In August's opinion, scattered raids are the stupidest choice... If the opponent concentrates all their forces to break through a point, and then expands the landing point with points, he will really have a headache.

Because after all, all the anti-aircraft weapons on the planet can't be concentrated at one point, if Zhou Ye really chose a place with the weakest air defense force to land, then he really can't do anything about it.

Once the war reaches that point, August intends to temporarily abandon the breached site and build resistance fortifications around the enemy's landing point with all his might... Nothing can make the opponent expand the battlefield.

It's just that the current movement of the enemy fleet makes August confused... He can only order all the troops on the ground to stand by and defend his airspace... At present, he can only respond to changes.

Fifteen minutes later—

In the command tower of the mothership Emperor, Miria was reporting the progress of the battle to Zhou Ye. "Master, all motherships have reached the predetermined area."

"Then... let's start, let's ignite this flame." Zhou Ye smiled and lightly tapped on the three-dimensional projection map of Sovereign Star in front of him. A red dot appeared where he touched...

Following his orders, all the motherships simultaneously dropped a giant virus canister with a diameter of three meters on the Sovereign star. The Sovereigns below were nervous for a while...

But they later found out that these bombs looked huge... but in fact the damage was not serious. Only one bomb hit a residential house and killed a Sovereign who was too late to escape. Other basic No casualties—

Just when the people on the Sovereign star felt grateful for the weak power of the bomb, Zhou Ye smiled and looked at the projection map of the Sovereign star in front of him, in a Sovereign that had been shrunk countless times. On Lin Xing's three-dimensional map, the red dots are emitting a dazzling light...

From a distance, the entire Sovereign star is like a leper, with red spots all over his face, and these countless red spots are still spreading out a little bit over time... …

"Ayesha, are you saying that your people are glad that I didn't drop a big bomb?" Zhou Ye glanced at the close-up scene on the Sovereign star that Miria played to him with great interest. , the Sovereigns in the streets of one of the bombing sites were hugging each other and dancing and screaming happily.

"Their stupidity is the reason for their death...Master." Ayesha mocked those clansmen unceremoniously: "The future Sovereign will be stronger...These stupid people are only worthy of the rise of the master. stepping stone."

"They don't deserve to be bathed in Umbrella's glory in the new era to come. Damn them. Master." Yolanda was more direct. "They have no need for salvation in the slightest."

"Don't say still have a lot of clansmen worth saving." Zhou Ye said, smiling and pointing his finger at a beautiful Sovereign woman who was singing on the screen on the street. "Like—she."

"She is the famous singer of our Sovereign star - Fiona, Master, your eyes are still as good as ever..." Ayesha smiled and snuggled up next to Zhou Ye's legs and introduced: "It is said that her Singing can make the deaf hear... but since the Sovereigns are not deaf, I don't know if this rumor is true or not."

"She is known as the most perfect woman of the Sovereign tribe, and her supporters are all over the galaxy, Master." Yolanda also introduced the information she knew. "If it's her... Barely qualified to serve you, Master."

"Interesting...I didn't expect that I clicked casually, and I even clicked on the king..." Zhou Ye smiled and said, "Ayesha, Yolanda...I'll give you some more tasks..."

"Your will is our mission, Master." The two goddesses waited solemnly for Zhou Ye's order.

"Don't be so serious..." Zhou Ye patted his leg lightly, "Come..."

When the two women saw Zhou Ye's movements, they knew what their master wanted. They stood up one by one and sat on Zhou Ye's lap. their orders.

"I want this woman—after you go down, the first task is to find her for me, and then bring her to me." Zhou Ye rubbed the two women's waists lightly, and said, "Information support, You can consult Milia directly, I think at that time, Milia collected enough information for you to find her."

"It's the master—" x2

"So now, let's celebrate - Umbrella's new life, and the rebirth of the Sovereign clan..." At this point in the plan, Zhou Ye has already seen the end, and there is no suspense... He I plan to play a little romance, for example, while watching the demise of the Sovereign clan, while playing with the Sovereign clan's women...

Ayesha and Yolanda looked at each other with a charming smile on their faces. One was in charge of the top and the other was in charge of the bottom... They started to carry out the orders given by their master... It was a long time ago for them. Well done.

On the other side - on Sovereign, August is anxiously waiting for the test results -

He wouldn't be like other Sovereigns who naively thought that the other party threw a dud and rejoiced in his luck.

As soon as Zhou Ye dropped the bomb, August gave an interception order. Although there were few harvests... However, he still sent troops to collect the remains of poison canisters scattered on the ground and sent them to the Sovereign laboratory. testing in...

However, Umbrella is

The achievements in genetic technology far surpass those of the Sovereigns. Although the genetic viruses they cultivated against the Sovereign genes have been detected... However, they have nothing to do.

Destruction is always faster than construction. The time required to cultivate a virus is calculated in units of ten years, and the cultivation time of a vaccine to crack this virus... needs to be multiplied by two on this basis.

The Sovereigns don't have a cheating device like Zhou Ye... They have superb genetic technology, but they can't do anything about this virus that targets their genes... They only have ten hours.

August dragged his exhausted body and walked out of the meeting room of the Supreme Council. Just now at the emergency parliament, he proposed to surrender to the other party immediately... His proposal was completely rejected by the members.

Those councilors clamored to live and die with the Sovereign... to fight to the last Sovereign.

"A bunch of idiots..." August murmured: "What do we use to fight others? All fighter planes can't be launched... If they are lifted into the air, they will become the opponent's combat power... Even if they are lucky enough to escape. , can't pass through the star gate, and will only be lost in the vast universe. We are now a pet beast in someone's cage... When we want to kill it, we can kill it when we want, it's just a matter of time... "

Looking at the restless clansmen on the street... August sighed. The matter of Zhou Ye's gene virus canister was concealed by the parliament. Anxiety...

But if there is no action - these people may not escape death. August shook his head, perhaps the Sovereign people really should have experienced a phoenix ashes before they can be completely reborn... Those members of the parliament are too old to live in the glory of the past and refuse to wake up.

They never know that time is passing, and the various races of the galaxy are desperately evolving themselves for survival... and these old guys are indulging in the glory of the perfect race in the past. Now it seems that they are far from being called On the perfect race...

August staggered towards his home. He had been deprived of the supreme command by the parliament because of his proposal to surrender. He is now just an ordinary Sovereign...

Chapter 484

After Zhou Ye's mothership dropped the virus tank - six hours.

On the home planet of Sovereign, the virus has begun to break out——

In the underground shelter, there are sovereigns lying on the ground and groaning constantly. The perfect genes that have been modulated before birth endow them with a physique that never gets sick. Therefore, the Sovereigns have long since had no such thing as a hospital. The product of the backward system, what they have is only the gene modulation center.

But obviously, under the current situation, the genetic modification center can't play any role, and all the Sovereigns who suffered from the virus can only lie on the ground and groan, without any help from the outside world.

This genetic virus makes their muscles weak, and they can't stand up like they have osteoarthritis...

Some Sovereigns with slightly stronger resistance and the virus still in the incubation period looked at these clansmen who were struggling on the ground, and their hearts were full of fear and anxiety... They only knew that their home planet was attacked, and they didn't know anything else.

When they think about it, these enemies should soon be defeated and defeated by their own invincible fleet. Even hit the enemy's home planet and plunder everything from them, in the name of war.

But reality gave them a slap in the face.

The fleet they were proud of failed... The anti-aircraft weapons on the ground did not play any role, and all they could do was hide in the underground shelter, shivering, and pray for the arrival of peace.

On the other side, on the ground of the Sovereign home planet, thousands of orbital landing ships landed on the Sovereign home star without any resistance.

Shere District -

This is the rich and powerful gathering area of ​​the Sovereigns - in the parlance of the earth, the noble community.

In this beautiful community, the privileged people of the Sovereign family live, and the sovereign singer, who is famous throughout the galaxy, is the residence of Fiona, known as the treasure of the Sovereign. right here.

At this time, she was in her own home, taking care of her sick best friend, while waiting anxiously for rescue.

Today was an ordinary day for her. She rarely had a day off without a singing invitation, so taking advantage of this opportunity, Fiona called her best friend and wanted to get together with her friends. Let's go to the Four Stars to play together.

Unexpectedly, they received news that their home planet was attacked as soon as they got on their private spaceship, and all spaceships were prohibited from sailing.

Fiona had to take her friends back home again.

When they turned on the TV, they saw the speech jointly delivered by Speaker Sovereign and the High Priest, calling on all Sovereigns to take up arms to resist the invaders.

The wise Fiona felt that in this war, the situation of the Sovereigns was not optimistic. Just when Fiona, encouraged by her two hot-blooded girlfriends, picked up a self-defense weapon and planned to defend her home planet... her best friend fell.

This is a symptom that Fiona has never seen before. The whole body is twitching and conscious, but she is unable to respond to her own call... This symptom, even Fiona who claims to have traveled all over the galaxy Na has never seen it either.

In desperation, Fiona could only put down her weapon, pick up the contactor, and ask for help—she couldn't leave her best friend alone.

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