-energy ion blockade—

"Rush over and smash them..." Bot ordered.

The pilots who were controlling the small planes, when they heard the order, scrambled to fly to the star-shaped objects that were revealed... They wanted to compete for the good start of the battlefield and won the first kill, although they didn't know What kind of thing is that, but I think it should be considered an honorary kill.

Just when the swarming small planes were about to reach those strange objects, and even the pilot at the front had turned on the shooting button, ready to destroy those things... an accident happened.

From the protruding tentacles of those objects, seemingly weak currents swept across, and then—the pilots found their little planes out of control...

"What's going on? What's going on here?"

"My God, my fighter is out of control..."

"mine too……"

"Me too... I can't control my fighter plane."

The exclamations of the pilots made Bot's face change dramatically, what the hell is this...? At this time, although the pilots could not control their fighter planes, they could still see the movements of the fighter planes through the remote sensing images.

"My God - why did my fighter plane fly towards our mothership..."

"Mine too... oh no... my fighter's firing program has been activated..."

"What the hell are we fighting???"

On the battlefield————

Those transparent sea urchin-like objects controlled the Sovereign fighter jets to fly towards their own mothership, and fired unceremoniously——

"This—what the hell is going on here?" Bott was completely stunned. No one in the universe had ever heard of someone who could crack the Sovereign's exclusive remote sensing technology... What the hell is this?

And at this moment - Zhou Ye, who was standing on the command tower of his mothership, looked at the battle in front of him with confidence... and Ingrid behind him was stunned by the scene in front of him.

"God, dear, when did you crack the Sovereign's remote sensing technology?" Ingrid asked.

"I haven't cracked their technology..." Zhou Ye said with a smile: "These guys can not only control the remote control aircraft of the Sovereign clan, as long as it is a mechanical technology product, they can control it..."

"If you send more troops like this, we can wipe them out..." Ingrid said regretfully.

"Uh--cough, we have to show the enemy to be weak..." Zhou Ye coughed awkwardly. He wouldn't say that he had forgotten about this guy... I still remember the battle of the century. Big boss? That's right, this is the control module that Umbrella has cracked, which can control all mechanical products... Not to mention a small aircraft with remote control properties, even a mothership without remote control properties can control it.

It's just because it's not very useful and has strong limitations, it has been forgotten by Zhou Ye all the time. If it wasn't for him when he was thinking about how to deal with the Sovereign's remote-controlled small plane, he occasionally thought of this thing, maybe these things The things will be shelved by Zhou Ye.

Although it was a bit late when I remembered it, and because the production was too time-consuming, it couldn't be dispatched in large numbers... But luckily there were more than a dozen experimental models in Umbrella's clone warehouse, so Zhou Ye bluntly brought them directly to him. The Sovereigns were pleasantly surprised.

So far, it looks pretty good...

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