Soon, Zhou Ye's fleet completed its final assembly—after leaving two motherships to watch over these merchants, the fleet flew mighty toward the Sovereign's home planet—

Zhou Ye stood on the command tower, looking at his fleet outside through the holographic three-dimensional projection... The feeling of dozens of incomparably huge motherships flying together is really exciting...

But Zhou Ye was not satisfied—because, except for the Emperor, the other motherships were captured Sovereign motherships and the motherships of the mercenaries of the Difan Group... The entire fleet looked varied. It gave Zhou Ye the feeling of a motley crew.

However - soon, the time for Umbrella to take off has come. After occupying the entire Sovereign family this time, Umbrella will obtain sufficient resources, and the new mothership will soon start construction... At that time, Umbrella doesn't need these shoddy motherships anymore, they'll be flying across the galaxy in Umbrella's own Star Destroyers.

Zhou Ye's eyes seemed to pass through the barriers of space and saw the flag of the protective umbrella fluttering over the Sovereign's home planet. His hands caressed Yolanda and Ayesha's long blond hair from left to right... "Execute the second stage mission, the mission code name [Blockade]!"

"Your will, master." Milia agreed excitedly, and began to convey orders in front of Zhou Ye. "All mothership ideas, the first stage of the mission [raid] has been successfully completed, and now according to the established procedures, the second stage of the task will be launched, the task code name [blockade]."

"Ingrid understands that I will block the Orson Stargate." Ingrid's voice reached Zhou Ye's ears through the communication. "Darling, the idea is safe..."

"Aletta understands that with me, not even a fly can pass through the Felix Stargate." Aletta's voice also came over. "Don't worry us, dear..."

"Don't worry, darlings, I'm the safest..." Zhou Ye said, "You should also be safe. If things change, quickly retreat to me..."

"Wait for the news of our victory..." x2

The two women directly ignored Zhou Ye's words and cut off the communication... With their pride, how could they be evacuated to Zhou Ye's side in case of an accident? But fortunately, Zhou Ye had arranged a defense force by their side early on.

As the two women cut off communication, more than a dozen motherships slowly separated from the fleet and flew towards their intended targets on the left and right sides... They will be responsible for the task of blocking the stargates around the Sovereign mother planet... …

Watching the figures of his two women leading their respective squadrons away, Zhou Ye ordered: "Full speed ahead, target Sovereign Star - let's ignite Umbrella's new war there."

"Yes, Master!" Milia said excitedly: "The target Sovereign star, everyone has it, full speed ahead."

Chapter 482

Sovereign Homeworld - High Command -

"Your Excellency Commander, I think you should take a look at this..." A hurried Sovereign woman handed the latest star map to August, the supreme commander of the Sovereign clan, "This is The last image from the Isaad supply station... After this image was passed, we lost contact with them completely..."

"Huh?" August took over the star map, and saw that the image above was a picture of dozens of motherships sailing. He frowned and asked, "Is there any news from our Stargate checkpoint?"

"We have lost contact with all the Stargate checkpoints..." The female Sovereign said helplessly: "I think they may have completely fallen..."

"Who the hell are these guys?" August couldn't help thinking to himself while looking at the mothership on the star map.

It is said that all the motherships in the galaxy that have entered the interstellar civilization have their unique shapes, such as the star-shaped mothership of the Nova Empire, such as the heavy feeling of the mothership of the Kree Empire... This is caused by their unique technology. of.

However, in this fleet, the motherships have various shapes, and even the Sovereign's own mothership... This makes August scratch his head a little, he is sure that the mothership of his family has never been sold to the outside world. Well...except the First Fleet that was sent out, the other motherships are parked in the airport...

But how did these Sovereign motherships appear in the opposing fleet? Wait - a fleet sent out?

August hurriedly stretched the image with his hands and put the image to the maximum. On the edge of a Sovereign mothership, he saw the number of the mothership...v1-31...

v1 means he is with the First Fleet...31 is his internal number in the fleet...this is the First Fleet sent out. My God—the First Fleet was wiped out?

"Sound the highest level of alarm - I order all combatants to immediately end all vacations and enter a state of combat readiness... Activate the protective device of the mother planet... Now, immediately, immediately..."

"But... the highest-level alarm requires the authorization of the parliament..." The Sovereign woman said hesitantly.

"All responsibility is borne by me... Now execute the order." August said hurriedly: "Now, open all the shelters - evacuate all the people... This is the order."

"Yes, Your Excellency Commander..." The Sovereign woman seemed to be infected by her boss's anxiety, and ran out all the way.

"I hope it's just a false alarm..." August sighed and sat in his chair.

He already understood where this fleet came from... The thugs who occupied the void land - the goal of parliamentary political show... Now it seems that it is not as simple as a group of thugs...

Being able to capture so many Sovereign motherships... Obviously, their strength is not weak.

But fortunately, the Sovereigns in this political show wanted the Difan Group to be cannon fodder, and then won the victory without damage... So they did not choose to face the whole galaxy live broadcast, but planned to record first, and then edit it later... Otherwise, I'll lose the adult this time.

The harsh siren rang through the entire Sovereign star - all the motherships of the Second Fleet were scrambled into the air, and they were tasked with intercepting Zhou Ye's fleet... After all, the Sovereign home star is their home, no matter what they They don't want to burn the flames of war on their own land.

In the outer space of Sovereign's home planet - Zhou Ye's fleet has arrived here.

In the command room of the Emperor, Miria was bowing her head, standing in front of Zhou Ye like a child who made a mistake, examining herself. "I'm sorry, Master, I was too rash... I didn't discover the temporary space supply station in advance..."

"It's alright, Milia." Zhou Ye stood in front of the window, staring at the beautiful planet in front of him... Laughing at the motherships rising from the Sovereign star... He said, "Our early The completion of the mission has already exceeded my expectations, they will find us sooner or later, and at this point, all their resistance is useless."

"But the master..." Milia wanted to review her mistakes again.

He was interrupted by Zhou Ye. "Instead of indulging in the mistakes of the past, how about dealing with the war in front of you? Miria..."

"Yes, Sovereign." Milia stood upright and said solemnly, "Please order, Sovereign."

"We raided them to completely seal this place... so that no news here would leak... Now all the star gates are blocked, the entire Sovereign star is already a turtle in a urn, it's time to let them know... Facing Umbrella, how ridiculous their resistance is." Zhou Ye said with a pause and ordered: "Release all the [manipulators] and let these arrogant Sovereigns know that they are proud of it. How naive the technology is in our eyes..."

"Yes, Master." Milia directly issued an order to the fleet through her main body. "Release all [manipulators]!"

Following the order, dozens of motherships simultaneously released tens of thousands of flying objects like crystal sea urchins against the Sovereign Second Fleet that rushed towards them... This is Umbrella's secret weapon. . 】

In the face of the controllers released by Zhou Ye's fleet, the Sovereign's Second Fleet also unabashedly released their own remote-controlled small planes - in their opinion, the small planes controlled by their own people are definitely very easy. It can smash these weird crystal sea urchins...

But the scene that made them stunned appeared... After all the small planes approached the crystal sea urchin, they did not fire a single shot, and directly guarded the crystal sea urchin in an escort formation... and flew directly towards their mothership. Come.

In the mothership, the pilots responsible for remote control also found that they could not control their own fighters...

The distance between the two sides is not far. Under the protection of the Sovereign planes under their control, the [controllers] rushed straight to the assembly point of the Second Fleet of the Sovereigns. Soon...they reached the optimal control distance, The rest of the process is to activate the defense system in the Sovereign mothership, and then, under the incredible gazes of the Sovereign officers and soldiers, they boarded their mothership as carelessly as entering their own backyard...

The entire battle lasted for twelve minutes, and Umbrella was slightly injured, or because the manipulator was a little careless when he boarded the ship, and his foot was stabbed... and Sovereign's second fleet... was completely destroyed.

Sovereign High Command—

August stared blankly at the scene on the screen in front of him. He couldn't understand why the fighters of his fleet were captured by the opponent. If the opponent had cracked the remote control mechanism of the Sovereign fighter... Then why the mother The ship was also captured by the other party? There is no remote control device on the mothership... What the hell is going on? Did the Second Fleet collectively defect? This is a little too much bullshit...

"Activate the ground defense system... The third and fourth fleets are temporarily prohibited from launching..." August ordered.

He doesn't dare to send food to people anymore... A Second Fleet will be wiped out in a blink of an eye... How long can the Third Fleet and the Fourth Fleet be sent out? He had nothing in his mind.

Although I don't know what the reason is, those fighter planes and motherships will be captured by each other without resistance... But I think it should be related to those strange crystal sea urchins——

But before figuring out the mechanism of those things, Augusta didn't dare to send someone to deliver food... There are only four fleets of Sovereigns... Two have been ruined... The last two fleets he doesn't Dare to send it out again.

On the other hand, Zhou Ye was so happy that he stopped sending people to deliver food...

"According to the predetermined plan—" Zhou Ye looked at the air defense positions on the Sovereign star, and the panicked crowd on the street... leaked a sneer: "The extermination plan can begin..."

Chapter 483

"Start the extermination plan—!"

Following Zhou Ye's order, all the motherships beside the Emperor, except for the Sovereign Second Fleet that had just been captured by the [manipulator], all the other motherships were scattered... The entire Sovereign was scattered. Lin Muxing was surrounded by Tuantuan.

In the command post on the ground, August looked at the strange movements of the opposing fleet and became confused. "What are they trying to do? Shouldn't they concentrate their superior forces to break through the ground defenses and land at this time? Don't they?

Want to log in? But it's too stupid to do so..."

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