But—she was not waiting for government aid—but a group of guys in black exoskeletons and skull masks.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Fiona asked sharply, raising her weapon to aim at each other. This group of guys wearing unfamiliar mechanical boosters is obviously not the government personnel of Sovereign, and Fiona has raised her vigilance.

"Fiona - the treasure of the Sovereigns, the Galactic Diva... Yes, my luck is really good." A Sovereign woman in a white priest's robe walked out from behind the hell paratroopers,

"Are you a Sovereign? Why are you with them?" Although Fiona didn't know who the hell paratroopers were, she contacted the speech made by the speaker just now and the full armed posture of the hell paratroopers - she immediately understood what. "You are a traitor of the Sovereign... You actually help these invaders."

"No, what I betrayed was only the rotten council. Everything I did was for the Sovereign to stand in higher madness in the future." Yolanda retorted.

"All your explanations are so pale, you betrayed the Sovereign..." Fiona shouted angrily.

"Forget it, explaining this to you is completely useless..." Yolanda said, and said to the hell paratrooper behind her: "This is the person named by the master, capture her alive... But don't hurt her."


The leading hell paratrooper team leader agreed, waved his hand directly, and surrounded Fiona with his own men...

"You can't even think about it!" Fiona shouted angrily, raised her weapon and shot at the hell paratroopers, but to her disappointment, her weapon, which was enough to kill a giant beast, only slowed down slightly. Look at the actions of the hell paratroopers rushing up... In the end, she was captured alive.

"Soon, you'll be able to see my master... Are you happy?" Yolanda walked slowly to Fiona, who had been knocked back by her hands, and said with a smile, "Maybe in the near future, you will become a one of us."

"Bah!" Fiona's answer to her was a spit.

"What a rude move... I really don't know how our Sovereigns can appear as an alien like you." Yolanda tilted her head and easily avoided Fiona's sudden attack.

"You don't have the right to call yourself a Sovereign, you don't deserve it." Even if Fiona was captured, she would not change her fiery character.

Yolanda ignored Fiona's provocation at all. Instead, she turned to look at Fiona's two best friends, who were lying on the sofa unable to move. Obviously, the virus in their bodies had begun to attack.

"What are you doing to Sister Feili? You want to catch me, let them go..." Fiona said hurriedly when she saw that Yolanda suddenly became interested in her best friend.

"A rare twin sister flower..." Yolanda smiled and looked at the sisters, then looked at Fiona... This Fiona seemed to care about her friends, and it was a good material. At least it helps the owner to tame this kitten.

Thinking of this, Yolanda ordered: "Take this pair of sisters away too...but separate custody from Fiona..."


A few hell paratroopers stepped out of the queue, directly erected the immobile sisters, and pressed Fiona to go out... They would send Fiona and the sisters to Zhou Ye's mothership.

Chapter 485

Fiona was led out of her home by two hell paratroopers.

The sight along the way made her eyes wide open in disbelief... I saw the elegant neighbors in the past, either falling to the ground like her best friend, twitching and twitching, or wearing clothes and escorting her The soldiers who were equipped with the same equipment were bruised and bruised... She even saw that dozens of clansmen had fallen in a pool of blood.

The sound of explosions from time to time in the distance, and the strange fighter planes flying everywhere in the blood-colored sky... set the entire Sovereign star like hell.

"You... Who are you?" Fiona noticed a detail, whether it was the fighter jets flying in the sky or the soldiers escorting her, they all had a red and white umbrella-shaped logo on their bodies. Obviously, this It is the symbol of an organization or a country. But she didn't have the slightest impression of the logo...

Because she has been invited by many empires, Fiona is relatively familiar with the large organizations in the galaxy, but she does not recognize which organization this symbol belongs to. It is definitely not a small organization that can invade her home planet. What has been done, obviously, this organization must be very large...

"..." The hell paratrooper who escorted Fiona looked at her and ignored her. It was as if he hadn't heard Fiona's questioning.

"I'm asking you something...Are you from the Quark tribe?"

The Quarks, an intelligent race in the galaxy, are known for their taciturnity. In fact, they do not communicate through words, but through the exchange of pheromones through tiny tentacles on the palms of their hands. I don't know when, in the galaxy, the quark family has become synonymous with dumb.

"Pay attention to your identity, prisoner." The hell paratrooper who escorted Fiona obviously knew this allusion, she stopped her footsteps, stared at Fiona and said in a cold tone: "You better pray that you can be favored by the master. Otherwise, I will ask the Lord to reward you with me, and when you fall into my hands, I don't mind letting you know what hell is like..."

Looking at the hell paratrooper with an inch of red light in his eyes, Fiona was silent... She couldn't see in the eyes of the hell paratrooper

Any emotion, some are just cold killing intent.

In the following journey, Fiona cooperated honestly and did not commit suicide the first time she was captured, which shows that her deepest desire to survive was still very strong.

In fact, she didn't walk for long. Soon, Fiona was escorted by hell paratroopers and came to an open space... This was originally a shopping mall square. And now, the scene of the crowds of people in the past is gone... replaced by a heavily guarded temporary fortification.

After the hell paratroopers who escorted Fiona were scanned at the gate post, they were allowed to enter the fortification... Fiona was also fortunate to be the first person to walk into the Umbrella fortification on Sovereign.

Here, Fiona saw the hell paratroopers walking down from the back of a huge shuttle with neat steps, and through the masks they were still wearing and wearing, Fiona found that these were controlling the mechanical power The people who installed the devices were all pretty and beautiful women. Although they were all women, Fiona didn't dare to underestimate them...

Because each of these hell paratroopers have a determined expression, and their eyes are hard to hide their excited eyes. Clearly, they were excited about the upcoming battle... that's something Fiona couldn't figure out, why would anyone like war?

With such doubts, Fiona was taken by the hell paratroopers to an orbital shuttle that had unloaded the hell paratroopers she had loaded and was about to return. She knew that she was going to be taken to see the masters of those people.

Who the hell is the master who called him by name? What purpose does he want himself? Fiona didn't dare to guess... However, her faint heart was telling her that this was definitely not a good thing...

With an uneasy mood, Fiona's shuttle came to the outer space of Sovereign... Here, she saw the Imperial mothership, which was the culmination of Umbrella's technology.

This—is this really a mothership? Isn't this a city built in the universe?

Fiona was already frightened by the ferocious beast in front of her. Even the largest Nova mothership in the galaxy built by the Nova Empire is as ridiculous as a child's toy compared to this giant ship.

When the shuttle flew close to the Emperor, Fiona observed the giant ship up close, and could feel its horror even more. On its body, there were countless muzzles standing densely... This is simply a space fortress. .

It wasn't until—after the shuttle flew into the Emperor's hangar that Fiona woke up from the shock...

She was silently escorted to a high-speed elevator by hell paratroopers. The elevator started slowly, and the speed was getting faster and faster... Through the elevator's viewing window, Fiona saw a flashing scene outside the window. Countless fighter jets ready to go... with that umbrella sign on their tails.

Five minutes later, the elevator stopped... Fiona saw a group of women in white at the elevator door, who looked like they had been waiting here for a long time.

"This is what the master called, the singer of the Sovereign family, Fiona." The captain of the hell paratrooper who was in charge of escorting her said with a military salute to the woman.

"I did receive the Sovereign songstress Fiona." The leading woman returned a military salute and said with a smile, "Thank you so much, Captain Wendy."

"It's my honor to serve the Master." Mentioning the Master, Wendy's eyes couldn't help but set Fiona's frantic gaze... Fiona did not doubt at all, if the so-called Master wanted Let this Captain Wendy commit suicide, and she will execute the order without hesitation.

Seeing Captain Wendy who escorted her here, she turned and left without hesitation... Fiona was even a little reluctant to leave, not because she was unwilling to leave this cold Captain Wendy, but... Captain Wendy's Leaving shows that she is getting closer and closer to her unknown destiny.

"What is your master going to do with me?" Fiona finally couldn't help but ask. After all, these women seemed to be better at talking than the cold hell paratrooper captain.

"It's a good thing." Valkyrie's valet was right, their sisters dreamed of climbing onto the couch of their own master, and made this their lifelong goal...

"I hope it's a good thing..." Fiona murmured in her mouth, whether it's a good thing or a bad thing... She has been like meat on a chopping block, let anyone handle it...

"Before that, you need to take a bath first." Valkyrie said, and untied the shackles on Fiona's hands. She was not worried that this girl would attack her... Of course, this was because of her Superhuman strength.

"How are my sisters and them?" Fiona couldn't help asking.

"They are receiving treatment... After all, the virus in their bodies has already attacked. Unlike you, it is enough to go through the immune gate." Valkyrie explained.

"Immune gate? What is that?"

"It's the door that was sprayed with medicine mist when you got off the shuttle." The Valkyrie smiled and pushed Fiona, who had turned into a problem baby, into a luxurious bathroom, "Okay. Now, give you fifteen minutes to wash yourself clean, or I'll help you... trust me, it's definitely not a pleasant experience."

Chapter 486

The Emperor—in the conning tower—

Zhou Ye was sitting in his seat, looking at the three-dimensional projection map of Sovereign's mother star in front of him, which had been covered with a dazzling red. Shows that the virus has spread to the corners of the planet.

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