"Master, the Silver Star is passing through the fourteenth jump point. It is estimated that it will take three universes to get here." Milia replied.

"How is our troop increase plan going?" Zhou Ye asked.

"Master, as of now, we have reached the standard configuration for wartime." Milia Hui reported: "The Valkyrie has increased to 30,000, and the Hell Paratroopers have now reached 50,000... If necessary, we will Can overload the production of troops.”

"That's enough for now..." Zhou Ye sighed, he didn't plan to kill the Sovereigns with only tens of thousands of people, the real killer was still behind.

"How's our virus research on sovereign genes going?"

Umbrella started with a genetic virus... How could Zhou Ye have forgotten about this?

"The genetically modulated virus targeting the Sovereign has been completely successful." Milia Hui reported: "After testing by thousands of people, the cleaner virus we developed has the ability to spread quickly, be concealed, and have a fast attack time. The advantages of it, after it is put on the Sovereign star, it is expected that there will be a period of high winds in ten hours, and seventeen hours later, the Sovereign star will become our Umbrella's new headquarters."

Following Milia's remarks, a three-dimensional projection of the Sovereign star appeared in front of Zhou Ye, with more than a dozen red dots appearing on it and spreading rapidly... It didn't take long for the entire Sovereign star to change. became a red planet.

That dazzling red stands for extinction, for destruction—

"Not bad..." Zhou Ye nodded with satisfaction, while the two women beside him remained unmoved, as if it wasn't their home planet that was about to be destroyed...

For them, this is both extinction and rebirth. They have the confidence to build a more powerful Sovereign on the new Sovereign star, and they are not without tasks.

Their mission is to choose to rescue their clansmen at the peak of the virus outbreak, under the protection of hell paratroopers... um, how to choose? What an obvious thing, beautiful... arrogant....

They have the confidence to turn these compatriots into their own parishioners, spreading Umbrella's divine light throughout the universe.

As for worrying about their safety? It's completely unnecessary. Since they dared to go down, they must have been injected with Umbrella's vaccine. Otherwise, what would they do to help their clansmen?

Afraid of the genocide of the Sovereigns in the future? That's impossible... You must know that their clansmen themselves are made from artificial cocoons, and the gene bank of the military powerhouse of the Sovereign clan is one of Zhou Ye's primary goals.

In the future, the Sovereigns will not be exterminated, but... they will become a race without men. Their genes will be injected with the genetic code of loyalty to Umbrella...they will be the first and crucial step in Umbrella's conquest of the universe.

When they face other races, they can continue to be proud, but when they face Umbrella, they will lower their high heads.

Zhou Ye, who had planned all this, is waiting for his most important weapon to arrive...

Three hours later—

Milia Hui, the head of the Imperial, reported: "Master, the Silver Star has arrived here and has just reunited with our fleet."

"Then... let's go..." Zhou Ye said in high spirits. "Let's go and conquer the Sovereigns completely."

"Your will." Hearing Zhou Ye sounding the horn of war, Milia's eyes shone brightly. She couldn't wait...as the signal passed through the fleet.

Soon, dozens of motherships of different shapes began to jump at the same time, and the target was the Sovereign mother planet.

Chapter 481

The Stargate Jump Point Checkpoint two light-years from Sovereign's home star—

Originally, the star gates in the universe were public, and no empire or race had the right to set up checkpoints here... Even the Kree, the consistent fighting race, did not violate the default rules of this galaxy.

However, the Sovereigns set up a checkpoint here on the grounds that this stargate is too close to their home planet to ensure the safety of their home planet...

Fortunately, their checkpoints are really only checking whether there are battle motherships passing by, and they do not carry out too strict inspections on merchant ships... and do not touch the interests of those galactic empires, so those empires also acquiesced to this matter.

Today, it is Angus who is performing a routine inspection mission at this space stargate. He is the captain of a battle carrier——

Angus was quite disapproving of being on duty at Stargate. For him, what he wants to do most is not to come here to inspect these damn cargo ships... but to go to the front line of battle to make contributions, obtain military merit, and improve his status in the clan.

Sitting in his command room, Angus looked at the starry sky outside with nothing to do. He was tired of watching this star field... But his mission period has not expired, and he has to stay here for another time. Only one hundred and thirty-six universes can return.

It was just torture for him.

Watching the cargo ships outside pass the inspection posts set up by the mother ship, and then speed up to pass through another star gate. He was already drowsy looking at this scene...

In fact, the so-called inspection post is a circular three-dimensional light curtain pulled out by sixteen small spaceships. All spaceships coming out of the star gate must pass through this light curtain, just like the airport security check on earth...

"Marcy, is there any news from the front line?" The bored Angus asked the communication soldier of his mothership.


Your Excellency Commander, there is no news from the front line..." Ma Xi thought for a while and said, "But I don't think there should be any big problems, after all, the first time we will destroy three motherships is because of the other side. The reason for the ambush near the star gate. This time we sent the First Fleet... I guess the thugs would have been scared to wet their pants when they saw our mighty First Fleet? "

"I really envy those guys..." Angus sighed. In his opinion, using the First Fleet to bully those thugs is simply overkill. If it wasn't for the parliamentary resolution to use this incident to show himself to the whole galaxy The strength of the military, by the way, to deter some guys who are just around the corner, this time it is impossible to send the First Fleet to attack a small group of thugs who occupy the void.

This military operation has risen to the level of a political show, and it is simply a battle that must be won... It's a good place to brush up on military exploits.

You know, in addition to the Kree and the Xandars continuing their thousand-year war, other places are still very peaceful. There is really no better way to get promoted in the military than to get seniority, and this military operation is obviously a very good springboard, but unfortunately... I don't have his share.

Thinking of this, Angus couldn't help but sigh.

Just when Angus was thinking about finding some fun for himself, suddenly there was an exclamation from the command room——

"Gosh—what the hell is that..."

"Which family's mothership is this...so big..."

"Not good... the weapons on their mothership are charging... hurry up, turn on the defense..."

Angus hurriedly stood up and looked out the window—

I saw that an incomparably huge mothership had passed through the star gate... The ferocious muzzle on this triangular mothership was shining a red light representing destruction—

"Tactical evasion—" Angus yelled.

However, it's too late... Do some calculations with your mind... Zhou Ye's Imperial ship has been fully recharged early.

"Destroy them." Zhou Ye looked at the Sovereign spaceship that could be called the mothership in front of him, and said, "In order to keep the action secret, don't live this time...to destroy them completely."

Following Zhou Ye's order.

The perverted ship-borne Forerunner Annihilation Cannon on the Emperor roared and aimed at the Sovereign's mothership and set a beam of destruction—in an instant, the entire Sovereign's mothership—disappeared, and they directly Disappeared in this universe, leaving only some debris floating in the universe to prove that they have just appeared here.

You know, the Forerunner Annihilation Cannon can be said to be the highest technology in Umbrella right now. It claims to be able to completely destroy a small planet with a single shot. The energy of one shot is enough to make Zhou Ye feel distressed for a long time.

Even Zhou Ye was not willing to use it when he ambush the Sovereign mothership at the Stargate last time.

It is true that every time it is used, the service life of the fusion reactor on Zhou Ye's mothership is reduced by three years, but this time, Zhou Ye can't take care of it too much in order to keep his actions secret...

After completely destroying Sovereign's outpost mothership near the stargate, the Emperor left the stargate, freeing up space for other motherships to follow - soon dozens of various motherships and ten Several cargo ships of various types also passed through the star gate one by one.

Of course, after the Emperor exited the stargate, it didn't do nothing. The first thing it did was to lock the cargo ships gathered near the stargate, and issued a warning to them not to leave here... at least When staying here for twenty universes.

And communications must be kept silent or face the merciless destruction of the Emperor.

Why don't those cargo ships know that they are a disaster for the pond fish... All the people who can run the cargo ships in the Milky Way are all seasoned old oil... Know when to be obedient and when to resist.

Now is the time to listen...

After seeing that they had obeyed the other party's order, the hideous triangular mothership did not send its own cargo ship to land on the ship. Those businessmen felt more at ease... I guess this time there was no danger, or even some The captain is still thinking beautifully, there will be new topics to talk about in the future, and there will be another topic of Gou Meizhi.

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